My final good bye



Well this is it for me, my account runs out in a few days them i am no more.

Thx to all the people i knew, it was fun well it lasted and hope u have fun and maybe i will see u again some time.

would like to thank even more the members of DK and BETA guys i knew.

u know who u are :)

oh and one last thing

GOA you suck :flame:


96 people have viewed this and no one has said bye..

So I'll step in first.

bye m8 and good luck - enjoy whatever you do.


Hope u find joy in other games Raz, was a pleasure playing with u


You better be in World Of Warcraft, if not, mebbes in SWG?

ICQ # 6265873.

Shout me Raz.


Bye Raz, was a pleasure playing with ya, hope to see you again in another mmorpg.


Draken do i know u by another name, i dont reconise that name :)

sorry m8 if i do :)


I was on holiday, and I've been lvling my alts.

It's much more fun than trawling kills with East, who is quite simply cack at soloing.

I love my Friar Southern Comfort. Oh yeah, and my guild <The Black Watch>.

Hehe, East and West are in it, 'cause Bavs split, and I didn't hang around.

Also, I'm not really playing actively enough to play in a big guild. Me and the few members in the guild are suited time wise etc for grouping.

Bleuergh, it's too late for rambling.:eek:


as im from prydwen i dont know who the hell u are. but theres quite a few MMORPGs coming out soon neocron (deus lovers out there)/SWG/shadowbane . and also never winter night :D

daoc will die in about 4 months i would say. and also morrowind is suppose to be a nice FPS RPG thats alredy out

just some RPG from the top of me head im sure theres loads more.


Die in 4 months? What are you? A prophet? I really can't believe that statement. I mean... just like with many other MMORPGs they will be implementing more and more and more stuff. We ARE getting an expansion pack at the end of this year aswell... so I really really doubt that DAoC will die away in 4 months. For you it might die away then or even now but not for most people.


Originally posted by Raziel
Well this is it for me, my account runs out in a few days them i am no more.

Thx to all the people i knew, it was fun well it lasted and hope u have fun and maybe i will see u again some time.

would like to thank even more the members of DK and BETA guys i knew.

u know who u are :)

oh and one last thing

GOA you suck :flame:

Cya raz mate, we had some fun, maybe you'll come back sometime :) good luck with *gasp* real life.


Farewell and Good Luck Raz, hope you still remember me :)
Drop me a message sometime, of course, youl have to download MSN first if you dont have it :)

Bye m8y :)


c u Raz good grping with u, might bump into at the next mmorpg :)


Originally posted by SFXman
Die in 4 months? What are you? A prophet? I really can't believe that statement.

This is my guess on when it will die well for euro ones most likely. but i dont wanna argue with you as i take it you're really into daoc at this current time. if u reply again with something hostile about this i aint gonna reply back


Die in 4 months? What are you? A prophet? I really can't believe that statement. I mean... just like with many other MMORPGs they will be implementing more and more and more stuff. We ARE getting an expansion pack at the end of this year aswell... so I really really doubt that DAoC will die away in 4 months.

The Americans might get an expansion pack at the end of the year .. hmm I wonder how long that will take to translate ;)

I do kinda agree though, the european situation is getting a bit rediculous now, I cant believe it takes longer to translate a patch than it does to actually code it in the first place. There has to be something wrong really.

But rest assured, as soon as something else decent comes out a large base of the players will leave if something is not done. I dont think the game will ever really die. You always get the hardcore gamers, and people who are new to the MMORPG scene or possibly people who just dont know any better.

I hope this wont always be the way with American/European MMORPG's, if Sony hire some gimpy company to manage the european side of SW:G i'm gonna cry. :mad:

But there will be lots more choice soon enough, and companies running MMORPG's will have to battle for the everso finite MMORPG player base, and GOA have gone a long way towards destroying their chances of being a mainstayer on the european side of things.

I can almost guarantee I will be gone in 4 months, Earth and Beyond, Dragon Empires, City of Heroes - the list is endless, why suffer from a lack of updates and poor customer relations when you can have it all elsewhere.

I'm not a pesimist i'm just a realist, for now i'll have to make do with what I have. DAoC is still enjoyable but the continual unsolved problems have really started to ruin it for me. I really hope that GOA get their act together and work out some kind of system so that we can at least get within .5 of the Americans version.

Wish you all the best Raziel


Originally posted by DtM
Farewell and Good Luck Raz, hope you still remember me :)
Drop me a message sometime, of course, youl have to download MSN first if you dont have it :)

Bye m8y :)

Nah i still rember u, we had some great luaghs in Beta

oh and yes i do have msn already :)


Personally I find single player games a bit dull nowadays, MMORPG's are the way forward for sure. Single player games are good for a quick blast if you have 30 mins to kill, but I just dont have the patience for long winded single player games anymore.

I dont know what your financial situation is like, but i'm not a rich man (and I can guarantee this goes for a great deal of MMORPG players) and I cannot really afford to be paying monthly subs for more than two MMORPG's as well as broadband access etc.


Originally posted by Gef
Personally I find single player games a bit dull nowadays, MMORPG's are the way forward for sure. Single player games are good for a quick blast if you have 30 mins to kill, but I just dont have the patience for long winded single player games anymore.

I dont know what your financial situation is like, but i'm not a rich man (and I can guarantee this goes for a great deal of MMORPG players) and I cannot really afford to be paying monthly subs for more than two MMORPG's as well as broadband access etc.

Well cut down on the beer and women then :)

Beer makes me lose control.

Girls = money x time
we all know time = money so girls = money x money
as money is the root of all evil, girls = sqrt(evil) x sqrt(evil)

Girls = evil!


Well cut down on the beer and women then

lmao, beer goes so well with DAoC tho, its the only thing that makes me forget how annoying it is being in the technical 'dark ages' compared to the US and actually play the game as it was intended without thinking. "Goddamn GOA we could have a wicked new dungeon by now!" or "FFS! Ganked by another Purple Middie, wish we had lower level battlegrounds"

Ignorance is bliss..


Originally posted by Lanceloc

Well cut down on the beer and women then :)

Beer makes me lose control.

Girls = money x time
we all know time = money so girls = money x money
as money is the root of all evil, girls = sqrt(evil) x sqrt(evil)

Girls = evil!

rofl! my thoughts exactly ;)

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