helloooo folks, just incase any of you were wondering where i was im on holiday in the land of Oz, not seen any wizzards yet but for all those pratchett fans out there get a load of this, if you read the lost continent....... meat pie floaters in mooshey pea soupey stuff ITS REAL!! they actually have it here, i almost died laughing when i heard that cos me and the delightful b2 were discussing wheather or not they really existed and he said naaa and i couldnt believe anyone could be sooo gross but they do!
was 40 deg's when i landed here wow what a shocker hehehee done loads seeing as i only been here 3 days so far and have a month to spend seen tonnes of wild life almost had a kitten when i heard me 1st cookaborrough was down end of garden at 5am and it started so i was leaping about cackling like a demented bugger, saw a red back spidder also, that was awsome they are beautiful....and deadly...like me, well ok not like me but sounded good pffft, pellicans, a seal today (got a pic can see if is related to teh seel) loads of parrots, cockatoos, and last night i saw me 1st possum (another kitten birthing moment).
you guys prolly all had holidays before but i never have so taking ones first holiday to australia on ones own is quite exciting for me so thought i'd share the love, also had a woman in a shop say 'no worries' to me then she wondered why i did a wee dance and was crying 'they really say it!!" and got told there was more something or other than i could shake a stick at <wee jig>, havent had a prawn on a barby(will get pic of this if it occurs)yet but at kfc here they have gravey and great chips! (have pics of this) and had a drink called a cowboy cocksucker (nice, i know lol) was butterscotch schnapps with baileys on top scrumptious!
did mangrove trail walk yesterday which was ace and am off to cuddle a koala either this coming weekend or next one, am just too excited for words!
will try to bring some sunshine home with me next month when i get back, if your interested in seeing where i am google adelaide australia and you might see me running about photographing stuff!
enough waffling now, take care to all and keep well
bugs and squishes Ez :wub:
was 40 deg's when i landed here wow what a shocker hehehee done loads seeing as i only been here 3 days so far and have a month to spend seen tonnes of wild life almost had a kitten when i heard me 1st cookaborrough was down end of garden at 5am and it started so i was leaping about cackling like a demented bugger, saw a red back spidder also, that was awsome they are beautiful....and deadly...like me, well ok not like me but sounded good pffft, pellicans, a seal today (got a pic can see if is related to teh seel) loads of parrots, cockatoos, and last night i saw me 1st possum (another kitten birthing moment).
you guys prolly all had holidays before but i never have so taking ones first holiday to australia on ones own is quite exciting for me so thought i'd share the love, also had a woman in a shop say 'no worries' to me then she wondered why i did a wee dance and was crying 'they really say it!!" and got told there was more something or other than i could shake a stick at <wee jig>, havent had a prawn on a barby(will get pic of this if it occurs)yet but at kfc here they have gravey and great chips! (have pics of this) and had a drink called a cowboy cocksucker (nice, i know lol) was butterscotch schnapps with baileys on top scrumptious!
did mangrove trail walk yesterday which was ace and am off to cuddle a koala either this coming weekend or next one, am just too excited for words!
will try to bring some sunshine home with me next month when i get back, if your interested in seeing where i am google adelaide australia and you might see me running about photographing stuff!
enough waffling now, take care to all and keep well
bugs and squishes Ez :wub: