


just stumbled upon this little info in a thread about the fomor end-boss on vnboards:

The tactics to kill him is to only hit him corpse and not his heads. GtAoE are usefull and all tanks go on his corpse by the little bridge just before him.
We took about 20min to kill him.

Quote is taken from a european player, who managed to kill the hydra with 7 fgs on Ys (french server).


When we where there 2 days ago we where strictly told NOT to hit his body or use aoe spells :D


Well, if you AE and hit a acid bubble you get dotted, so no it's not a good idea to AE

But ganking the main body might work, dunno


Well, they tried and suceeded. I doubt thier info is wrong.

GTAoE/Mailstrom are fixed in place, so its a lot easier to decide exactly where you want the AOE's to go off, perhaps its a case of carefull positioning of the groundtarget. Havent seen this beasty myself so cant really say..


During our first try on Friday i had my GT set in such a way that i always hit the body and 1-3 heads. Wasn't hitting the bubbles and wasn't dotted. Was hitting for 40-120 dmg per pop (lvl 44 voidy)


mythic need to realise fast that all the effort put into making these dungeons and mobs is wasted. 7 FG to get maybe 1 drop that may look good but offers nothing over good player made weapons.

All these places in SI could have been vibrant and sought after but tbh SI is one big ghost town apart from the odd galla raid.

The damage SC has done to DAOC is unrepairable now.


Originally posted by censi
mythic need to realise fast that all the effort put into making these dungeons and mobs is wasted. 7 FG to get maybe 1 drop that may look good but offers nothing over good player made weapons.

All these places in SI could have been vibrant and sought after but tbh SI is one big ghost town apart from the odd galla raid.

The damage SC has done to DAOC is unrepairable now.

too true, if it wasnt for sc i would bother trying for the chanter staff from galladoria, however as it is i can just run around with a 10.5 dps with the stats i need for my sc

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