My Credit Card is not valid online??



I use a visa election, the same one ive used for months. I have tried another election card and got the same error! I have called the bank and they said the card is fine for online! I even ordered something from amazon to make sure. So goa FIX THE BLOODY PAYMENT SITE! DONT YOU WANT TO TAKE MONEY???? I want to pay and play. SO one more time.. FIX THE SITE TO TAKE MY PAYMENT!!!!!!!! SHEEESH


if you want to say something to GOA send them a subscription e-mail, not a flame on some random unofficial forums.



First of all this is not a flame. 2nd this is the daoc forum not a random forum as u say! I came here because im mad about the e-mail service i have been getting and was hoping for some help. Not some mod telling me im a flamer!


Originally posted by woodmansee
First of all this is not a flame. 2nd this is the daoc forum not a random forum as u say! I came here because im mad about the e-mail service i have been getting and was hoping for some help. Not some mod telling me im a flamer!

first of all: STFU!
second: STFU!!
third: respect teh über m0d!
fourth: use paragraphs!


GREAT!!!! I come here for help and get flammed by a SLAP HEAD... I doubt the mod will say anything to you thou!!!!! Slaphead you are a real noob..... FO


slapmestill cut out the stoopid stuff.

woody, i didnt accuse you of flaming, just dont come here expecting an official goa reply.
this is an unofficial site, just 99% of the community is here.
if you have a payment problem send a mail to
i think thats right but thats only for payment issues.

on the other hand the payment site has always been a bit feckered so never mind :) try again a bit later.



Is it even GOA who take care of the payments?

I think I read somewhere that it was wanadoo who were resposible for keeping the subscription sites and network functioning.

It does however puzzle me, how after a year of running, it is still not possible for them to make a payment site that actually works :D


Originally posted by Tilda
woody, i didnt accuse you of flaming, just dont come here expecting an official goa reply.

Ive been emailing goa for the last week. I got one email per day back. Let me explain my problem!
The web site says it takes visa electron. Everytime ive tried mine, its saying, this card is not valid online. So I order something from amazon, fine nps. I reorder my uo account because i have nothing to play and want to make sure my card is oki. Had no problems at all. Called the bank, and they said the card is fine for online payments! So now I start to e-mail goa and they tell me 1-2 diff things per day, per email. First day was, clear the cache. so I clear the cache. Next day was take down the firewall if you have one running. Next day. You should first check your internet explorer version. It should be 6
(at least, 5.5). Next day. You have to set your Windows clock to the exact time.
After doing everything they told me over 7 days and it still not working. Guess what they tell me? It must be a problem with your computer config, call the tech support for your computer! So I emailed them back saying and showing them the uo account I just reorderd and everything else. Now im still waiting for another e-mail 3 days later.

Im not here to flame goa. Far from it. This is the daoc technical help, and I need some. Was I mad? Yes. Am I still mad? Yes. Did you come here and help me? No. Instead of seeing a person that is mad and asking him whats wrong and can you help. You almost call me names. Did that make me more mad? Yes. Why? Cuz I have played this game since beta. I have used this forum and the old forum from day one. Prob longer than you. Even more than that im a paying customer that wants to play.. So please I didnt flame goa and need help....


if you want to say something to GOA send them a subscription e-mail, not a flame on some random unofficial forums.
if you want to suck up to GOA send them private e-mails to do so,not a reply on a forum where everyone in the community can see ur tongue on their asses.

ps. nothing personal,just an assist on my good leg infront of an open goal


Originally posted by Hatjitjai
if you want to suck up to GOA send them private e-mails to do so,not a reply on a forum where everyone in the community can see ur tongue on their asses.

If you want to try and do a pitifull flame at the moderators, do so in a private message. Not on an open forum where everyone can clearly see your stupidity.

As for you woodmansee, have you had a chance to try accessing the payment sites from a different computer? They could be right on it being your machine you know...

Or try a different browser, see if it works.


ops tilda is moderator ;/ i better keep my mouth shut :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Ragnarok1978

If you want to try and do a pitifull flame at the moderators, do so in a private message. Not on an open forum where everyone can clearly see your stupidity.

As for you woodmansee, have you had a chance to try accessing the payment sites from a different computer? They could be right on it being your machine you know...

Or try a different browser, see if it works.

Ahh someone trying to be helpfull. I thank you.. To answer your question yes I tried it on two other pcs and the same problem!
Also ive used the card and this machine on amazon and uo.


Did you try another browser?

Sounds pretty wierd, I got one other suggestion tho.

Got any friends with the same kinda card as you? Ask them if they will pay for your (you pay em back ofcourse), just to see if they get the same problem. Suffice to say, if 2 ppl with the same card has the same payment problems, it's a GOA/Wanadoo side error.


Originally posted by Ragnarok1978
Did you try another browser?

Sounds pretty wierd, I got one other suggestion tho.

Got any friends with the same kinda card as you? Ask them if they will pay for your (you pay em back ofcourse), just to see if they get the same problem. Suffice to say, if 2 ppl with the same card has the same payment problems, it's a GOA/Wanadoo side error.

Yup Ive tried it with 3 diff cards now. Im like 99.9% sure its a problem with their site taking electron cards... Can someone please tell me if they use electron with or without any problems?



Originally posted by Ragnarok1978
Got any friends with the same kinda card as you? Ask them if they will pay for your (you pay em back ofcourse), just to see if they get the same problem. Suffice to say, if 2 ppl with the same card has the same payment problems, it's a GOA/Wanadoo side error.

OK that didnt work so got any friends with a DIFFERENT card?

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