Necromancer question


DeaD GuRu

this may be (probably is) a stupid question


ok, how are the pet stats beeing calculated?

and what realmskills would enhance the number of wounds the pet has and the weaponskill it has.

i have been playing this thing for a while now and i seem to noticed that every summoning seems to give a different pet. Sometimes it is slower, sometimes fast, sometimes a lot of wounds sometimes too little..

i would like to know it because with buffbot tests all is not clear.

last point: How do you increase your chance to resist a stunn attack? not as a normal player , but as a necro + pet? So increase stunn resists.

i have tried to find info on these subject, but not one site, classes of camelot, alakaboum nor any other seems to answer these.

realmskills i have bought at this moment

MoM 2
aquity 2

hope to getting some resposes :)


last edit: I don't want to use buffs


I am under the impression that since only magic resists and int transfer to the pet, melee performance will be the same no matter what stats/skills you raise,

That means if your not using a buffbot the pets melee skill with rely totally on what spec you choose for your necro, pain working will give you the str/con buff so it hits harder and with more hp (in theory), servant will give you a pet that has more chance to hit and not be hit (in theory) and sight will make you rely more on spells,

As for RA’s for your necromancer only 8 of them are useful/work, so I would suggest mcl, serenity, wild power and mastery of magic.

Just to finish off, the pet is bugged and it takes full duration of mes/stun regardless of resist

But you might want to make the points you want answering clearer


check the necro TL report on VN boards. It'll tell you all you need to know :)


No RA will affect the pet's HP or it's weap. skill, and I pretty much agree with medowind about the other RA's

it's merely how you spec the necromancer (petbuffs) that will affect this, as painworking will give you the str/con buff and deathservant dex/qui

that's my 2 cent's :D

DeaD GuRu

thank you

i want to thank the ppl that replied :)

so since the major buggs are still in i'll follow your lead.....

so my choise of aq and MoM is not a mistake...

thanks and cheers

ps: tbh chilly really is a slagg :)

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