necro powertap



For those that don't know , the powertap of a necro in 1.57 was full value power gained as u see on delve - but in 1.59 they nerfed this on mobs to be capped at the mob's level (little more complicated but thats the general jist) - yet we are in 1.57 and it looks like goa has "added" this nerf to 1.57 like they "added" the fix for SC cloaks

Looks to me (playing necro to level 7 last nite) that the powertap in deathsight spec is indeed capped at monster level - since (and i could be wrong but...) it says its a 50% pow gained of damage dealt - and at level 6 my tap was doing around 25 damage on spirit vulnerable mobs and around 20 on non vulnerable mobs - and the power back for yellows was always the same, 6 pow back. Don't get me wrong this is still good because you do damage and you get back 6 pow (spell costs 3 pow at level 6) so your making 3 pow each time - but surely if its 50% of 20 i should get 10 pow ? and 12 pow on spirit vulnerable?

Anyone else playing a necro found this ?


no, ive just tried it and I was getting high powertaps when i got the kill shot

The way it should be is this:
normal power taps from just nuking it, then if you kill the mob with power tpa it will give you a extra bit.
This is how it was working for me last night.

If it was nerfed you would see no difference between kill shot and any other shot on it.

the best way is to nok a mob first with a power tap then cast an instant lifedrain an power is taken whrn its put in the queue, so then when the power tap lands the power for the lifedrain following it has already gone so you get it all back and some life.



Just an aside - I don't know anything about necro lifetaps, but
we are in 1.57 and it looks like goa has "added" this nerf to 1.57 like they "added" the fix for SC cloaks
GOA has nothing to do with this. It's entirely Mythic's decision as to what they put into the patches they send - and from the very beginning one year ago, it has been their policy to add "retroactive" fixes to certain bugs (I remember that the dragons were bugged as initially added to the US version, but were fixed when they arrived on ours, for example). This is the reason why the "why does GOA need to test patches that Mythic already tested months ago" rant is, sadly, not valid - because our patches are NOT the ones that Mythic used themselves, and sometimes new bugs creep in (remember the patch that made eldritch nukes do negative damage and heal mobs?).

Oh, and calling a patch that avoids an exploitable bug that American players found and used en masse does not qualify as "nerf". Just because someone else found a loophole and used it before they put a fix in doesn't mean that we should be able to as well. :p


reread my post and you will see i refered to the sc cloaks as a "fix"

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