if what I have heard is correct. Focus shield will be moving to enchant line in 1.63. The imagine this will help the insane amount of PLing and focus pulling in the game.
well.. PLing yess... farming and focus pulling no.
simple, someone wants to make a focus group after 1.63 he /who enchant (lvl goes here)
he messages asking if guy wants group if guy has focus shield.
guy joins group.
/who eld (lvl)
ask them to join since all elds go mana to lvl nowadays.
why? because with this move being a chanter over and eld givs only one benifit.... the pet.
imo removing the focus shield without putting something in its place, (like some castable ae dissease or something) basically removes the point of RvR chanters.
which means, people who want a chanter for farming, will still make one. They will spec enchant and make large raids better (with high dmg Add)
also when farming, they will get pet self buffs to help them.
chanter + mana eld + bard + druid = still good farming group.
for PLs, think of it, half the PLers are 1 person PLing their alt/buff bot.
so if one person + buff bot go PLing, the PLer will have to let focus shield kill the mobs, so thus more heals needed by healer, so thus less mobs and more mana usage.
so thus the only really good PLs will need more then 1 chanter. Which i agree with.
i dont know, just my 2 cents but mana elds > mana chanters in RvR imo. So why go enchanter? For the focus shield farming. without focus shield what will make people go enchanter rather then eld as their main?
i think 1.63 will be the death of chanters imo.
any thoughts? Opinions? cause I'm sure theres flames and post farming otw
well.. PLing yess... farming and focus pulling no.
simple, someone wants to make a focus group after 1.63 he /who enchant (lvl goes here)
he messages asking if guy wants group if guy has focus shield.
guy joins group.
/who eld (lvl)
ask them to join since all elds go mana to lvl nowadays.
why? because with this move being a chanter over and eld givs only one benifit.... the pet.
imo removing the focus shield without putting something in its place, (like some castable ae dissease or something) basically removes the point of RvR chanters.
which means, people who want a chanter for farming, will still make one. They will spec enchant and make large raids better (with high dmg Add)
also when farming, they will get pet self buffs to help them.
chanter + mana eld + bard + druid = still good farming group.
for PLs, think of it, half the PLers are 1 person PLing their alt/buff bot.
so if one person + buff bot go PLing, the PLer will have to let focus shield kill the mobs, so thus more heals needed by healer, so thus less mobs and more mana usage.
so thus the only really good PLs will need more then 1 chanter. Which i agree with.
i dont know, just my 2 cents but mana elds > mana chanters in RvR imo. So why go enchanter? For the focus shield farming. without focus shield what will make people go enchanter rather then eld as their main?
i think 1.63 will be the death of chanters imo.
any thoughts? Opinions? cause I'm sure theres flames and post farming otw