Mwahah.... go go gadget universally-hated by sorcs SORC-TL!


Roo Stercogburn

Don't know sorcs, so...

I thought they were basically like SMs more or less except they dot and have to charm pets whereas we have a nuke and summon pets?

Same mez as SMs (regarding range) and qc too.

I'm guessing this guy isn't happy with some fairly uber-sounding and at the moment unique in game toys?


they nerfed doublefrost and they should nerf the hell out of sorcs!!!

hijack? :p


doublefrost needs another fat nerf... (well the entirety of LA)

actually, not really - zerks are a light tank class that work...

all they need to do is boost Celtic Dual and Dual Wield damage.


oh and the sorc TL didn't ask for them to be reduced.

Ultimus_Kay is just a twat is all ;)

he was told they were going to be reduced because "The lower level mind spec ones shouldn't give immunity"

so of course they break even the full spec version *slow clap*

Incidentally that's only on the herald those values... the in-game are still the 80% etc.


Haha. I am speccing full matter as soon as I have a respec.

"Hmm, enemes in. Mezz or DoT...mezz or DoT? Ooh, I'll DoT!"

I seriously need to get a second char to lvl 50. I can't stand only being able to play a sorcerer in RvR any more. I log on and play for a few minutes and then log off.

And I can't even PL alts any more because tanglers, a blue-con mob, are now more powerful than me. I have to actually PLAY with MORONS. AAAAAAAAAAARGH.



Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
Don't know sorcs, so...

What landshark is saying is that more or less 100% of the sorc community HATE their TL because in all the "public occasions"(or at least some of them) where he has actually made a difference he has gotten the class nerfed.

An example: He, as a level 36 sorc(this was a few months ago, and no, im not kidding, he had played for a year and was level 36....) changed the body spec DD from energy(at the time a very good damage type in RvR, and still is afaik) to body. Body being THE resist to have made the DD go from "Boom boom boom RPs" to "you hit for 35(-356)".

What was his argument for the above? "It makes it easier for soloing body speced sorcs to level".

Sorc TL is according to many totally clueless about the sorc class in RvR...

This is what i have understood from reading some whinethreads about sorcs and their TL, i dont play one myself, so only saying what i read on special occasions here :)


Re: Re: Mwahah.... go go gadget universally-hated by sorcs SORC-TL!

Originally posted by eben

This line is a bit shocking:

And just a reminder, Bullseye, who has been the sorc teamleader since the first month, finally had his non-bumped sorc hit 40 for the first time.

wtf TL level 40


by non-bumped i assume they mean how high he has played the class he's teamleading without using his TL skills to get insta levels...

that's pretty fucking weak.. they could atleast have picked a veteran of the sorc class...


Even the lvl 50 chars given to him by Mythic have about 2300 RPs.

And that's me rounding up to the nearest 2300.

So, no point in me becoming a full support sorcerer with 49 mind. Looks like I'll be going 39 mind for group 10% reduction, 40% self reduction and 4th power regen.

All I'll "lose" is my lvl 39 AoE root and have to go with the lvl 30 one. The resists on the lvl 39 one were AWFUL. ~shudder~

At least I can keep my stunningly brilliant second-best nuke. :p



actually the sorc TL asked for spirit to help levelling

the sorc community went "waaaaaaah Spirit is what mezzes are! that's not fair!" (even though at the time no resists affected mezz, and they're all body anyway, twonks)

That and body sucks for levelling anyway.

I quite like the sorc TL, he's very opinionated, but he doesn't ask for the moon unlike some TLs. This pisses off the Iwannabeuber people along with the cynics who think that you need to ask Mythic for the world before you get anything.


Originally posted by Fingoniel
but he doesn't ask for the moon unlike some TLs

This is because having the moon is pointless in PvE. If he even knew what RvR was about, he'd soon be asking for the moon.



Originally posted by ApathyEndymion

This is because having the moon is pointless in PvE. If he even knew what RvR was about, he'd soon be asking for the moon.

rofl! nice one :D


Originally posted by ApathyEndymion

This is because having the moon is pointless in PvE. If he even knew what RvR was about, he'd soon be asking for the moon.


Hah =)

Sarum TheBlack

Re: Re: Re: Mwahah.... go go gadget universally-hated by sorcs SORC-TL!

Originally posted by old.Xarr

by non-bumped i assume they mean how high he has played the class he's teamleading without using his TL skills to get insta levels...

that's pretty fucking weak.. they could atleast have picked a veteran of the sorc class...

Haha, since when does being lvl 50 mean you know the first thing about your class? It's perfectly possible to know everything about a class without being 50, and equally possible to be lvl 50 without knowing anything. And the TL isn't supposed to be Mr UberSorc anyway, he's a representative, he collects opinions, does tests, and submits the stuff to Mythic, who make all the decisions, nothing that happens is really up to him. No doubt if he'd spent less time being TL and doing tests on Pend, he'd probably be higher than 40 by now.

And poor Bullseye seems to be the victim of many popular myths (like the fact he was responsible for the DD nerf.. as Fingoniel said, he asked for something else, and the community cried foul, so it was changed, and they then blamed him.) just like with this. I wouldn’t be TL if they paid me a whole stack of money for it (and these guys do it for nothing) it’s just a great big “judge me as a twat for no particular reason” sign, they are a convenient figurehead for blame, and in the main, just don’t deserve it.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Mwahah.... go go gadget universally-hated by sorcs SORC-TL!

Originally posted by Sarum TheBlack
Haha, since when does being lvl 50 mean you know the first thing about your class?

Perhaps since playing to 50 is the only guaranteed way of exploring the class? Time is a factor of experience. That is indisputable.

Level 50 RvR is the ultimate expression of time-gained experience. That's when you put together all the things you have learned, combine them with the abilities of your class, take on a role in a group of your realm-mates and put it all to use.

Being given a level 50 char and "testing" it is NOT experience. It does NOT teach you the class. Reading a spell or style description on the Herald is NOT the same as spending 50 levels using that spell and know when and when not to utilise it.

The Sorcerer TL has not played in RvR with that class using a char he has leveled. At least, not to a great enough degree to have learned anything useful. And this shows through in his TL reports.

Whilst TLs are not supposed to be representative of the class (Fuck knows why they pick one from each class and call them the ~whatever~ TL. Semantic hell, pedantic heaven.) and are supposed to be champions of GAME balance (Not even REALM balance, you know.)...the TLs are supposed to promote and explore this balance through a single class, mainly.

This results in most TLs only concentrating on what their class needs/wants.

A "decent" TL, one working to the Mythic specification of a TL, would not be suggesting pet changes/issues as ONE THIRD of a isn't relevant to GAME balance. It shows that he knows little about the end-game situation compared to most other sorcerers.

He spreads himself too thin, asking for things that purport to address realm balance whilst also trying to get things for RvR (I assume based on what other people have told him over and over and over and over.) balanced and PvE.

As it is, the sorcerer is a good enough PvE class. Certainly at higher levels anyway; the new charm will address the lower level issues. Hurrah. But we play this game for RvR, ultimately, and whilst we are a strong class there too, we are obscenely outclassed by the game-given abilities of other classes who are supposed to be our inter-realm counterparts.

I can think of a lot of questions that I could ask the TL that he wouldn't be able to answer.


Because he has not got the experience that comes from playing the same char day in, day out.

That's what it comes down to. And as a TL, he's just a bag of cliched phrases like "behind the curve" and a horrid tendancy to leave out apostrophes.



i agree with apathy, tbh i think he should step down.

i read this thread and he is a idiot

he patenly has no clue about what real RvR situations are like and turns an inexcusable blind eye to the abilities of other realms CC classes: namely the healer and bard

sorcerers main problem is not really that hard to grasp:

its a cloth caster and if you spec support and wear cloth ur basically dead in RvR if you have no offense as a caster u are DEAD 99% of the time

i dont see what the fricking big deal is the options are simple:

1. remove all instants and give bards and healers some kind of QC on their CC

2. reduce the range and make all instants pbaoe

3. give sorcerers instant CC

its not like its hard to grasp, but nooooooooo mythic want to be clever and original,

LOL we dont want clever and broken for x number of patches we want simple and works!!!

Jaas Mallai

1. remove all instants and give bards and healers some kind of QC on their CC

2. reduce the range and make all instants pbaoe

3. give sorcerers instant CC

He really has presented the above options so many times its not funny.

The more "calm" sorcerors present their opinions without flaming, knowing that Bulls will listen and take on board whatever he sees fit (as is the TL's role afaik).

Really, how long does it take doing RvR to find out that you can't compete with insta-mez, 5 minutes? 10 minutes? 2k rps? 300k rps?

Didn't take me very long.

Bullseye knows the problems with the class and presents them often and in a way that doesn't come across a child who can't have an ice cream. Which, lets be honest, this game reduces some people too.

I don't agree with some of his opinions, but that is life!


It's not enough to "find out that you can't compete with insta-mez". Instamezz isn't the first and only problem. It's instas, full stop. Insta-amnesia, insta-root, insta-stun. You can find these, and variations of these, on the other CC classes.

The reason he isn't "pushing the envelope" (A phrase he has no doubt used.) on certain issues is simply because he is not effected by them! Why bother devoting much time to appealing against the inter-realm issues when you've not actually fought them?

He'll start complaining about tanglers next.

"I cant...erm, I mean the CLASS cant...kill tangler's. They are very tough, per say. Vee sa vee, they should be proactively lessened in ability's. This would GREATLY enhance the realm as we know it and move us onto the next level of the paradigm."

If he spent as much time as some other sorcerers have in RvR, the frustration and irritation would drive him to support changes that would sort this. It would make him realise the validity of many of the things people request. It would make him present these as forcefully as possible. As I have said before, RvR is the ultimate goal of DAoC. Not PvE. Sorry.



but how would he know about tanglers if he never leveled the toon past 40...........

sheesh, look i dont care if he is RR1 or RR7 but he hasnt even got the full experience of 1-50

and this is the guy mythic use to test the sorcerer

resign u GIMP resign!!

ideally you would look for someone who is mature, intelligent, has complete experience of 1-50 and is at least say RR3 (only 64k or something)

now not all team leads have all those qualities but most have a few.

he isnt even ONE of those...........


I just wish Mythic would say "We are letting all sorcerers exchange their level 50 sorcerer character for any other class from their realm they like, which will start at level 50.".

I'd make an air theurgist.



I was the second person to log into excalibur hibernia.

I was very first person to reach level 2 and 3 in Excalibur Hibernia

I'm only level 43.

I roxxor

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