Mute Button



Why is it so hard to answer people when asking for something ?
Guess it's time to make my /macro MUTE command, " HEY DUDE, SOMEONE PRESSED YOUR MUTE KEY ???".
I think it's very rude not to answer when someone's asking for something, doesn't have to be in sentences, just a yes, no, full or whatever, almost anything except for silence will do.



although it can be sometimes very annoying to answer thousands of PMs cause my reply function doesnt work...
(seems to be related with my non-english daoc version, any hints for solving this will be most welcome)

so if anyone doesnt answer i first think of him to be very busy and/or he has the same problem like me :p

Bleri McThrust

Its not nice when you get no reply :(

However its not always cause of rudeness sometimes just plain afk or missed the message or even so busy and then forgotten about.

Same with running over dead bodies. Ive been guilty of taking a group all with af on me, typing away, when some1 pipes up "hey we not gonna rezz that guy then ??". Completely missed him :( then when returning to rezz he has released and then pm'ed me asking wtf why no ress :(. Trying to explain never helped.


Some dude was yabbing at my char for 15 mins while i was eating dinner yesterday:p i had the /afk on and he was sending me the worst language ever:p

I guess some people dont know what afk means=) and i think its rude when someone starts with:
give BUFF
Give me buff FFS
hey u dumb or sumtin? i've been here for 5 mins and asked you but you just stand there?
then he /pm me: F*ck you l00ser what a n00b not giving buffs to persons asking(without star)

then i come back and i send to him: i was afk and thats not a nice way to ask. and he replies: Whatevah.

dont you love grownup players?:p

(this is not any of you guys=)

edit: the dude was unguilded(no wonder=)


The situations I refer to are fx. when asking people, in main chat, at goblins in Lyonesse for group, you can see they're 6 or 7 in the group but noone of them do answer. .


you ever thought about that maby some persons have disabled main chat in the guild chat or in the group chat?:p


Originally posted by Chenuba
The situations I refer to are fx. when asking people, in main chat, at goblins in Lyonesse for group, you can see they're 6 or 7 in the group but noone of them do answer. .

always been a problem there chen, the ppl in the groups are afraid to say anything incase someone says "oi i had a friend inc" or "we dont need no wizard........" (yeh ok, not like i cant AE 3 of the buggers to death with 2 spells, grrrrrrr *ahem*) best thing to do is keep shouting till ya get a reply :p:clap:


Not replying is just plain rude. Most people completely understand if you reply with no, or sorry full. I was gl of a tangler group the other day and was putting togther and AOE group. We had a tank and a mincer and a healer, so we were only interested in people with aoe nuke :)

Everyone that pm'd me asking for a spot and wasn't a wiz I explained that we were only looking for aoe nukers. And once full any pm requests were replyed to (sometimes after a brief delay while nuking gobbos ;) ) with sorry we are full.

Everyone seemed happy enough with the replys and some even pm'd back things like np - thanks for the reply :D

To summarise, replying is very easy, takes no time at all, and makes people know you are not just ignoring them - which is nice :) As for people having friends inc, if they don't say in group chat that someing is inc, and I fill the spot - it's their own fault :p


My question depends on wether I see the person or not. If I don't I always say take your time to answer if you're fighting or busy.

However, I hate it when I ask a group leader how many there are in his/her group (when I don't see them). At least when they're marked Looking for Group.


and even worse:

if you stand close to them but they cant see u and u /send their grp leader asking if they got a spot for you(scout) and they say sorry full.
Then i logg in my lvl 50 theurg just for fun to check and ask same person if they got room in grp since i just need some cash, and he goes: sure come to twee spot 3.

now thats BUSTED=)


Originally posted by old.Second
I guess some people dont know what afk means=) and i think its rude when someone starts with: ...

when going to the plains with my wiz i ran by some low levels killing stuff near wd.. i got a send "BUFF ME FFS!!!!1!!!". i answered "no". then i got some funny sends like "fucking n00b ill come killsteal you with my 50!!!!!!", and it just got better :D

/wave znipa


Eraser m8, an idea for the /sends thing if they arent coming up (might b the problem) is they might b disabled in some chats for some reason. Right-click the tabs i.e. main,broad etc etc and click them on on there. As I say, if this aint the problem then tell me to shut up but hope this helps ;)


To Eraser

I had the same problem: bought german version but play on english servers. what you have to do is open the file "update.dat" and type english everywhere u see deutsch/francais (depends if u have german or french version). when youve done that, delete the language folder entirely. the next time you open the game, there will be a short download and after that youre whole game will be in english, and you will be able to use reply on the english servers. the reply key will no longer work on german/french servers though.

PS: this is how i did it. i cant guarantee that it will work (i did it a long time ago) so u might have to reinstall the game if something goes wrong.

Hope this helps :)

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