ne info on tnt2 m64



yeah im thinking about upgrading my old voodoo1, but i aint got too much cash to throw around. neways, i spotted a elsa 32meg tnt2 m64 for £55 the other day, so mail order should b £50 max. basically id just like some idea as to its relative performance compared to a v3-3000 (£85).

ideally id appreciate some linx to benchmarks of the card. my main concern is the framerate i will get in low-medium rez (320x240-800x600) in glquakeworld and UT, mebbe a bit of Q3A as well. i *know* its not as fast as a standard tnt2, but i just need an idea as to what fps drop i will get considering im not planning on using hi-rez/32bit colour

i have an average cpu (celeron 300a @ 472.5) if this makes ne diff.

btw this isnt an excuse for ppl to start debating the merits of 32bit rendering, v3 vs tnt2 etc etc, ive heard all that crap b4 and just want to know about raw performance


Well the TNT2 M64 uses a 64 bit memory bus instead of 128 bit on TNT2, so theres a bit of a hit in memory bandwidth... they are just a bit faster than TNT1's really... Check somewhere like for a review of one.

A good deal for fast performance is the 3dfx velocity 100. This only has 8 megs of ram but is 40 quid and with a small registry tweak u can enable its second texture processing unit (which is disabled in the drivers) and thus this gives V3 2000 performance!!! Not bad for 40 quid. U can also overclock it too. Again, look at anandtech webby for a review. Id personally have the 3dfx card as it will whip the M64 easily once have added a simple DWORD in the registry, theres info on how to do this in the review of the card at anandtech.

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