My specs and options



I've been fairly inactive as of late - full time job this summer (which is about 40 times the amount of work I do at uni), as well as enjoying the splendid weather :)

But, I'll be playing gradually more, then quite a bit back in the "dark age of hung-over-alot" uni life in September. Before I went inactive, I dinged my infil (*pop* goes a kitten) 50, giving me four options to RVR with (as I'm a man who likes variety) based on what groups are available/how zergy RVR is etc - an active group healer (cleric), a light tank/backup healer (friar), a heavy offensive tank/guardbot (armsman) and a solo assassin (infiltrator).

Looking over my chars, all of which I'm proud of :) I'd like some (helpful) opinions on a few ways to go forward with their specs. My current specs are as follows:


Eggy (BRITON cleric) - 41rejuv, 35enhance, 3smite
BOF, Purge, MCL2, Raging Power, Acuity 2, MoH2, WH2, AoM2

Very happy with this spec, not looking to change it at all. Previously I've tried smite (for solo levelling) and the 40e/35r/9s template, which has been superceeded in my mind by my current spec (full res, 726 spec single heal, lvl 39 spread heal etc). Have been considering MoC/MoArt, but will get RR7+ before deciding this. An interesting question - is MoArcane now useful/worthwhile?


Frequent (BRITON friar) - 39staff, 48enhance, 18rejuv, 13parry
All passive RAs currently, low RR - planning on (obviously) purge, perhaps IP but unlikely

I enjoy this spec, but wouldn't mind some knowledgable advice on 39/44 staff, as well as the usefulness of possibly decreasing enhance (removing 24% resists) and increasing parry. Still unsure as to 18 rejuv, almost seems a waste of points to me in a 2-cleric group, especially as I already have a healer. Again, is MoArcane worthwhile?


Forky (HIGHLANDER armsman) - 50polearm, 42shield, 39slash, 6parry
Purge, all rest passive RAs

The big question - thrust pole or not? I like the hybrid spec but am unsure if I could be more use to people as S+S, or full thrust pole/thrust 2H. Any advice is welcome in this department. I got auto train points from using a full respec when I was just a younger fork, enabling me to do this spec (I believe). Opinions on soldier's barricade?


Lanky (SARACEN infil) - 50thrust, 44CS, 34envenom, 34stealth, 23DW
All passive RAs (recent 50, purge coming up)

How much difference between 44/39 CS? Followups are nice, but would I be better off raising that DW even more. Note: autotrained to level 24 here, so I can pop 20 extra points into char builder.


All of my chars are SCed, with everything capped (everything that's needed anyway). And, I know that apart from Eggy my chars are currently low RR. Next mission is all RR5+ :)

Any productive thoughts etc would be welcome.

Write them, then go outside it's a gorgeous day! :clap:


Infil... ive just specced my cs down to 34 from 44, and then i raised my dw to 35 from 21....

and im happy with it :D

so my spec is now

50 thrust
34 cs
35 stealth
35 envenom
35 dw


i just did the oposite n speced from 39Cs to 44CS. not too sure about 34CS but not really seeing that much dif in off hand swings

Lomald Umilinn

I was .. and have tried á lot of dif spec (when respec bug was active).

I was ... before 1.62
50 thrust
39 cs
31 envenom
33 stealth
34 dual wield

Pa didn't hit for much more then 340 in avarage (using mp weaps)
Off hand hit/swing all attacks and hit for about 60-100 damage.

I have tried 50 thrust 50 dual wield .. when the respec bug was in ... and i notice about the same amount of damage with offhand weapon when i hit it, as i did with 34 dual wield. About 70-100 with 50DW.

Now after 1.62 is live i am:

50 Thrust
44 Cs (once again)
33 Envenom
30 Stealth
31 Dual Wield
(used career stone before patch to save single-respec).

I haven't played much around after patch though ... but the 1-2 hours i tried it yesterday my pa landed about 450-500 avarage, and nearly 700-800 on mages.

Offhand swings all times and hit for about 60-100 (with Dualists reflexes 3)

The avarage damage on CS styles between 44cs and 39 cs seems to be quite a lot. The offhand swings/hits between 34 and 31 isn't noticeable.

So imo .. droping 44cs to get 35 dual wield is a waste of points unless you are going tank infil(mercfiltrator).

At least that's what i've experienced. My first spec involved 44CS...then switched to a lower CS ... then switched to a mercfil .. then switched back to 39CS .. and now back at 44cs (haven't tried 50 cs though). And from my experience, its a lot of missing dmage on crit moves between 39CS and 44CS.


Originally posted by Eggy
I've been fairly inactive as of late - full time job this summer (which is about 40 times the amount of work I do at uni), as well as enjoying the splendid weather :)

But, I'll be playing gradually more, then quite a bit back in the "dark age of hung-over-alot" uni life in September. Before I went inactive, I dinged my infil (*pop* goes a kitten) 50, giving me four options to RVR with (as I'm a man who likes variety) based on what groups are available/how zergy RVR is etc - an active group healer (cleric), a light tank/backup healer (friar), a heavy offensive tank/guardbot (armsman) and a solo assassin (infiltrator).

Looking over my chars, all of which I'm proud of :) I'd like some (helpful) opinions on a few ways to go forward with their specs. My current specs are as follows:


Eggy (BRITON cleric) - 41rejuv, 35enhance, 3smite
BOF, Purge, MCL2, Raging Power, Acuity 2, MoH2, WH2, AoM2

Very happy with this spec, not looking to change it at all. Previously I've tried smite (for solo levelling) and the 40e/35r/9s template, which has been superceeded in my mind by my current spec (full res, 726 spec single heal, lvl 39 spread heal etc). Have been considering MoC/MoArt, but will get RR7+ before deciding this. An interesting question - is MoArcane now useful/worthwhile?


Frequent (BRITON friar) - 39staff, 48enhance, 18rejuv, 13parry
All passive RAs currently, low RR - planning on (obviously) purge, perhaps IP but unlikely

I enjoy this spec, but wouldn't mind some knowledgable advice on 39/44 staff, as well as the usefulness of possibly decreasing enhance (removing 24% resists) and increasing parry. Still unsure as to 18 rejuv, almost seems a waste of points to me in a 2-cleric group, especially as I already have a healer. Again, is MoArcane worthwhile?


Forky (HIGHLANDER armsman) - 50polearm, 42shield, 39slash, 6parry
Purge, all rest passive RAs

The big question - thrust pole or not? I like the hybrid spec but am unsure if I could be more use to people as S+S, or full thrust pole/thrust 2H. Any advice is welcome in this department. I got auto train points from using a full respec when I was just a younger fork, enabling me to do this spec (I believe). Opinions on soldier's barricade?


Lanky (SARACEN infil) - 50thrust, 44CS, 34envenom, 34stealth, 23DW
All passive RAs (recent 50, purge coming up)

How much difference between 44/39 CS? Followups are nice, but would I be better off raising that DW even more. Note: autotrained to level 24 here, so I can pop 20 extra points into char builder.


All of my chars are SCed, with everything capped (everything that's needed anyway). And, I know that apart from Eggy my chars are currently low RR. Next mission is all RR5+ :)

Any productive thoughts etc would be welcome.

Write them, then go outside it's a gorgeous day! :clap:

Cleric: DON'T TOUCH EGGY SPECS! /slap :D
Noret swears by MofArt and Reduced cast time
MoC is very useful but oh so expensive
MoArcane is reserved for buffbots as you don't have points to spare ^^

Friar: More staff the better tbh-Friar Resists are nice but the extra staff is probably worth the loss of the last Haste-unless you happen to be an original firar with extra spec points if I were rolling a friar now I'd go 44 staff 44enh for last absorb buff (don't need the other buffs with 2 clerics in grp) 15rejuv for 30% rez and 15 parry.

However if I could get away with it (I.E. I were QS) I'd prolly go 50 Staff, 44enh rest Parry ^^

Armsman: Full Thrust, Pole or 2 Hand to taste (I'd lean to Pole) Full Weapons Spec (Go fotm Thrust or Crush) 23 Shield (for Back stun if needed) 17 Parry

Infiltrator: Depends on playstyle, as a sneeky bugger I'd stay with your current spec-the extra PA damage outweighs the 6% chance to swing that offhand and even though CD is only 6 sec vs DF 9 sec it's still plenty of time to get free hits in-all loaded with lots of posions :)
FYI Duel Wield only affects % chance to swing and not off hand damage-it's 0.5% per point from a base chance to swing.
As for dropping Envenom or Stealth, you'll need to be RR6 with that spec before you think about having to get your hands on a Respec Stone :)

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