Mysticbob, Are you out there?



Long ago, a noobian friar picked up his staff and headed out to Beno with his friends. He was met with danger and certain doom. Being at the age that near everything was just waiting to pounce from the shadows and slay him and his comrades.

This did not phase them. They trecked through mobs and guards to finally reach Hadrians Wall and the infamous beno xroad.

They laughed and felt good that they got this far without much resistence. Only to be set upon by a heartless and cruel man by the name of Mysticbob. He slayed them and then called out for more.

That friar and his comrades released their souls and were placed back on Albion by Reorx, the almighty Ale God. He charged them with finding this man they called Bob, slay him so as that the albion frontier would be safe from tyranny for ever.

That friar grew and trained, vowing each day to finding the kobold who took his life all those years ago. Finally he was ready.

Mysticbob, I challenge thee to a duel. Know that I will be in HW searching for you. And I shall set a date in the near future for the time our fates shall be decided.

Do you accept? :)

If anyone could pass this message on to bob, it would be great :)


I think I heard somewhere that he stopped playing :(


I knew my evil past would catch up with me:)

I still play although a lot less than I used to, mainly I'm around as billybob the healer.

How could I refuse a challenge like this? :) If you suggest some dates I will see what I can do.


Good stuff Mystic :D

I have work this week but will have time tue/wed. I'm sure i'll be around HW or Odins :)

I also went to yer guilds site

Thanks for all the help guys.

Lets hope for some fireworks eh :D

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