Na Fianna


Nicky Nook

Na Fianna simple little Guild ..Guildmasters Nicky & Lanvar ...Well the point of this post is to hope that everyone in Hibernia can get invloved with us for the good of the Realm..
We have a good amount of high players but Na fianna Started out as a fun XP Guild for fun and friends but lately has shown that they are a very good R v R guild and an example of this is tonight when Na fianna with some help from players from other well known Guilds were able to take Three ( unlucky with the fourth ) Albion Keeps within one hour or so..
This is not a Hail Na fianna Thread but it is a Thread were we hope that many Guild leaders that we dont know will read and therefore contact us for Keep and Relic Raids...As the saying goes you help us we help you but all for the same reason Hibernia..
Hibernia imo is a very great realm we have very very many talented players and imo again will do great in the comming wars as long as Guilds we dont know get in touch...
Last point from me to all the Guilds that Na fianna work with atm and to all the Guilds that dont know us much just send a /tell and we will help as Hibernia is not as stupid as Albion and Midgard think.
Thanks Nicky Nook *Na Fianna *..


Well said Nicky :))

hehe maybe we can stay alive in emain for 10 mins next time lmao


I am there dude. We should expand all existing alliances and strengthen our defense and by default our offensive abilities.. I have been RvRing and running here and there to find out where to defend or attack not knowing through existing alliances but having to contact friends in other guilds to get the information.. We should have a better way of communication.. (can't half tell I work in telecoms?? :p)


Well said

Ye Nicky u have a good point there.

Lets all work more together, and as u know Dark Order are more than happy to work with NF :)

Nicky Nook

hehe maybe we can stay alive in emain for 10 mins next time lmao

Yeah Tylar Emain has its good points and bad points for me it can be much fun @ times but it can also be as boring as hell.Maybe you can leave your new home with your new bride Iziz and help us get a Relic or 2 which will happen as soon as i can get hold of Uber Tank Archer:D


u can count on us when u need help Nicky :)
The mystic knights will be happy to assist when needed.
Msg me or fozznl when u need any help :D

Glad to be of assitance for the sake of hibernia.


the midgetblade with the lucky dice will be somewhere aroun dim sure ;)


Just thought you should know . . .

Perhaps the guys in charge of Na Fianna might like to have a word with one of their members, called Borilla.

Last night I was taking out some Gorge Rats with 2 friends when along came Borilla and a group. Obviously annoyed that we were there first he proceeded to start attacking everything we pulled. We'd pull a target, start melee and he'd come steaming in as well.

He ignored all chat directed at him, either in main or send, and continued to do this repeatedly. It was obvious he was trying to force us to leave.

The rest of the group he was with didn't get involved, no problem there, but this sort of behaviour is bang out of order.

Just thought you might like to know what he's up to as it doesn't reflect well on your guild at all :((


The Inner Circle

Hiya Nicky,

We would be willing to help, we have a few high levels and some 30+ bards that can deliver meat shields :D Pretty sure Axiom Knights would also help. We just need to make sure someone is left to defend emain :)

Nicky Nook

Thanks for pointing that out about Borilla its hard for me to keep an eye on everyone but i agree that type of behavior is not acceptable @ all within our Guild and ill have a word with him straight away and he will soon learn you dont get second chances..

Sorry about that Jace but there is always one and im sure he will have his side of the story so ill wait to see what he has to say for himself and keep an eye on him in future..

Regards Nicky.


Jace, I agree, that kind of behaviour is not acceptable. But PLS don't drag it in front of everyone, instead send tells in game to GL when these kind of things happen


lol kinda old post to drag up.. :eek:

Tyka needs a job instead of looking throgh old posts :D

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