Must... Find... A... Successor



Yes, it's time for me to hang up my pointey red shoes of moderation, and a new evil must be found to take my place.

As some of you might know, and some of you might not, I've been very involved in working on my book recently, and things are picking up momentum. I've really got to focus on sitting at my computer and writing, instead of spanking bottoms of misbehaving forumites. I'm still going to linger around the forums, but I'll be posting here less often, and as a mere mortal.

Moderating here has been a laugh, a complete pain in the arse, good fun, and a nightmare all bundled into one, and I won't be lying when I say I'm going to miss it in a weird kind of way! There's certainly some "characters" here... Anyway, I think you'd be best sending Mod applications to Belsameth to sort through (I'm sure she'll be here in a while to throw an address at you). Before I leave we'll also sort out the eyes and ears system (pryd is drenched with volunteers, and exc is pretty sparse with them, so it needs some looking at).

Well, to sum up, it's been... an experience :) Be nice to whoever takes over, because it's not an easy job to do, and sometimes you feel like headbutting the monitor until sweet unconsciousness embraces you! Thanks for all the amusement over the years guys...

Damini (aka Lou) signing out xx


old.Gombur Glodson

Aw Damini :(

You made me a bear, an evil menace and a fluffy kitten in a dress.

And you were one of the most creative mods when it came to editing peoples post :p


lol at the email addy belsameth :p.

Hope your book will do well and post somewhere on BW so we know when and where we can get it :). Doubt I will see much of you as Daoc has hardly been a posting ground for you lately (except for mod stuff and creative part maybe).

GL with your book and life :).




Wouldn't be a retirement party without a few words from the forum odd.

What can i say? A damn fine job over the years. Especially when i got out of hand you never seemed too keen on destruction, more towards the "I'm a bit disappointed..."

It's a shame to see you go but i know you're a damn good writer and nothing should come between you and the passion towards the pen and paper you hold.

I wish you...

Luck towards the publishers. Ttry to hang in there even when it gets tough.

Stamina, to keep you going when you think you've run out of ideas and think of hanging up the gloves.

This fuzzy little ball as a muse, to draw inspiration from when you need a quick boost.

It's a bit like Seel color so...might remind you of Teh Seel too.

Don't take things too seriously out there. Try to pop in and perhpas read something by Teh Seel to get a hold of the oddity that everyone should have in them.

Always keep a positive look in things:

House burned down? Well, atleast it's not raining.

Feeling alone? Well atleast you're in good company.

And so on. Now i think i should quit before i start sobbing or something saucy like that, but knowing it's me, i'll probably go on for a while still.

What else, send me snippets if nothing else of your work when you can. PM works well as i know you'll still pop by sometimes. Right? RIGHT?! Good.

Oh shush you, it's not very often i say goodbye to Dams here.

Parting words, should probably be something cool and wise and all...heck..i'm no good at that so i'll just say this before i hit reply. Got me through a rough patch one time. It was this real tall grass near a shop and...

"Carrots are orange and it's a wonderful thing."

old.Gombur Glodson

Don't encourage her :scared:

She's harmless as a beanie baby really.

Kharok Svark

Best of luck with the book Damini.

Good to know you will still be around the Forum from time to time.


bb damini :(

i havent really been posting here long, but in that time u have seemed very responsible and an overall good mod :) GL with the book, hopefully u will be back to check on us soon (assuming tohtori hasnt taken over BW and changed it to 'Tehseelworld' by that time :) )


You MUST write a story about Camelot or something of that genre some day Damini! You MUST use Ekydus as a main character! I WILL BE FAMOUS!

And if you don't write me in as a character, I will publish a story where Damini is a very nice girl who is violently murdered by Trolls. :eek:

Good luck in your story writing Damini. :)


Ah damn, all the 'old sk00l' mods have gone now. That sucks! Well, good luck with your book and anything else you might do. <starts writing application for mod>


Gombur is biased. And Addl is swedish.

I suggest Flesh.

old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by old.Osy
Gombur is biased. And Addl is swedish.

I suggest Flesh.

In what way am I biased? oO

And addl is danish.


Sorry to hear you are leaving Damini. I'm glad u enjoyed your time as a moderator of BW cause after all that's really what matters right? :)

Good luck on writing your book (and come here to post a link of the prices you will win ofc.) and lots of happiness in your life.

Oh and don't forget to come by here and give us updates on what you are doing :D



If i could read, i'd look forward to reading yours! bubi :( ;O


Frogster, did you know they were gonna call you "Highway Crossing Frog?" :D

Sorry...had to...not gonna highjack Daminis thread!


Bear with me it's all gone breasts skyward ... medic!!!


you can remove your own double posts hun, select edit, thenh select delete at the top of the page :)

on a sidenote, the email adress I supplied is real and functioning for those that're doubting. it's a bit long, but my sense of humour took over (Hey! I never said it was a good sense of humour :p)


Originally posted by Belsameth
you can remove your own double posts hun, select edit, thenh select delete at the top of the page :)

on a sidenote, the email adress I supplied is real and functioning for those that're doubting. it's a bit long, but my sense of humour took over (Hey! I never said it was a good sense of humour :p)
How do i delete a thread i made? I know i can delete double posts, but I have never managed to delete my own threads even if they are empty.

:( And i just sent you a request to mod a thread that i made,, damini :(


Originally posted by old.Tohtori
Sorry...had to...not gonna highjack Daminis thread!

restits the urge tithtori, I know tits hard but you have to do tit!


Originally posted by Fafnir
How do i delete a thread i made? I know i can delete double posts, but I have never managed to delete my own threads even if they are empty.

:( And i just sent you a request to mod a thread that i made,, damini :(

you ca'n only delete posts, not an entire thread, tho you can always report it to us, so one of us can remove it :)


Take care, Damini, in whatever incarnation you take from now on, and thank you for your dedication here.


Bye bye :(
Not been in BW long but always liked how you did things ;)

Pin for mod!

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