My maths lecturer sucks...


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
And thus it is probable I will fail my maths uni module.

He goes through the easiest of questions, sets a book that also only goes through the easiest of questions & then sets fuckin hard questions to work through.

He set an exam, which was 10x harder than the past exams & said we'd be able to finish it in the time allocated. We couldn't - neither could the post grads...

His lectures are incredibly useless. He just reads through the material on the big screen thingy.

Every other lecturer & module is fine but it's just this frickin maths and it is so frustrating.

Just wanted to get that off my chest!


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
maths lecturers are normally quite bad. i only had like 2 that were any good. and i always found the set texts a bit lacking so i would smash the library for as many alternative ways to explain whatever i was looking at.

but if its the entire class who gets a rubbish mark then i would complain. although, if he had been setting tough questions to start with then it should have been do-able...

Dark Orb Choir

Loyal Freddie
Apr 11, 2008
not as bad as mine, all mine were in the afternoon and the guy was so obviously drunk all the time

he cycled to work, as we found out later he was banned for drunk driving....

he used to make "deliberate mistakes" which were not deliberate just him being pissed up, was fun until he got sacked


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
not as bad as mine, all mine were in the afternoon and the guy was so obviously drunk all the time

he cycled to work, as we found out later he was banned for drunk driving....

he used to make "deliberate mistakes" which were not deliberate just him being pissed up, was fun until he got sacked

If he is banned for drink driving he isnt allowed on a bike is he? I once got told that if your drunk on a cycle (yes the push bike type) youll get points etc as if youre in a car?


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
If he is banned for drink driving he isnt allowed on a bike is he? I once got told that if your drunk on a cycle (yes the push bike type) youll get points etc as if youre in a car?

No driving licence or insurance required to ride a bike so I don't know how they could stop you.

Getting (sort of) back on topic; I never had a good a maths teacher/lecturer, not one. Generalising enormously here, but maybe ability at maths= disconnected personality= poor empathy= bad teacher. I'm not claiming any great maths ability, far from it, but I'm not thick either, and I was fortunate at school to have a great physics teacher who actually explained stuff like quadratic and simultaneous linear equations in one day, far better than my maths teacher who simply repeated himself day in day out to an incomprehending audience. Same at uni, I learned far more about stats from my accountancy lecturer than my maths lecturer, who was fucking rubbish.


Part of the furniture
Apr 9, 2005
No driving licence or insurance required to ride a bike so I don't know how they could stop you.

The Licensing Act 1872 originally made it an offence to be drunk in charge of a bicycle (or any other vehicle or carriage) on a highway or in a public place. But this has now been updated by Section. 30, Road Traffic Act 1988.

Section 30 of the Road Traffic Act 1988, as amended by the Road Traffic Act 1991, provides the offence of cycling on a road or public place whilst under the influence of drink or drugs. It states:
30(1) A person who, when riding a cycle on a road or other public place, is unfit to ride through drink or drugs (that is to say, is under the influence of drink or a drug to such an extent as to be incapable of having proper control of the cycle) is guilty of an offence.


(i) The evidence of the extent to which a person is affected must be measured by means other than the provision of a specimen of breath, blood or urine, as there is no power to require such a specimen in these circumstances. However, if such a specimen was offered, it is probable that the evidence obtained by analysis of the specimen would be admissible.
(ii) In Scotland a constable may arrest without warrant a person committing an offence.
(iii) In England and Wales a constable may only arrest without warrant in accordance with the powers of arrest set out in section 24 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. In such an instance, that power might be exercised where a satisfactory address has not been furnished, or the constable has reasonable grounds for believing that arrest is necessary to prevent such a person causing physical injury to himself or any other person (see also other conditions in s24 of PACE).
(iv) The absence of a specific power of arrest in England and Wales affects the ability of the police to present any form of medical evidence of the accused's condition.
(v) There is no offence of 'being in charge' of a cycle under the Road Traffic Acts, but such conduct may well be an offence of drunk in charge of a carriage under section 12 of the Licensing Act 1872. A bicycle or tricycle is a carriage for the purpose of that section.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah but that's not the same as banning you from cycling if you're already banned from driving.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Mate, get a group of you together and complain to your students union. They'll know the appropriate channels to use. We moaned for 2 years about our networking lectures being shit, but never did anything about it, and it was only when we got to our final year that our course admins realised that we didn't know shit. We then had to do 1st and 2nd year networking in 3 months, and then cram 4th year networking into half the usual time.


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 13, 2006
I used to have a Maths lecturer that was always drunk 2, what happened each semester was he only turned up 2-3 lectures and told us exactly what the exam was and how 2 answer it. Never understood how he kept getting away with it, but didn't complain as it was easy mark (he only did half the paper though so still had to do some work for other lecturer).


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
Lol your not at Edinburgh are you bugz? Cos I have the Exact same problem on my course!

He asks if we get something but gets frustrated when we don't, and he is not amazingly good at explaining things, every week we were set work, and from what I have seen most of us had to have it explained to us in the tutorials!

Would not be so bad but I did Geology because my maths sucks :/


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
Nah - not at Edinburgh.

I do economics so maths is a massive part of it. The lecturer for term 2 is apparently fantastic and looks at the statistical/econometrical side of the maths syllabus so hopefully my degree of failure in this module can be outdone by my degree of success in stats :D


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
Uni is more about your own study rather than learning solely from lecturers, they're there to point you in the right direction not much more. You're going to have to put the hours in in the library.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Uni is more about your own study rather than learning solely from lecturers, they're there to point you in the right direction not much more. You're going to have to put the hours in in the library.
Granted, but the lecturer is failing massively if he doesn't engage his students and just reads out slides. The best lecturer I had at uni turned an incredibly boring subject - HCI, Human Computer Interaction - in to something quite interesting because he peppered his lectures with anecdotes from the real world. He had a lecture style that grabbed you and made it FAR easier for the information to sink in.


Part of the furniture
Jul 24, 2004
Granted, but the lecturer is failing massively if he doesn't engage his students and just reads out slides. The best lecturer I had at uni turned an incredibly boring subject - HCI, Human Computer Interaction - in to something quite interesting because he peppered his lectures with anecdotes from the real world. He had a lecture style that grabbed you and made it FAR easier for the information to sink in.

EU Law is hardly the most interesting of subjects ever invented. (actually its pretty damn tedious most of the time) However my lecturer has a way about him which seems to give it a breath of life. I dunno whether its the cases that he chooses or the fact that its obvious he loves this area of law but he's truly makes it much easier to learn.
Whereas my public law lecturer (police powers/human rights/supremacy of parliament stuff) manages to destroy what should be a really interesting subject. He has no presence at the front of the room and speeds through his lectures so we have no idea what the hell is going on half the time.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
yeah i think really just assume lecturers are crap at lecturing. they are primarily academic researchers, after all?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
The majority of lectuers at Uni are shit. They're purely there as a means to further their own research and intellectual interests due to the job flexibility and freedom. A lecturer that focuses on teaching and their students are excellent and make Uni that much more enjoyable. From my experience however the majority just don't give a shit (which is probably mirrored from the majority of students not giving a shit either).


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
Well i proboly got 0-15% in todays exam, could not answer over half of it. And many of us are in the same boat.

Thankfully i will have still passed the course as my coursework grade is high enough (just)

But hopefully when the marks are reviewed (im assuming they will be) questions will be asked on why so many students seem to be struggling to pass.

Its depressing to see your lecturer trying to teach somthing and getting corrected by a student who has never studied it at that level before.

He said the other day something along the lines of

"its very frustrating when your teaching something and you think you know somthing"


"its very different up here" (meaning the front of class i assume)

Still,my grade is my fault, i had more than enough time to study by myself and seek help from other lecturers, its a kick up the backside i needed.

Tho it still does not change the fact that its very depresseing to attend a lecture and feel you have not taken any new knowlage away from it.


I am a FH squatter
Apr 3, 2006
My software development lecturer is fresh in England from Japan and barely has a grasp of English. Needless to say i'm failing that module pretty hard and have stopped bothering going to lectures :eek:


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
My software development lecturer is fresh in England from Japan and barely has a grasp of English. Needless to say i'm failing that module pretty hard and have stopped bothering going to lectures :eek:

Erm I would have thought the uni would have picked up that issue....


FH is my second home
Sep 5, 2008
From what I hear from my brother, lots of computer/engineering type subject lecturers suck at speaking english. He says lots of them are chinese/japanese/indian and no one in the lecture can understand a single thing that they say. His solution has been to not go to the lectures but just read the textbook and and look at the lecture notes and learn from that.

On my course (philosophy) most of the lecturers are actually quite good speakers, so there hasn't been much problem. I did have one seminar leader who had no idea what he was talking about but he has been replaced now which is good.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Got 68% on the first test =/

and why exactly are you moaning? isnt a pass 35% these days?

you cant blame a lecturer for failing at something. they just come in to give you a skeleton outline of what needs to be known, its not like college and school where youre told every little thing.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
and why exactly are you moaning? isnt a pass 35% these days?

you cant blame a lecturer for failing at something. they just come in to give you a skeleton outline of what needs to be known, its not like college and school where youre told every little thing.

Marks got scaled due to the fact everyone got 40% & below ;d

Also I won't bother replying to the second part, as it's evident you did not read my initial post =/


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I used to literally fall asleep all the time in my maths lessons when I was doing CIMA. worst lecturer ever.


Failed Geordie and Parmothief
Jan 2, 2004
Marks got scaled due to the fact everyone got 40% & below ;d

Also I won't bother replying to the second part, as it's evident you did not read my initial post =/

i did read it, otherwise i couldnt possibly have posted a reply in relation to it.

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