


Twas the first night of our lovely lickle PBAE group, mainly consisting of FC members. After almost being shot for suggesting the name <Mini Cohort>, WF came up with the ingenious name <Ice>, winning over other contenders of <Icey Reception> and <LEET GUILD OF THE YEAR 2003> etc.

After a bit of a...well...shit start due to LDs etc, the xping went ahead. After pwning a few families of boulderlings, we quickly moved onto mithra, followed by Salisbury plains.

Got from level 7 to 12 in three hours or so, so not bad going. Have to say I'm loving the role of Friar, just hope I don't turn into a grumpy sod like urm..ur..



Playing an earth theurg is more fun than I thought it would be - true that might not equate to RvR but you never know. The satisfaction factor of being able to keep people alive with your BT spam, plus being able to nuke a bit and pull effectively is pretty high.

I think people would find, if they found a good group of friends to play with that you could just relax with and play as well as possible at the same time... this game can be damn good fun without having to be an uber character. As long as you're doing an important job for the group, it's fun. FYI I'm going for the full whack, 6sec PBT and will see what I can do with the leftover points. 2h users ph33r.


got lvl 14 wizzie thats unfortunately earth atm but respeccing to full ice for 20+ if you interested in having me come along with you ;) could b a laugh (busy for time being but soon)


its always nice to have exp groups with friends ;)

Good luck with that


If you need another ice wizzie let me know :) got a lvl 23 one and looking for a nice lvling group :)


Originally posted by old.Wildfire
this game can be damn good fun without having to be an uber character.

Who are you and what have you done with wildfire?



Originally posted by Khalen
If you need another ice wizzie let me know :) got a lvl 23 one and looking for a nice lvling group :)
Hey, Khalen, update your sig! And welcome back! :D


Ever considered adding a second group?
Camlann has showed us there is no faster way to exp than PBAE-heavy groups zerging much higher mobs. Inquisitors at 35, anyone?

Originally posted by Eggy
I'm loving the role of Friar, just hope I don't turn into a grumpy sod like urm..ur..

Moi? :p


Here's some help from Point Blank, the PBAoE guild I have/had (kind of too bored to play him since people stopped showing up etc)...


Levels: 10 - 12

Monsters: Grove Nymphs, Slavers, Tombraiders, Spriggarn

After comming together, making the guild and handing out weapons/armor. We ventured out into the Salisbury Plains.

We had a tough time finding pray, since purple often was too high(resisted too much) and yellow was just TOO easy

One group did Slavers / Nymphs, the other group did Tombraiders / Nymphs...

High resist rate on purples (even low purples), and slow spawn rate... Basicly, everything thats not purple dies within seconds, but respawn takes ages

I think the resists will go down, and spawn rate will go up when we get higher...


Levels: 12-15

Monsters: Spriggarn, Tombraider camp, Aged Basilisk, Salisbury Giants

It was a bit of a tough day, mainly because the first hour, Anoob was the only tank in the groups... Also at first we only had 1 fg...

Spriggarn where becomming rather easy, but spawn rate on those guys is very nice... We moved to the Tombraider camp when most turned 14, and found that they wherent all that hard, nice grouping mob and I think they hate Ice...

The resists on purples already seems to be a bit lower... But lack of tanks really was a bit of a problem... This got a bit better later on the day (at one point we had 3 tanks), but not optimal...

I think the tanks must work on their 'pickup' skills a bit, purple tombraider commanders wherent a problem, unless more then 1 came... Which seems like a 'pickup' problem (1 tank picks up 2 of those level 20's and healer cant keep up)...


Levels: 13-16

Monsters: Spriggarn, Tombraider Camp

While waiting for the rest of PB, we decided to clean the Spriggarn camp, this was pretty easy, seeing most of them where yellow to red... After most PB'ers arived, we headed to the Tombraider camp to gain an 'easy' level... After all wizards dinged 15, we went to train and headed to Keltoi, where most PB'ers needed to log...

Due to the big level range that we had, it was hard going for higher mobs... The lowest was level 11, the highest was 16... This problem will become less important the higher we get... But currently big level differences (3+ levels) will slow down leveling a lot...

Pickup of mobs by the tanks was better, but its still hard when more mobs then the number of tanks come... I think experience will teach us how to solve such problems... (and it'll become better when Pbt starts 'working')


Levels: 16 - 19
Minimum level for 27-10-2002: 17

Monsters: Various Keltoi (ant room at 17)

We started out slowly in Keltoi, first some various mobs here and there till enough people came online. Once we where about 1 1/2 FG's, we ventured into the Ant-Room. Supprisingly enough it was totally empty except for the mobs . Lets just say, the mobs where not there for long . While most went from 16/17 to 18/19, several also got 20. Later 1 group helped level 2 new members in the Banisher room.

Green armor for the Tanks, ouch that hurt Otherwise we didnt have a lot of problems, Ant-Room was sweet, only 2(or 3?) complete whipeouts. Once a few Wizards ding 20 (new PBAoE), we should venture into Catacombs. In the end, a very nice PB day.

(note that the problems section is the problems we had at that time)



Levels: 19 - 23
Minimum level for 03-11-2002: 20

Monsters: Various Catacombs, Cornwall Hunters, Moor Boogies

After slowly comming together, we started hunting Cornwall Hunters but they where hard to pull since they switched to ranged as soon as you ran back towards the group. So after spending a bit of time there (getting together), we moved to Moor Boogies camp. The problem with Boogies was that they had high Cold resist and where hard to kill. So, just to see if we could, we gave Catacombs a try. And only have 1 word for Catacombs, SWEET! Just like the ant-room at 16/16, Catacombs was very good at 20/21. I think we can level till 25 in Catacombs and then switch to Clerks.

With only 1 healer online and only 1 minstrel, it was hard to stay alive and pull constantly. The mobs in Catacombs hit hard, but not too hard so it was pretty sweet. Another good PB day.


Levels: 19 - 24
Minimum level for 10-11-2002: 22

Monsters: Various Tepok, Battle Grounds

Although the aim for the day was to only play in the Battle Grounds, some of us decided to (try and) get 24 in Tepok. We didnt do that bad in Tepok, XP wasnt as good as Catacombs though and mobs had really weird level ranges.

The Battle Grounds is a different story, we definitly need to work on our tactics in RvR. The 'hibbies' seem to pull it off (PBAoE'ing us), but we didnt get close enough. Not having a minstrel probably helped with creating problems though .

The problems in tepok have two names, Director Botok and Overseerer Tepok... OUCH...

As for the BG's, I'm not sure what the problem was, for some reason hibs are able to get to us easier. Although I should add we where outnumbered most of the time by 2-1... (we definitly missed Option's AE-root)


Levels: 24 - 26.7
Minimum level for 17-11-2002: 24

Monsters: Catacombs

After a bit of a slow start, we finally got things rolling. Entered Catacombs with 6 people to do the entrance mobs, then a bit later the cross-roads (when more joined) and more towards the end the S-ramp and Tribune 'spot'. Having two small groups wasnt bad for XP at all. Mostly getting about 0.2-0.4 per pull at 25/26.

We didnt do bad, had a few whipeouts when 3-4 Tribunes where pulled and we agro'd the 4 named mobs too. And the final whipeout in the new area, boy was the spawn-rate high there. I think we can easely get 27/28 in Catacombs and switch to Lyoness Clerks once most of us are around 27/28. I think leveling in Catacombs might be better then going to Clerks early because of the drops. All the mobs in the new Catacombs part conned purple to me at 26 and had a very high spawn rate.

All in all, a very nice day (yet again) to XP. I think the aim for next sunday should be 30-31, after which I think leveling will slow down a bit. But its easier out in the open, so that the tanks can pickup mobs before they are on the wizards. (which caused most of the whipeouts in Catacombs)


Levels: 24-30
Minimum level for 24-11-2002: 26

Monsters: Catacombs, Danaoin Clerks

After a somewhat noob-like whipeout (almost 2 complete whipeouts ) in Catacombs due to the random AE-nuking mob there, we decided to venture to Lyoness and try our luck on the Clerks there.

While I was a bit worried about not being able to take on the mobs there. I was supprised that they didnt pose a big problem at all.

According to Kristena's Atlas, they range from 35 to 39 in level. Not bad, taking on mobs 7-12 levels above us and taking down 4 of them in under 30s and with almost no downtime.

Thats a bit it, after that we did a few more Clerks, tried goblins (dont, Ice resist simply makes them go down too slow) and the group(s) (we mostly had 1-1.5Fg's at all times) where breaking apart...


Omfg!, Albs have discovered our darkest secret, PBae and PBT, phear!!



Haha...I always forget how cute Apathy looks.

It was good fun...a change from RvR (Which is beginning to get into the "This pisses me off" zone again.) and leveling other alts ("Oh yay! Another group of random spastics!").

Thanks for posting that stuff, KO. Not sure how Ice will fare...perhaps a little better given that we are 1fg of everything we need and have agreed times and dates to play. We're also the same level as each other. (Though I might go and level up a bit so that you-know-who can't scream "OOOOOOOOOOOWNED!" every time he dings 0.00001 seconds before the others.)

All we need now is a decent bloody name. :) FROZEN ASSETS!




Apathy you look like a cheap slut, from any angle.


Don't talk to me like that son, or you'll be getting no dinner tonight.

Now, where are my fishnets? They better not be in your bedroom again.




wanted to join in with your pbaoe fun :(
u dont want sorcerer, u dont want mincer, :(


The spriggarn camp in salis looks like the best spot to start at today, as the group is now 12. Then it's a choice between the TR camp and the druid circle... anyone tried both?


Thanks for the replies, and especially the screenies courtesy of wildfire. Few points from me...

Firstly, we aren't recruiting any more people for this, and I want to keep it as 1fg. Only with 1fg can we have complete coordination and compliance between all parties. The task of organising 16 people being and staying online at any one time is a bit of a mission imo. As a group of 8 people, with similar playing times, it seems to work quite well.

Interesting mob reports, but a few things to add: often you wrote about high cold resists, making mobs hard to kill. Luckily, as every player in our group has at least one or two 50 chars we have a few ways of getting around problems such as this. For example we have a 50 cleric buffbot following us around, and a 50 sorc, who managed to pull over 10 mobs a time, cold debuff them and make them fall over in seconds.

We'll stick with Salisbury plains tonight, feel free to come and observe, we're meeting at west downs at 10pm GMT.


Now we know who that pain in the ass cleric in Camelot was:D


just wish i could have been part if it, thats all.
ill just carry on being sad and bored out of my mind in camelot :(



Originally posted by Ambulance
Now we know who that pain in the ass cleric in Camelot was:D

It was you, my hunky Manbulance!



Cold Debuff isnt AE, so debuffing each mob is (imho) a bit slower then just taking on mobs that arent very resistant against cold... (could be wrong here)

Sprigarn/tombraiders dont like cold, and you should see +dmg on your hits on both, also both have a high respawn rate compared to slavers/nymps and even giants... Aged Baselisks really hate cold, those drop like flies but are hard to find...

As for tanks we had paladins, so agro was never a problem, I was one of the paladins, and 2-3 reds on each paladin 'was normal' (was funny, healer was healing as fast as she could but HP usually stayed around 50% ;))... I also suggest to stay with low purple as higher simply doesnt give much more XP (we found that reds where the best in xp/kill time)...

The higher that the mobs get, the more important mob-pickup by the tanks got btw... If a tank fails to taunt 1 mob and it gets on a wizard for 2 hits(often even 1 hit), its usually a dead wizard ;) (it helped a lot that all tanks where paladins)

Also the resists on lower levels (10-15ish) is a bitch, wizards just have a hard time hitting mobs that are 4-5 levels higher... But as said, thats not a big problem passed 20ish anymore...

Note that on my report, we often had more then 1FG...

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