My first impression after playing just over an hour on Mordred




My guild Fianna's Wrath from MLF got into the next stage of the beta testing for Mordred so the entire guild was allowed to test it out. We could even port our live characters there so I now already have a level 46 clone of my warden on Pendragon and a 48.5 clone on Mordred. :)

Here is the Fianna's Wrath forum, under General Discussion you find a couple of Mordred threads.

And this is the post from there where I posted my first impressions about the PvP server (still in beta). Also some info on warden changes in 1.51I because those interest me as well of course. It's not really in depth and the text is bad but it's getting really late now and I'm too tired to reread it. :p

I'm not really planning on playing there much (I'm level 48.5 on MLF and would like to ding 50 soon) but if you got some questions about it go ahead.


Mid tanks with end regen? ;)
A group with rms, wizzies and magicians? ;)
No questions really, i would like to gank the annoying lowbies though (As of latest a lvl 3 seer came to spind asking for group)



or some lvl 50 playing an alt.... I'll give you 10g per lvl I go up


Oki, I hope you don't mind Breydel but I'm going to hijack your thread to ask a few questions ;)

1. Are we still getting a PvP server over here? I'm not demanding it now or anything it's just I haven't heard anything about it for a while and I'm wondering if everythings going as planned.

2. How are GOA gonna do this? are they going to stop patching until the PvP server is working? Or are they hiring more people to work on the PvP server as the original team trys to get us up to date with the yanks? (god forbid they are splitting the team in half, one part for patching one for PvP :rolleyes: )

3. The last I heard it was going to be in English, now people probably ain't gonna like me for this but is that fair? I mean surely rotating the language like Gorre would be fairer, I sure as hell wouldn't like it if the PvP server was purely French or German (and yes, I am English)

Thats about it really, the main reason for me wanting this so bad is to whoop Moriath's butt and prove once and for all whose the man!!! ;) :p :m00:


Heehee in yr dreams m8y :D

But i don't think anyone knows about to PvP server in Europe.. its at least 3 patches away ... We could be here sometime.

Go get a US CD m8 and we see what happens


1 : afaik it is still going ahead, i havent heard anything to the contrary :)

2 : I would imagine it would not need any work really other than setting up, so shouldnt take up that much time (just my guesses though)

3 : to rotate the language the new parts would need translation i would imagine, aswell as frequent changes to the language on the server. also during the periods when it is on french\german then the english players who cannot understand french\german would be unable to play, or at the best they would be unable to play with much understanding past what they remember, ie they couldnt do quests. the server is to be english afaik :)

oh and btw


Breydel, I saw something abotu getting exp from kills? is this sufficient to level up, or is there some kind of a limit to the exp you can get in one level while rvring?. Also do you have any idea how assasains, especially nightshades, are to play on Mordred? :)


Dunno Aei, the time I spent there was one huge big ganking fest. I didn't even have time to buff everyone in my group. There were about 20-30 of us near Mag mell ganking or getting ganked each few minutes.

The survivors were usually the ones that had a big group of hetrogene classes. I think assassins would rather avoid the mass and strike on solitary targets.

As for exp, at level 48.5 (exactly) I didn't loose any (48.5 cap) but didn't gain any either. Gold on the other hand, when you get ganked every time it costs 15 gold to buy conc back, even if you get ressed you loose conc. I started there with 2 plat 214 gold and 1 hour later I had 2 plat 41 gold. :p But you get gold from killing people too, I didn't knew that at first and didn't pick up the loot bags. However, the way it currently works I would suggest to play a powerful class or you'll end up with 0 conc and 0 gold in a rather quick time. Then you are really screwed.


Read your boards and you guys seem to have problems meeting up...try "/release city" next time you die :)


Heh, does that make me spawn in TNN then?


Havent played on Mordred yet but it should do, will probably take you to the main city of the realm your in (Midgard/Jordheim,Hibernia/Tir Na Nog,Albion/Camelot)

You guys are lucky to be on Mordred, though I understand its not always a pleasure hehe


Think PvP beta will not reflect real live server cos its got instant level 50's ganking each other, in reality it will be a helluva a lot harder to GET to 50 in a PvP server cos of the xp loss with PK deaths.

Basically Mythic made a decision, only way to get more peeps to test PvP server and test high level gameplay is char copies, problem with that is its not very realistic of how the REAL server would work if all staretd from zero.

Wouldnt take the bad experience as law and give up, just wait for proper live PvP server and see if you like it better when everyone starts on a level pegging and gets to choose the class they want and once mythic finish all changes/balance issues, like our favourite EU beta slogan says - "Rememebr its only Beta...!"


Solid, what you say is true for the first 2 months or so but somday there will be level 50's on the live PvP server as well and those players will turn it into a ganking fest as well.

I love the PvP server though, as it will drive these gankers away from the live servers. One big zoo for the most immature assassins who can spend the entire day ganking each other all over and over again. Perfect. :)



Just think,
DAoC's very own Felluca :D .

(apologies to any old Fellucans I offended I know you were not all l33t ganking Noto PK's :) Some were good people )


Hey Max. :)

Ding 49 BTW, 9 more bubs for 50 :)

Just been in a great group at fins1 in CF. I was gaining 2 bubs of exp at 48 in 1.5 hour. :p


Originally posted by old.Tasans
Mid tanks with end regen? ;)
A group with rms, wizzies and magicians? ;)
No questions really, i would like to gank the annoying lowbies though (As of latest a lvl 3 seer came to spind asking for group)
Lol, surely with him you should just group with him and immediately after pulling a green put your weapons away and sprint out ;-)

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