My Little Shadowblade



As alot of my close ingame friends know I'm gona respec the little dude cos he's no longer practical since the ability to stay stealthed after a 1hit has been removed.

At the moment I'm using a great critblade spec of:

44 Sword
50 Critical Strike
37 Stealth
23 Evenom
(I didnt auto train stealth so lower env :/)

The spec I'm looking for is something which will do very heavy damage out of stealth in melee without the need for too much env. Definetly want an axe user but I cant decide a perfect one so I'm asking you lot to help me out :)

Also please take into account teh changes to env, which all i know is body resist will degrade venom etc

tx :)


Aye thats the one I chose before but I'm wondering if theres any way to make me hit harder - I dont want to rely on CS nomore cos stalking sucks ass just wanna run in and cause pain >:)


Could you start that 5spec template as SZ then and add in the CS towards the end. Might do that with my SB when I roll it :)

Just don't wanna have to level without zderk damage. Would be awful :)


lo pudz m8 :D

either sz/5 spec or soulblade m8, soulblade you have both high dmg output and cs but low/no env.. seems a good spec but alot of US players are moving from that cos envenom is just too damned handy tbh.. i would go 5 spec, hell every other sb is spec or sz so why not you :p


36 stealth
44 Axe
44 LA
34 Env
2 CS (10 CS with autotrain)

5 Spec:

36 stealth
39 LeftAxe
39 Axe
30 Envenom (Higher Env with Lower Axe)
34 CS


36 Stealth
44 LeftAxe
43 Axe (44 Axe if you want very low env)
34 CS
10 Env (5 Env with 44 Axe)


I got LA 39 axe 36 env35 ste35 cs 34, doing autotrain till lvl 42 I think it was. I do strugle to get a nice PA Cd combo in and kill, most of time PA DF will get the job done (on casters) maybe Sz is better then ?. I think it all comes down to how u like to play. Hide go find good target and kill fast and restealth or be a mad kobold and be a mini zerker :p
5 spec do have more options in battle then a crit, but is not better, its a matter of taste. I do hate when i find a stealther doing PA Cd DF and he still standing there doing IP. Can't stop thinking why didnt i make a critblade.
Since u allready have a lot of RP , U have more options how to respec, try get RR5 and spec stealth to lvl 34 only. I have not calculated what u can use spare points in yet but sure it can be used somewhere nice :). I can myself have 49 in stealth now but going with 48 to use other cloack and really No big deal. I get 49 someday when i reach RR5 or the GG cloack will drop.

Just a thought from a healer trying to stealth around :p


when can we respec? i wanna go fire :eek:

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