Necro RAs



I'm trying a Necromancer on our little PvP server. Only problem is, that i don't know what to put my realm pts into as a necro. Userly i take MCL1 when i got 3 pts, but I don't think I need mcl with a necro full spec in Deathsight.

Any suggestions?


aug acuity
other dd increasing/dot (if 2nd spec is pain)
most others dont work.
dunno about mcl , i respeced out of it , and my necro is 48sight.

Mainly aim for the caster stat increasing stuff , and dd + damage adders.

Or dont bother with anything.


mine is rr4lvl7
aug acuity 1 mcl
WP4 MoM3
it r0x ;D


Downtime without MCL is annoying. MoM/WP pretty much only ones worth it :(


MCL1 is worth having, its useful at times. Sooner or later a run of resists will leave you OOP. Wouldnt bother with anything higher than that though.

After that all you need is Aug Acuity 2 and WP/MoM - as high as you can get them before the necros bugs make you go insane ;)

For PvP server Im not sure how many points youll have to spend at lower levels. I really didnt get much use from MCL until 45+, so at lower levels WP may be a better use for your points.

Cap'n Sissyfoo

MCL is useful for when you meet that odd red bastard that resists all your spells and leaves you totally oom and hoping that by some miracle your crappy, slow-swinging pet will beat it. Of course, if you are PLing an alt/paying customer then just duel them and power tap them back to full health. Much cheaper than MCL. ;)


Seeing as how only 9 of our ra’s work/are of use get them all,

Mcl is very useful seeing as you will be dieing a lot, it’s a fast way just fill your bar get a fully buffed pet and enuf for a few taps,

Serenity is useful because when your taking full duration of messes you can regenerate a lot of power mid battle,

Wp/mom increase your dd’s, i mean dropping oranges before they get to you, how cool is that, limited use in pvp but very little helps and you might kill something,

Acuity, well it increases your int and is a prerequisite,

Ethereal bond, while it gives you a pathetic power bar boost its better than nothing,

That’s the list of useful,
Work but of little use,

Aug dex, who knows you might want to cast a little faster (you not the pet)
Aug str, you loot whore you, (well you cant use alchemy (in shade mode) or siege weapons (in shade mode) guess you could carry the parts)
Lifter, again for the loot whore,

And that’s it, all other ra’s are of debatable use / don’t work for the class,

And yes I am bitter ;p


Oh ye, 1 point WA atleast. Nothing like critting debuffs on your target, especially AF. Makes bommie hit like he should :) Only downside is you won't know when the debuffs crit, as there is no visual indication.

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