NDA no more


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003

ok i gathered some info on the few classes.

Vamps get 1.5 spec points.

Primary - Constitution
Secondary - Strength
Tertiary - Dexterity

There are 3 spell lines:

Shadow Mastery
Vampiric Embrace

SM is a total PvE spec with HoT, parry buff, haste, claw DD, endurance tap.

Dementia is the total PvP spec. Abs debuff, claw DD, effectiveness debuffs, a form of shear called a skill shear (effectively removes all +skill bonus from RR AND items).

Thats all off the top of my head.

Oh, and the girl that told someone we float...yup. At speed vamps "levitate".

Oh, and beware the stealth hunters. Vamps get a stealth lore buff in one of their lines...

Oh, last thing. Vamps can NOT be buffed, except AF and haste.

You get passive increases each level.
The good - You die in RvR, only need to be rezzed and you are fully effective again (assuming PR or you purge rez sick).

The bad - well, you would cap at 155 from druid buffs, and your increases cap at 135, so you are in theory always weaker than a fully buffed opponent.

Pierce has some new styles that are combined with Dementia spells.

There are targeted styles for head, torso and legs (that I have at my spec).

You cast the abs debuff, it affects a piece of armor. Then you can use those target styles to just attack the piece of armor you decayed


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003

Spectral Force (baseline)
* DD
* AF buff

Phantasmal Wail (spec)
* 3 sec PBAE pulse that hits roughly as hard as an Enchanter PBAE. Downside is pulse time is stuck at 3 seconds. Upside is you can cast other spells while it pulses, you can move to center on a stack of mobs, and you can sit while PBAEing to use less power (thanks to regening power faster shock ).
* PBAE Monster scare spell that chases mobs away from you...if the mob doesn't resist and the mob isn't aggroed too much. Kind of like a reverse taunt. The monster runs away for a while, and right now, it will ignore other players beating on it for ~30 seconds before it re-aggroes.
* PBAE dex/qui debuff.
* PBAE root

Spectral Guard (spec)
* 750 range cone AE bolt that shoots a bolt at ALL mobs in the cone area. If there are 10 mobs in front of you, it shoots 10 bolts. 20 sec recast timer.
* 600 range cone AE DD.
* 600 (?) range cone snare (maybe root, can't remember)
* 2300 range taunt

Ethereal Shriek (spec)
* AE focus nearsight (I really wish I remembered the range on these...sorry)
* AE bolt
* AE snare


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003

1. What races can be Heretics?
Briton, Inconnu, Avalonian

2. What's the "best" race for Heretics?
Briton is overall best statwise aside from casting speed.
Inconnu will have the same hp, same flex weaponskill, lower crush weaponskill, slower attacks, faster casting.
Avalonian will have less hp, less flex and crush weaponskill, faster melee attacks, same cast speed as briton.

2.5. What base class is a Heretic?

3. What type of armour and shields do Heretics get?
Cloth armour and small shields from level 5. Ability to wear leather is lost upon becoming a heretic.

4. What other abilities do Heretics get?
Tireless at 15

5. What stats do heretics get as they level?

6. What stat affects heretic damage?
Piety for spells
Strength or strength/dex for melee depending on weapon type.

7. What speclines do Heretics get?
Rejuv, Enhance, Shield, Flex, Crush

8. Do heretics get Leviathan?
If you spec 50 flex.

9. Do heretics get engage and guard?
If they spec shield, same as any other shield spec.

11. What about the parry reactional styles in flex/crush?
The parry reactional styles are block reactionals for heretics.

12. How many spec points do heretics get?
2.0 per level.

13. Can heretics rez?
Heretics get a baseline ressurection spell at level 10 and a specline at 41 in rejuv.

14. What do I get for speccing Rejuv?
As well as reducing baseline heal variances rejuv specline has the offensive spells:
Focus DD
Focus DD/snare (50% snare, unbreakable whilst focus is held)
Focus effectiveness debuff+snare+attack speed debuff
AoE Focus DD/snare (50% snare)
Uninterruptable from range Focus DD
Instant cast DoT
Instant cast snare (50% snare, unbreakable for first 5 seconds)
Monster Ressurection - ressurect a dead realm-mate as a poison-spitting zombie.

All spells are heat damage.

15. Can i cast the instants on the move?
No you must be standing still to cast the instants.

16. What is all this focus about?
Get a target and cast the spell - as long as the target stays in range/los and you aren't interrupted the spell keeps hitting them every 3 seconds. The damage of the dd spells increases each tick.

17. How long do the focus spells last?
They can last up to a maximum of 30 seconds.

18. Do the focus spells interrupt? or are they like DoTs interrupting only on the first tick?
Focus DD's interrupt every tick.

19. Isn't it a bit hard to stay uninterrupted for that long?
In tight corners use the uninterruptable from range version.

20. Do Heretics get cure poison/disease?
No, they do not.

21. Do we get any baseline absorb buffs?
Yes - at level 9 and 21 you receive 5% and 10% absorb buffs in the baseline.

22. What do I get for speccing enhance?
As well as improving your base buffs you get:
Self Str/Con buff
Self Damage Add
Self Absorb buffs (up to 30% absorb at 49)
Self AF buff (up to ??? at 50)
Self Resist Piercing buff
Concentration-based Damage shield
Group damage shield
group reactive proc buff shear

23. How do I spec my Heretic?
For spell damage - Rejuv
For survivability - Enhance
For melee blocking/guarding/slamming - Shield
For anytime melee damage - Crush
For positional/reactive melee damage - Flex

24. What's better? flex or crush?
If high enhance spec, weaponskill will be higher self-buffed with crush.
However dex is a rising stat, strength is not, so flex weaponskill will be higher if low enhance specced or if you obtain a dex/qui buff.

25. What ML paths can a Heretic choose?

Unknown. Wtb ML1 on Pendragon! tongue

26. Do heretics get any unique weapon styles in flex/crush?
Other than the reactive requirements being different, no.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003

1. What races can be Valkyries?
Dwarf, Norse, and Frostalf Females

2. What's the best race for Valkyries?
Dwarf - highest con, 2nd in spear weaponskill, 2nd in sword weaponskill
Norseman - highest in sword weaponskill, highest in spear weaponskill
Frostalf - highest piety, highest dex, tied for 2nd in spear weaponskill, lowest sword weaponskill

3. What type of armor and shields do Valkyries get?
Start with Studded at lvl 1 (Viking Base class) and get small shield at lvl 2. Medium Shields at level 10, Chain at level 12.

4. What other abilities do Valkyries get?
Protect 2

5. Do Valkyries get evade?
Nope, Valkyries do not get evade. The sword style Ice Storm has been changed to a block reactional, while the spear style Return Thrust has been changed to a parry reactional because of this.

6. What stats to Valkyries gain as they level?

7. What spec lines do Valkyries have?
Sword, Spear, Shield, Odin's Will, and Parry

8. How many spec points do Valkyries get?
2x spec point per level

9. How many special styles do Valkyries get?
3 in Sword, 3 in Spear, 4 in Shield

10. What are the special sword styles?
Odin's Clip at 36 - rear positional snare
Odin's Bite at 40 - side positional
Odin's Deathblow at 47 - chain off Odin's Bite, procs a DD that does about 250 dmg to a lvl 50 mob.

11. What are the special spear styles?
Windmill at 32 - low style dmg, procs AE DD (crush dmg) on target for about 80 points of dmg to lvl 50 mob
Roundhouse at 41 - high style dmg, procs AE DD (crush dmg) on target for about 240 points of dmg to lvl 50 mob.
Odin's Madness at 50 - chain off Perforate (side positional), high style dmg, 50 point bleed.

12. What are the special shield styles?
Maneuver at ?? - low dmg, low end anytime
Pin at 40 - medium dmg, low end, chain off Maneuver, attack speed debuff
Sideswipe at 43 - high dmg, low end, chain off Pin
Brace at 47 - medium dmg, high end, chain off Pin, procs 300 pt 50% ablative

13. What spells are in Odin's Will?
Instant DD - 30s timer, same dmg as thane insta
Pulsing CAE DD chant - uninterruptible 3s cast to start, about 80 dmg per pulse every 5s
Resurrection - 43 spec, 10% rez
Group Melee Proc Buff - all group member can proc an energy DD, about 80-100 dmg at highest level
Instant CAE DD - 30s timer, little less dmg than insta DD.
Instant CAE Dex/qui shear - 37 spec for 10m timer, 47 spec for 60s timer
Instant CAE Acuity shear - 39 spec for 10m timer, 49 spec for 60s timer
Instant CAE Snare - 30s recast, 80% snare and 40s duration at top level

All spells are energy damage. All cones are 700 radius.

14. How do I spec my Valkyrie?
Possible options:
50 spear, 49 Odin's, 27 parry, 14 shield (or split shield/sword to get engage/Draw Out)
47 shield, 47 sword, 37 Odin's
50 sword, 49 Odin's, rest shield

15. What special RAs do Valkyries get?
Aside from typical hybrid RAs, Valkyries get Ichor of the Deep, Wrath of Champions, and Dual Threat

16. What Master Levels can Valkyries choose?
Warlord or Stormlord

17. What is the RR5 "gift" for Valkyries?
Unknown at this time.

18. Do Valkyries benefit from acuity buffs?
No, only cloth casters benefit from acuity buffs.

19. Can Valkyrie spells crit?
Only if you purchase Wild Power.

20. If I get Wild Power, will my style procs and buff proc crit?
Style procs will not crit, but the DD proc from the group buff can crit.

21. What advantage does sword have over spear?
Norse characters can get higher str than any race can get from the average of str and dex. It's easier to overcap strength than both strength and dexterity caps. Sword users get the option of switching from 1h/shield to 2h sword. Sword proc styles won't break mez on nearby enemies, and also allow for shield styles to be used at the same time.

22. What's the advantage of spear over sword?
Spears are powerful two hand weapons with both thrust and slash options. The spear styles that proc PBAE can interrupt and damage multiple enemies at a time.

23. I keep dying in PvE, cause these CAE spells get me killed!
Until you get a GOOD feel for the rsize of the cone, use a /groundset 700 macro to make sure mobs are out of range.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
Information on testing and playing the new Hibernian Vampiir class, available in Mythic’s Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs expansion

11/8/04, Peter Waterman aka Squawk

Important Commentary:

Please keep in mind when reading this document that it is all subject to change at any time. I will not be trying to keep this document perfectly up to date – it is intended to give new players a head start on the class, not be a permanent definitive guide to the class. As it is a new class, Mythic will likely be constantly tweaking it, therefore expect values of spells and whatnot to be different when you actually play the class. Adjust your playstyle accordingly.

The Vampiir at a Glance:

The vampiir is a strange class. It’s a melee based hybrid class, which follows some of the old rules, and creates a number of new ones. At a glance, the following are the critical points relevant to the new class that apply regardless of spec:

- is not affected in any way by stat (STR/CON/etc.) buffs

- regenerates health slightly faster than normal

- power pool drains away at an accelerated rate when not in combat

- gains power only from dealing melee damage (and a 30s timer powertap spell)

- does hybrid-level base melee damage

- has tank-level hit points

- wears leather armor

- has no innate passive defenses

- wields one-handed piercing weapons

- cannot wield an offhand weapon or shield in the left hand

- can cast almost all spells while moving and in combat

- has unique styles which increase the chance of hitting a specific body part

- has the safe fall ability

- has the climb walls ability

- gains 1.5 spec points per level

- has no baseline spells

- gains new long range power tap ability every 5 levels

- CON, STR, and DEX are the normal rising stats (primary, secondary, and tertiary, respective)

- gains extra innate stat bonuses while leveling (+3 STR/CON/DEX, +2 QUIK per level over 5)

As you can see, the vampiir is far from a normal class. These aren’t all that set it apart, however.

The Vampiir’s Specialization Lines:

The spec lines available to the vampiir class offer an unprecedented amount of choice, a combination of abilities unlike any of those available to any other class. An overview of these lines follows:


The vampiir’s Pierce line is similar to the normal Hibernian Pierce line, however it has a few additional styles. The vampiir specific styles are:

6: Vampiir’s Sting – Taunt

11: Head Shot - +50% chance to strike the head

12: Torso Shot - +50% chance to strike the torso

13: Leg Shot - +50% chance to strike the leg

41: Vampiiric Feint – anytime style

43: Eye Shot - +50% chance to strike the head [Chain off 41]

44: Lung Shot - +50% chance to strike the torso [Chain off 41]

45: Knee Cap - +50% chance to strike the leg [Chain off 41]

It’s important to keep in mind that the vampiir gains power as a percentage of the melee damage which they deal. Therefore the Pierce spec should be considered independent of styles, as a higher Pierce spec gives the player more power, which allows them to properly utilize spells. Without a high Pierce spec, a vampiir will have a very hard time using their magical abilities.

Shadow Mastery

The Shadow Mastery line is the basic utility line. It is without a doubt the best solo-PvE line, and in fact high Shadow Mastery spec is required for effective solo leveling. It is not the most attractive RvR line, however, though it does have a few spells which will be important for a soloing vampiir, along with one spell that may provide some usefulness to a group.

It contains the following spells:

- Self Haste Buff

- Self Parry Buff

- Self Heal-Over-Time (HOT)

- Self Runspeed Buff (non-combat)

- Endurance Tap

- Fire-based short range nuke (claw attack)

- Pulsing semi-focus Snare

Vampiir Embrace

Embrace is lower utility, and not very useful in PvE. For RvR, it’s geared more towards the solo Vampiir as well, though it also has two spells which may be of use in an RvR group.

The spells in this line include:

- Self Weapskill Buff

- Self Evade Buff

- Self Stealth Detection Buff

- Melee Fumble Debuff (used on enemies)

- Monster Dismissal

- Matter-based short range nuke (claw attack)

- Fire-based long range nuke


Dementia is the premier RvR line for the vampiir class, although a combination of all lines is the most effective. This line has the abilities that will be most useful overall – both defensive and offensive – along with providing some very strong group utility.

This line includes:

- Self Melee Resist Buff

- Self Magic Resist Buff

- Enemy ABS Debuff (random chance to debuff either the torso, legs, or head only)

- Enemy Skill Bonus Debuff

- Enemy Buff Shear

- Pulsing semi-focus Mesmerize

- Pulsing semi-focus Effectiveness Debuff (works like rez sickness)

- Cold-based short range nuke (claw attack)

Playing the Class:

There are a few important things to note about the class and the abilities, some of which have been mentioned before. First, the class doesn’t regen power naturally, at all. Power song, crack buffs, power potions, and power boosters do not work on the class. There are only two ways for a Vampiir to gain power – either inflict melee damage on a target, or use the innate power tap spell on a target. The power tap has limitations, however – it has 1875 range, but it cannot be used on a target that is currently flagged as in combat, and it must be used on a target that has power for it to return power to the vampiir (it is a power transfer spell, from the target to the vampiir). Power regen through melee damage is typically very slow. It’s of utmost importance to manage your power usage – spamming the buffs and spells will result in less overall effectiveness.

Second, each of the vampiir spec lines has two special self buff spells. These spells last for 60s each, and each line’s spells are on the same 15s re-use timer. This means that if you cast one self-buff spell from the Shadow Mastery line, you cannot cast the other for 15s. You may, however, cast a self-buff spell from either of the other two lines. Thus it’s important to consider which buff to use, when – if you use the melee resist buff while you are getting nuked, you’ll be unable to use the magic resist buff for 15s, so be careful.

Third, the class uses endurance like crazy. Every spell cast uses 5 endurance points, which when combined with normal styling, means the class can run out of endurance very fast. It’s of critical importance to have end regen available as much as possible, and when it’s not, to take advantage of the Shadow Mastery spec’s End Tap spell – unfortunately this spell is on a 15s re-use timer, so be careful!

Fourth, the class has a few spells which I’ve listed as semi-focus spells. They are also referred to as “maintained” spells. These are pulsing spells that work similar to normal focus spells, in that the vampiir cannot cast any other spell while using the semi-focus spell – doing so will stop the semi-focus spell. However, the vampiir is able to both move and attack in melee while using a semi-focus spell, and the spell only drops if the target moves out of range, the vampiir tries to cast another spell, the vampiir runs out of power, or the vampiir is mesmerized or stunned. Note that each pulse of a focus spell is generally around seven seconds, so it is possible for a vampiir to cast the spell then drop it and cast another spell (such as a self buff) and return to the focus spell, however each spell has a re-use timer that is slightly longer than the pulse, so this is not a way to keep the semi-focus spell up permanently while casting other spells. Also note that the semi-focus spells will interrupt the target constantly.

Playing Solo PvE

For solo PvE, a vampiir with good gear and the right spec is a machine once you get a few levels under your belt. The first few levels are tricky, but then it gets easy. After 20, the class plays with a lot of button mashing, but a lot of chainpulling. It’s important to spec a lot of Pierce, and a lot of Shadow Mastery. How much varies, though I personally found that keeping Pierce a few points below my level with the rest of my points in Shadow Mastery the best bet. Too high in Shadow Mastery and the spells cost too much.

With this spec, killing is simple. Pull a yellow with the power bolt spell, activate the parry buff if it’s down with the power from the pull, then engage the mob in melee. Style on the mob using Vampiir Sting while gaining power, use the claw spells when possible. When low on endurance, use the end tap spell. If below 50-60% health, use the HOT spell. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Be careful of oranges for awhile – you can take them, but they often are a large power drain. Any orange cons that have a high evade/parry rate will be rough, as you won’t hit enough to power up. When the vampiir isn’t powered up, he’s just a softie in leather with poor damage output, and gets torn up bad. Reds are a definite no-no – you can handle them if you start a pull with full power, but it’s messy. The best by far is to just stick with chainpulling yellow.

Playing Grouped PvE

Grouped PvE is just like any other soft melee in a group – hit the mobs and try not to get aggro. That’s all there is to it, really… don’t expect to power up much, or use any of your special abilities. I suggest watching TV.

Playing in RvR

I’m still not sure how this is going to play out. It’s tricky. At higher levels you can start to split your spec up to gain a LOT of powerful abilities, but using them all requires power. Currently, the class gains power incredibly slowly, which is a good thing for balance. Unfortunately it makes the class rough. In one on one duels, the class really has no chance at the beginning, but once powered up late in a fight, really turns into a monster. Unfortunately it’s often too late to matter, and maintaining the buff spells is almost impossible. We’ll have to see more as testing gets to that stage!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003

A warlock is a caster class, 1.0x spec, cloth.

When you choose warlock you lose all baselines of a mystic and get only one Base - Cursing (which contain baseline bolt, nuke and the typical caster buffs).

The three spec paths are Cursing, Hexing and Witchcraft.

Cursing - Primary damage. Consists of a spec bolt, spec nuke, root and heal. The delves are pretty high on everything compared to most classes.. why? They also take 4 seconds to cast and cannot be modified by dex, ToA, RA's etc.

Hexing - Secondary damage. These consist of "secondary" spells. You cannot cast these directly, they have to be tied to either a primary spell (cursing nuke or bolt or heal etc) or a primer (see later). Hexing has pretty much everything. Lifetap, Dot, PBAE, Spreadheal, snare, nearsight and a short term power regen buff. These cost no power to cast, but you cannot cast them directly.

Witchcraft - Very unique! This line is a utility line, no direct damage but instead is made up of Primers and Chambers. Primers are a way to cast secondary spells (hex) but modified. There is a powerless primer, extended range primer, uninterruptible primer. You cast these, then add a secondary to cast that spell directly, though modified. The other thing is Chambers. Chambers are those little ball things that float over the head of Warlocks you may have seen in RVR. You can chamber a primary/secondary combo (keep in mind there are some restrictions on what you can chamber for each level of chamber that is still sort of in flux). These take 10 seconds to "load", then are insta-cast with a 2 second refresh for each chamber. (must be standing still however). If you spec high enough, you can get up to 5 chambers, but that would severely limit your damage options.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
And let me be the first to post the screenshot of the new firby!!


Well, I have to admit, they aren't as ugly as before :p


Jan 21, 2004
so.... firbolgs are from russia? and i liked em better before.. now they just look like something stolen from planetside tbh


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Nice info, thanks guys. Nice to know I can at last keep the hood down on my Firby.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Gear dropped in catacombs has new stats specific to PVE. THESE ONLY WORK IN PVE!!!!

XP loss reduction upon /release
Bonus to blocking percentage
Bonus to evade
Bonus to parry
Bonust to hit mobs (this includes in melee and by spells, so you can load up on gear to hit epic mobs with)
Generic Focus bonus (honestly not sure what this does)
Defense bonus (Mobs do less damage to you, you do less damage to mobs also)
Bladeturn re-enforcement (Chance your BT won't pop)
Style cost reduction
Negative effects duration mod (shorter dot/disease/etc from mobs)
Arrow salveging (like the old RA)
Localised ablative (This armor piece can absorb more than usual damage but only works when that piece is hit)
Reactionary Bonus (Damage bonus when using a reactionary style or chain)


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
fluffy you could at least spell Heretic right when you cut n paste the stuff (without attributing it :p)

Heretic FAQ compiled by Me with input from the beta testers.

Valkyrie FAQ compiled by Demloira with input from the beta testers.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
So that means Vampiir is a class that can't get buffed, well might be extremely early to say but aint that going to be so bad seeing an unbuffed (caster / hybrid) type will only have like 1000 - 1300(1500) hps max and then also it can't be dex buffed etc so it will be alot slower.
Ah well will see it when it gets released but its nice to see all the info about the classes.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Gear said:
Where have I heard something similar? Was it about a year ago?

This time, its really true. Catacombs bonuses actually *stop working* outside of PvE combat. In other words, Catacombs special bonuses will not effect RvR.

Ofcourse, i'm sure there are items dropped in catacombs that will effect RvR, but they will have none of those bonuses that will imbalance combat anymore. I think Mythic got the hint that lots of people hate ToA.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
what i can see is that all the bonus are for melee classes :(

only the focus bonus maybe? that wil prolly increase the lvl of you're spell's?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Andrilyn said:
So that means Vampiir is a class that can't get buffed, well might be extremely early to say but aint that going to be so bad seeing an unbuffed (caster / hybrid) type will only have like 1000 - 1300(1500) hps max and then also it can't be dex buffed etc so it will be alot slower.
Ah well will see it when it gets released but its nice to see all the info about the classes.

Vampiirs get automatic buffs as they level. As they level they get an ability like "Vampiir Strength +30" and so on...See below:



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
mightybunny said:
what i can see is that all the bonus are for melee classes :(

only the focus bonus maybe? that wil prolly increase the lvl of you're spell's?

There's a bonus for casters that allows for less resists on non-epic-level mobs. (IE, you can hit purples in AC better but you still wont be able to nuke <insert Toa mob here>). Don't know what generic focus does at the moment...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Hmm, sorry if its already been posted but:

Has anyone seen any pictars of the new vendo.ratmode? :O

There has to be one, as going from new models to old Beserk would look stupid :eek:

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