Necro pl'ing nerf (rumor)



It seems that Mythic has stealthed nerfed the necro pling power in the 1.62 live patch. Adds will now go for the (normally lowbie) groupmember.
So I guess you will have to pl alts to 50 before 1.62, or get someone to play actively (i.e. run forest, run).
Shame Mythic does this in such a hidden fashion. They nerf the necro pl'ing ability, but do not fix the bug where having a pet in the 2 person group means you will get an add when you pull (due to pet, group is seen as being 2.5, rounded 3 members, so add). Bit unfair :(
Regards, Glottis


Whoop de doo.

Let us recap:

After next possible nerf:
- Necromancers are no longer viable.
  • They suck in RvR.
  • They suck at pulling.
  • They suck at levelling.
  • They suck at cash farming.
In review:
They SUCK.

Thanks for using your heads on this on chaps...


Mythic have screwed over an alb class? but gee, that never happens ! :rolleyes:


Oh don't get me wrong Kagato... please... go make your useless character that retires the day it hits 50.


Originally posted by Kagato.
Mythic have screwed over an alb class? but gee, that never happens ! :rolleyes:

:sleeping: old!

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Pfft...I don't see that making such a big impact on PLing. It will mean that you have to pay more attention but who cares? It will help alleviate some of the tedium involved in pressing power tap constantly and then picking up loot.


Very rare i actually get a add in the places i pl anyway.


Will that affect CAbby pulls at tanglers? Considering the cabby should get 2 or 3 dots in b4 the mobs are anywhere near the alt.


:sleeping: sux tho, lets hope it stays as a rumour rather than being proven


Originally posted by Ekydus
Whoop de doo.

Let us recap:

After next possible nerf:
- Necromancers are no longer viable.
  • They suck in RvR.
  • They suck at pulling.
  • They suck at levelling.
  • They suck at cash farming.
In review:
They SUCK.

Thanks for using your heads on this on chaps...

Actually they will still rock at levelling and cash farming, just without being able to PL. Or at least, it being a more dangerous PL, or on mobs that don't add.


euh, it usually takes 3+ members in a group for mobs to BAF, so PL would still be possible

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Where did you hear this rumour anyway? Givf names and addresses!!


Originally posted by Luv_Bunny
euh, it usually takes 3+ members in a group for mobs to BAF, so PL would still be possible

necro = 1
pl'd bot = 2
necro pet = 3

so u get 2 mobs on ones that add ;)

Hit ^_^

Originally posted by Ekydus
Oh don't get me wrong Kagato... please... go make your useless character that retires the day it hits 50.

he has hes a armsman fs.


Originally posted by old.BJ|Bored
necro = 1
pl'd bot = 2
necro pet = 3

so u get 2 mobs on ones that add ;)

But necro can handle 2 mobs, and as long as the necro is paying attention, and the PLed char is lvl 30+ or so... then u will have no problems.


Then they've changed how the pet is regarded in the group, cause it doesn't count as another person now...

Wish it was, getting small chests on every pull sure beats getting just a bag of coins.


Originally posted by Hit ^_^
he has hes a armsman fs.

Actually unlike alot of people im enjoying the game more then ever since hitting 50, got around 83+ played days on armsman, 30 odd of those post 50. :D


Originally posted by Luv_Bunny
euh, it usually takes 3+ members in a group for mobs to BAF, so PL would still be possible

Necro + pet + lowie = 3 according to Mythic

Which then = BAF, then again I dont care, give group bonus.


you have to lvl normally now ? :rolleyes: + the free 20-30 char for an acc that has a 50 on it


Originally posted by Luv_Bunny
euh, it usually takes 3+ members in a group for mobs to BAF, so PL would still be possible

no. BAF code is largely based on the mobs' relative level to your group.

If you are PL'ing on yellow/low-orange (i.e. the fastest way) then you'll get adds with just 2 in the group


All depends on where your killing. Best PL zone in alb currently is white lights or algae+water elementals. White lights only ever baf with 3 ppl in group, and even then once you've killed your way through them once they pop at a rate that is perfect to just keep pulling without getting any baf at all. Algae never baf, and water elementals require 3 ppl to baf. The advantage with all of the above areas is that there all split into 3 or 4 zones of xp within 30 seconds movement. So you can chain through them and get constant camp bonus to speed things up. Also i'm so supprised pure powerlevels have not spotted the massive xp zone in gwydd full of about 200 yellow/oj to 50 guagaran.


Originally posted by mestoph
White lights only ever baf with 3 ppl in group
As stated above: Necro + pet + lowbie means youll get BAFs

and even then once you've killed your way through them once they pop at a rate that is perfect to just keep pulling without getting any baf at all
Um I must be doing something badly wrong. My necro clears any of the white light spawns and ends up waiting for respawns - or moving elsewhere while waiting in the unlikely event that all light spawns arent camped. Its unusual to have more than 1 spawn available - so you end up sitting around wasting time. Thats part of the reason Im not really much of a white light fan. The other part being sooner or later you pull 2 lights that want to chain nuke your pet giving you no chance of surviving without buffs.

Also i'm so supprised pure powerlevels have not spotted the massive xp zone in gwydd full of about 200 yellow/oj to 50 guagaran.
Hmmm, sounds like I need to go exploring. Ive looked around parts of Gwydd, but not all of it. Ill add it to the to-do list to get to just as soon as I drag myself away from SWG.


Originally posted by Draylor
As stated above: Necro + pet + lowbie means youll get BAFs

Um I must be doing something badly wrong. My necro clears any of the white light spawns and ends up waiting for respawns - or moving elsewhere while waiting in the unlikely event that all light spawns arent camped. Its unusual to have more than 1 spawn available - so you end up sitting around wasting time. Thats part of the reason Im not really much of a white light fan. The other part being sooner or later you pull 2 lights that want to chain nuke your pet giving you no chance of surviving without buffs.

Hmmm, sounds like I need to go exploring. Ive looked around parts of Gwydd, but not all of it. Ill add it to the to-do list to get to just as soon as I drag myself away from SWG.

There are 6 Camps of white lights all very close to each others. The 3 in the gauge at the roman ruins and then there are 3 zones on top of the cliff which i've never seen anyone at. I leveled my wiz from 47-50 and never moved from this spot basically. For a wiz this zone rocks, its pathing is bugged to hell. They wander in such bizzare circles to get to you, i ended up bolting one twice, then blasting another while that one round around for a bit. This also has helped me alot in powerleveling other people, as any baf runs off and gives you plenty of time. Heh, just found out cleric's are useful to wizards. There stun rocks for us. He never heals me like, i need a smite cleric bot ;)

As for the guag's, just hit the coast from diogel (ogres vs orcs bit), then follow coast all the way, go past clifton and vikings and you will get to it. Its just before getting to the beach for duval if i remember correctly. I think they my baf, even when your solo, or that could be them calling for aid on being blasted for 1/2 damage. Oh as i just mentioned them, i've found vikings good for powerleveling lvl 43-46 chars as you are still capping them. 3 huts on the beach seem to have a good pop rate.


Ive only been near the cliff top lights a couple of times, but from what I saw theyre even smaller camps - so even less use for necros. Maybe classes that actually sit down to rest find these of interest though ;)

Killed a few vikings once - then died when 1 called for help and far too many came to help. After that I just didnt bother going back ;)


Don't mind when Mythic makes changes, I just believe they should document the changes they implement, and not try to sneak these changes by the customers.
Then again, I'm afraid Mythic does not really know what it is doing most of the time :(

It seems several stealth changes have been implemented. Not a big deal the 2nd group member would get aggro, as a con/str debuff will pull aggro back to necro pet, but just a bit lame if they leave this undocumented. Much more worrysome seems to be the inability for groups to hit high lvl mobs. Minstrels unable to mezz purple mobs, sorcs unable to mezz red conned mobs, fighters missing these mobs as much as archers would miss a mob... (that is a lot :p ).
Seems Mythic did not check some things very well, and considering the amount of criticism the 1.62 patch has brought, this does not seem as a smart thing to do.
Regards, Glottis


Originally posted by mestoph
All depends on where your killing. Best PL zone in alb currently is white lights or algae+water elementals.

Not true at all. They are both just average. White Lights doesn't really have enough spawn unless it's the middle of the night and all 3 aquaduct camps are free (i.e. 5 groups of 5 lights each) as otherwise I can empty 2/3 groups within 10 minutes and then be sat waiting for spawns and I can wipe the camp bonus from all 5 in 30-45 minutes.

The groups on the top of the cliff are ~3 minutes walk away, so not great to be switching between them, but I've still managed to wipe the camp bonus from ALL of the camps quite comfortably and once that is done they exp is no longer even at cap for the guy you're PL'ing.

As for the algae and elementals, they're pretty useless for necro PL (over level ~30) as they either don't give enough exp per mob to be fast enough (don't have group bonuses, etc), or it takes too long to kill and pull again.

There are far better PL spots available than both of these.

Originally posted by mestoph
White lights only ever baf with 3 ppl in group, and even then once you've killed your way through them once they pop at a rate that is perfect to just keep pulling without getting any baf at all. Algae never baf, and water elementals require 3 ppl to baf.

And there's the problem. Any PL over level 30 (working on high-yellow/low-orange) NEEDS the group bonuses and/or camp bonuses. What you need for fastest necro PL is camps of fast-spawning level 49-52 mobs which ALWAYS come in pairs and can be dropped in 4 taps (and there are camps like this available).

Originally posted by mestoph
Also i'm so supprised pure powerlevels have not spotted the massive xp zone in gwydd full of about 200 yellow/oj to 50 guagaran.

That guagaran camp is nice, but it is made up of many different levels of mobs, from green-purp (the brood-mother guagaran gives birth to young, then grow-up, and get higher level, etc) and isn't the best for a necro. I would love to see an AE-nuking PL group attack that place though ;) It's also interesting there as occasionally the mother gives birth and the whole pack of 200 mobs swarm in and eat the young :p


currently adds go for the other group members if you pull...

why should it be any different if a necro pulls?

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