My last char slot on prywden...


Nemesis Warlock

Hello !

I started Lhasar, a celt becoming a champion in blunts...

Now i think about doing a luri thrust champ ;)

well..... Does the luri at lvl 50 has same HP than celt ... ? Is it dependable upon ur race too ? or just class and con. Does ur skill (int/con/dex) raise only class wise or Race wise too ?

Or should i make a Luri thrust hero ?
Or and elf Champ for more int (shouts) ?

meep ;) thx for answers

Free LUNIPRUNI for all ;)


Lets try, despite my generally horrid knowledge of Hibernia ;)

Having a higher con, the Celt should have more health

your class decides on which con table you are (and thus how much hp you gain each level) and your con is applied as a modiefier on that. thus more con = more HP

your skills raise based on class, each class has a primary, a secondery and a tertiary skill

primary gets raised by 1 each level
secondary (not sure on this) every 3
and tertiary every 5
in case of a champ that's Str/Int/Dex

Luris make excelent defensive tanks, due to their high dex skill (block/parry is dex based) and thrust is good skill to compliment that with, as Thrust too is dex based
Defensive specced tanks are only really good in PvE though
although the thrust DOES give a nice bonus to middie chain ;)

Soulcatcher is just this. a defensive Luri champ
and though I haven't really played her yet, I already noticed a very high block/parry/evade percentage through the first 5 levels
even though damage is slightly horrible ;)


luri champ with LW, ain't anything cooler :D


I took a Luri Shield/Pierce champ to 30 on Hib/Excal. Although his dmg output wasn't great (in fact it was rubbish) I could solo all yellows I tried, and had no problems tanking when I was required. You block, evade and parry lots because of high dex and your hp at lvl50 won't be that far off a celt anyway.

In RvR I guess you could be an archer killer, disguising as a caster then whipping your shield out at last minute, pulling a slam off then beating their brains out \o/ But I wouldnt recommend going up against any 'real' tanks with this spec/race choice.

Good luck anyway.


ASk any 50th lvl luri shade out there see what there HP are.

50th celt champs have 1600 HP fully buffed

Nemesis Warlock

A Lvl 50 Luri Ranger i know has 1350 HP full buffed ;)

What about others ;)) ?


best person you could speak to about luri champs is a certain malavolencia burnadette, first person to hit lvl 50 with a luri champ on our server, shes specced in lw to offset the low str. message her for advice


Luri NS don t get any increased in Con through level.
Got almost 1400 HP fully buffed though and heard of one maxing con and hit with items going for 1500.


Originally posted by zanzara
Got almost 1400 HP fully buffed though and heard of one maxing con and hit with items going for 1500.


/em begins editing all posts about Zanzara to remove any and all baiting :)

Hehe - no wonder you guys were hard for me to take down!

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