my final cabby spec



been changing my mind a few times about this so i wonder what you guys think is the best spec

matter 46
body 25
spirit 13
bets me best AoE dot, an AoE dissease and some pet buffs

matter 49
body 22
spirit 4

gets me best dot and not much else
I dont think that speccing matter to 50 makes sence since the dmg shield is only uasable in PvE
what do you think ?

edit : typo


I'd go for the #2.

Still hoping Mythic gives cabalists the lvl49 baseline DoT, which apparently was promised long ago...


How about:

45 Body
27 Matter
rest in Spirit

You might wonder why, Body has a 174DD at 2.5s cast time which returns 90% of the damage... Thats damn good, heck I'd even start a cabby just for that spell ;) (wont, cause leveling bores me so freaking much :p)

It has a bit to do with playstyle difference though, your not as much an RP-whore as you where with 46 Matter (as AE-dot is only usefull in standoffs/defense/offense of keeps/milegates, only limited use in open rvr)...


Well, you'll be looking at ~26% body resists on pretty much every lvl50 who's spent time looking for good items/done some SC, makes the lifetap function not so well, as it's 174 basedamage.

Biggest problem with DoTs is staying alive, but landing a good AoE-DoT is satisfactory, the "You hit" spam is very nice :)


Wedge, i know and i would love to roll a body cabby but i started this char a long tima ago. (berore the whole cabby craze )
So i have now 45 matter on him and no respec. so what ever spec i take has to have 45+ matter :)


One possibility is the cookie-cutter matter cabalist spec, 28 body/46 matter/4 spirit.


Originally posted by belth
One possibility is the cookie-cutter matter cabalist spec, 28 body/46 matter/4 spirit.

then i would rather go for the 46/25/13 spec gets pet a few nice'ish buffs and still have the AoE disease and attack speed debuff


Originally posted by -Wedge-
How about:

45 Body
27 Matter
rest in Spirit

You might wonder why, Body has a 174DD at 2.5s cast time which returns 90% of the damage... Thats damn good, heck I'd even start a cabby just for that spell ;) (wont, cause leveling bores me so freaking much :p)

but hitting for 250 (-289) isnt that fun.



Originally posted by -Wedge-
How about:

45 Body
27 Matter
rest in Spirit

You might wonder why, Body has a 174DD at 2.5s cast time which returns 90% of the damage... Thats damn good, heck I'd even start a cabby just for that spell ;) (wont, cause leveling bores me so freaking much :p)

It has a bit to do with playstyle difference though, your not as much an RP-whore as you where with 46 Matter (as AE-dot is only usefull in standoffs/defense/offense of keeps/milegates, only limited use in open rvr)...

The damage from this body spell should be raised loads. In rvr I have found it next to useless now. I did a respec to matter as the dmg output looks better, but boy it a crap spec to play. Its not like you can fire the aoe dot every where, well not unless us want to be a complete pleb and ruin rvr for the whole of albion. Roll on dragon respecs and I`ll be going back to my weak body spell. Till the respec gems come out, I`m just going to be keep guarding.


Nothing body-dmg based will ever do good damage while hibernia has wardens.
You are looking at 40% resist on any hib group, minimum. Easily more with the bugged chanter RA.


Originally posted by old.Elfslayer
I did a respec to matter as the dmg output looks better, but boy it a crap spec to play. Its not like you can fire the aoe dot every where, well not unless us want to be a complete pleb and ruin rvr for the whole of albion.
Hehe, each to his own. I like my matter Cabalist and the playstyle associated with it. Nearsight (even if you can get a lesser version of it as a body cabalist) is my favorite spell, AoE DoT has that unsettlingly satisfying message spam (like when you're eating that extra piece of cake you know you really shouldn't have), and stacking both DoTs on an enemy caster sure feels nice. I would like the larger radius on my AoE disease, tho. :)


although i enjoyed my body spec, the puny dammage it did was pretty useless.

no rather than nuking my target, ill pick a target and cast both dot's on them then life tap them down a bit.
then switc targets and repeat.

if it looks right ill drop and aoe dot on the lot and then go around base dotting people as they are all ready spec dotted.



I have to agree with you Belomar, with me it comes down to purely play style, and I like the body style. Its just a shame the dmg is so small and yeah I love nearsight, the only prob I find with it is my targets tend to run away after I hit them with it :( Body will be nice when they implement getting rp off debuffs. That desease has some radius ;)


Well i am just not sure if i want the AoE disease or the highest spec dot.
At the moment i am leaning towards the dot.
Also not sure if i should take MoM I and WP I, i do use DD's a fair bit in rvr


given the higher resistances on lower level spells (that disease is gonna get resisted a lot...)

I'd possibly go for 46 matter 28 spirit...

evil pet :) and some (again highly resistable) debuffs which might be handy.

Of course it kills the variance on your lifetap.


Trust me...if your main damage type is Body you better get used to hunting for Mids because that's about all you can even make a fucking scratch on.

Go matter! Noone AoE CCs anymore so AoE dotting is totally ubererotic.



I am specced as your No1 choice :) It is a nice all round conig, gives you aoe disease, reasonable spec in body with + items and the spirit line boosts your pet quite significantly.

The problem with body spec is that you get high resists to low level spells, so I am not sure if speccing body for the disease was really worth it, but it is useful for the body varience reduction (lifetap is your friend regardless of which spec line you choose to focus on).

Might well play with my spec after the respec stones start dropping off the dragon, would like to try higher spirit and possibly go for the highest spec dot.


Eeek, i am realy wondering if i ever will have time to cast the disease, i almost never go to emain, i tend to hang around our frontier most of the time hunting doing keep defence/takes and some odins.
Most of the time its nearsight the casters and spam aoe dots till they die, then double dot or dd depending on their remaining HP's and distrance from me the tanks.

Apathy : "Go matter! Noone AoE CCs anymore so AoE dotting is totally ubererotic."

I know amazing what a few nearsights and AoE dot spamming can do. especialy combined with a soc's matter debuf and a wizzy or scout to finish of the low hp tanks


Nearsight ownes so much. 2 or 3 Caby's can hold a whole mid zerg back by nearsighting all the caster type. If the tanks rush, dot the doors :D



like you guys need any more matter cabbies :rolleyes:

be inventive for once ;)

Nearsight ownes so much. 2 or 3 Caby's can hold a whole mid zerg back by nearsighting all the caster type. If the tanks rush, dot the doors

and what if there are no doors?
do the alb thing and run praps?


To me i look at the caba body line, i look at the sorc body line, and i much prefer the sorc, granted you don't get as much lifedrain, but you do get a higher damage body nuke as well as the lifedrain, and also ae root :) So for me atm caba = matter only :( If only they would do something to the spirit line.


The 'funny' thing is that a Body spell might not hit for hard, but with 90% return into your life... Play a DD caster, it does actually benifit you... It will save your life in certain times (but as said, it all depends on play style)... Regaining HP mid-battle when your healer is LOP is damn nice...

I personally play a Firewizard so I know all about resists, 26% is so common, but 50% happens a damn lot too :(

I even ran into hibs a few times that had 50% + that damn chanter RA... I hit someone for 99 (-353)...

This is something all casters face...

You could go Body + Spirit, it would allow you to debuff your own damage type then... (15%) But I dont think you'll be able to do that enough to make up for the possible annoyance of a 27 AoE DoT (which still does 49-base)... (as you have to admit, most of the time AoE dots only annoy the enemy, you dont kill a lot with it)

But back to the original subject, if you cant respec, 46 Matter, rest in body would be my prefered spec...



Start body-nuking those SBs, looks like some have 0% body :D


Well after last nighst spin in pennies and HW i decided to go for the 49 Matter spec.
While my dots already knock the stuffing out of most casters, i can use every bit extra against tanks

now if i could only stop messing around with alts and crafting and convince myself that lyon isnt a dirty word i might even get 50 one day :)

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