w00t bazza on the pic. he is still (best) member off nazgul
lumikki still in nazgul to? haven't seen him for a while.
alot of ppl left daoc/nazgul lately
Nazgul is still a great guild. i am honoured that i take part of the guild
Heehehhe nice one!!
At that time I wasnt 50 lvl yet, so maybe it was around Feb/March 2002.
I remember Healin as well in Nazgul-or was Haelin ?- v good healer.
Oh well ..2002 was for sure the best year I had in DaoC
Heheh - just checked the forum. ( I do occasionally, just to see what is going down - ToA made me come back breifly and stop permanently).
Damned that is an old pic, brings back many memories of the fun times when the game was rocking.
Almost brings a tear thinking of some of the on-line friends from back then. Hope to see some of them in other games (WoW or Dragon Empires maybe)
Just been told about this post so had to come and look at the picture, and yes it goes back someway.
Now saved into my pic file .
Nazgul is the first guild I joined at lvl 42 and have fond memories of all the ones who helped me though my noobie period, still a noobie tho even with 240 days play on Bazza.
And I am still in Nazgul and doubt if I will ever change. I just think the members are great.
Whilst looking in my old stuff on DAOC I found a partial list of members from whenm Killgorde was GM , the only member on the list who was 50 was Woody.
I remember you bazza from way back, must be nearly 2 years ago now, also have played with bjodald a lot, have talked to him often, both of you are great people and so is your guild.It's great to see nazgul is still going.
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