Multiple accounts, on different realms, on the same server.



Well, finally after around a month of waiting, i got a reply from GOA about this.

Multiple accounts on different realms on the same server

Discussion Thread
Response (CS) 05/29/2002 04:29 PM

Our EULA doesn't forbid someone to have characters on different realm on the same server. However, the use of those characters to spy is forbidden by the current EULA.

Customer (xxxxxxxxx) 05/06/2002 04:03 PM
What is your stance with people have two accounts on one server, on different realms.
Not to spy, but because they want to play the other realm, same server.

Is this considered 'cross-teaming'


:clap: :clap: :clap:


Gratz ;)

hmmm, was just thinking how weird it should be kicking your own butt after you put up a good fight against yourself...


Well I'm so gimped I would probably lose on both sides :rolleyes:


hehe jupitus, silly fish! :m00:

although having 2 accounts on the same server on different realms opens up for some interesting combinations tho :eek6:



Anyone bothering to do that needs to seriously look at their life.
It's allready taking up a little too much of my waking hours leveling one character, make a choice people, stick with it, you'll get more respect from all.


Re: Geeksville

Originally posted by job
Anyone bothering to do that needs to seriously look at their life.
It's allready taking up a little too much of my waking hours leveling one character, make a choice people, stick with it, you'll get more respect from all.

thats just cause u have a job :eek: , some dont and have endless ammounts of time on their hand, and even if i have a job and cant play much, i have 4 chars on mid/excal, had 4 chars on hib/pryd but deleted em cause of no chance to lvl (it is true! there are way way too many players who dont know how to play over there, 99% i tell ya), so now i only got 5 chars in total :p (and i have a job! :p)


So what's the difference in having 4 alts on the same server and levelling them all or having an extra account that you can level an alt in another realm on the same server.

For some it would be fun to fight along side those you have been killed by so many times.



Well, personally I think GOA should forbid people to have accounts in different realms on the same server.

Why not try other realms on prydwen instead ?

All ppl having accounts in different realms on the same server must be suspects of spying. To easy to say " I'll not spy". LoL, that's the poorest excuse ever. Criminals doesn't admit to be guilty unless there's prove they are.
I'm not saying ALL ppl doing this are spys, just that we don't know who to trust and not to trust in general.

This will make planned raids easy to intercept.
Alliances will break because of "untrustworthy" ppls in different guilds.

I don't trust all ppl, whatever they say, will just "play" other realm and just "forget" all about the raid planned against it, from his "m8s" (?) in the other realm, where he got another account.

Play both servers instead.

Whenever have a person fought for both sides in a war without using knowledge about his enemies ?


Regardless of the server/realm combinations I consider the idea of one person with multiple accounts to be cheating.

It doesnt seem to me to be the way in which the game is intended to be played - is it?

So sure you can go solo in RvR with your buff-bot safely parked back in the PK if you want, or play multiple realms on the same server and claim your not using knowledge gained from the other realm, or any other possible use of multiple accounts, but I for one will have my doubts about anyone playing in this way.

If someone out fights me on the battlefield well done to them.

If they do it with the help of another account them fine - I hope they enjoy it since Ill never have any respect for them as a worthy opponent.

How many people would trust a guildmember they knew to have alts in the realm they were planning a relic raid against?

End of badly organised semi-coherent rant :)


i agree . NOBODY should have 2 account on same server on different realms.. as chenuba said easy to say "i wont spy" but im 100% sure for example if sombodys main realm was hib and they had a char on mid on same server and they ACCIDENTLY heard of mids about to raid the hib relic whilst they were in a mid group exp'n alt. that that person would swap back to hib and warn all there hib friends of the raid .. we all know when a relic raid happens that it is hard to keep quiet and sometimes it gets floooded around a realm that a raid is goin down .... regardless of what goa says i regard it as spying. wether it be on purpose or by accident ... there are 3 realms u can play its just one has to be a foriegn language :) so no need to play 2 realms on same server .


Some people have an alt on alb/pryd already. It's GOAs fault for not having 3 servers, this is why they aren't going to stop people from doing this. It's also hard to police.


Re: Hmmm.

Originally posted by Chenuba
Well, personally I think GOA should forbid people to have accounts in different realms on the same server.

Why not try other realms on prydwen instead ?

All ppl having accounts in different realms on the same server must be suspects of spying. To easy to say " I'll not spy". LoL, that's the poorest excuse ever. Criminals doesn't admit to be guilty unless there's prove they are.
I'm not saying ALL ppl doing this are spys, just that we don't know who to trust and not to trust in general.

This will make planned raids easy to intercept.
Alliances will break because of "untrustworthy" ppls in different guilds.

I don't trust all ppl, whatever they say, will just "play" other realm and just "forget" all about the raid planned against it, from his "m8s" (?) in the other realm, where he got another account.

Play both servers instead.

Whenever have a person fought for both sides in a war without using knowledge about his enemies ?

Me for one has deleted my char on pryd(was a cabalist) and started a runemaster on pryd instead. BUT, now i want to play a cabalist again but just CANT delete my runie, i just cant.

I dont have money for another account so i will probobly delete the runie anyway, but what i dont like is people telling others to NOT play in 3 realms at the same time.

This is NOT about having a job btw, i work at LEAST 10 hours a day and i still have more than enough time to play 3 alts, just that when i want to play the third one im forced to read crap like this on forums instead.

And this last thing is just to counter you god damn "Its a war" assholes.

In which war EVER fought have there never been spies? and why? I for one would do it if i had the money and it wouldnt get my account banned. Why? because it would help MY FRIENDS(the ones i play with on hib) and it would bring down my ENEMIES. If you fail to see the logic in that then i suggest you start going to school again(first grade).


Seems the negative comments about playing in 2 realms are a bit meaningless. If a player quits Albion for example and joins Midgard he will still carry with him knowledge of Albion players, I suppose you think that is cheating too?


I was once grouped with a guy who had 2 accounts...but his were both on the same server, he was actually playing both our cleric, and scout at the same time....and didn't bother to tell us for about an hour
We was all thinking the cleric was weird or something as he never spoke, and didn't move much :)


That sounds 'interesting'

Could he play by himself (ooer) and heal himself? God that sounds useful! ;)


Yeah that is very usefull. And even better in RvR if you spec your healer high to enhance.

Jazhara did that and got cleric to 46+ (not sure exact) and im thinking should I do the same now that im getting 2nd computer to house...


Originally posted by Spanjab
Seems the negative comments about playing in 2 realms are a bit meaningless. If a player quits Albion for example and joins Midgard he will still carry with him knowledge of Albion players, I suppose you think that is cheating too?

Meaningless ????
I can't see the meaning in allowing ppl playing on more than one realm on each server. this is not switching realm but playing 2 realms at the same time.
Soldiers doesn't fight a little for one side and then for the other switching forth and back.
It's just GOAs wuzzy handling allowing these persons cheating (I'm absolutely sure some with more accounts cheat this way). Mythic should tell GOA to make it illegal, they got that policy on Mythics own servers, no more than one realm played on each server.
I'm gonna write GOA to try and make them understand that people cheat in every way they can and this is like giving a thief the keys to your apartment, believing he won't use them.

Game is not meant to be played on more realms per server by same person, end of story....


I dont see any problem with having 2 accounts on the same realm. It serves as a convenient levelling aid and is very useful for transferring stuff to other alts - not to mention helping out your guildmates (rezzing etc) without having to relog. You're never going to use two chars simultaneously in RvR unless youre some kind of cyborg or something so this isn't a common thing I suspect.

I doubt that GOA have any problem with it either since it requires you to buy two copies of the game and subscribe twice.

As far as spying on other realms goes, I don't agree with this activity. The nature of DAOC is to be social and form friendly groups and guilds - the prospect of having someone leaking information about raids etc might create an undertone of distrust through the whole game. In order to gain information you'd need to join a guild and gain their trust, nobody recruits a new member thinking they might be a spy for another realm. To be honest I'd feel dirty doing this after a guild had taken me in as one of their own.

For what it's worth I have two PC's and I'm seriously considering starting a second account in the same realm, so i can have a minstrel to run me around and help my power regen.

Just my two penneth :D


It's actually quite simple. The more they spy, the more some realm fails, the more people of a realm get angry, the more they stop RvRing, the more the server is an one realm win server, the more people stop playing or go to another server, the more less fun it is to win anymore...

So they only drag themselves down with it. And therefore ruining the game for a lot of players... This is how I see it...


Re: Re: Hmmm.

Originally posted by Niljindil

In which war EVER fought have there never been spies? and why? I for one would do it if i had the money and it wouldnt get my account banned. Why? because it would help MY FRIENDS(the ones i play with on hib) and it would bring down my ENEMIES. If you fail to see the logic in that then i suggest you start going to school again(first grade).

Well if you spy you're cheating, so says GOAs CoC, but still they don't forbid people to make extra account. So you're confirming what it is I'm afraid will happen, letting people play on more than one realm on a server. This is so logic to me if people can cheat, be sure someone will..

Maybe you should read GOAs CoC m8, for real logic here is you're the one who get banned if you play the way you describe in your post...


Re: Re: Hmmm.

Originally posted by Niljindil
Me for one has deleted my char on pryd(was a cabalist) and started a runemaster on pryd instead. BUT, now i want to play a cabalist again but just CANT delete my runie, i just cant.

Why do you have to delete anything? There are two servers to choose from (Excalibur and Prydwen) or do you mean you are already playing in Hibernia on Excalibur?

If you mean there aren't three English language servers to choose from then yes, I agree there should be three so that those playing on the EL servers have the same choice as those on the French and German shards. However, until the numbers rise on Excalibur and Prydwen, it's not going to happen.

My suggestion would be to come and join the rest of us who decided we'd quite like to play three realms and become part of the Lurikeen Invasion on Orcanie.

Doesn't matter that you can't speak French, everyone still has a blinding time.


I agree with Cadiva. Join the Lurikeen Invasion on Orcanie ... best fun I've ever had in DAoC.

Funny thing is, I'm still waiting for someone to accuse us of cheating, seeing as there are keens and bolgs on Orcanie from both Excalibur and Prydwen, and from all three realms. I'm sure someone will say we are exchanging battle plans. :p


EULA can't exactly prevent the spying... but I myself find this quite stupid in-fact. You are naturally going to find out about the other realms RvR plans... then you are eventually going to blurt such things out in the other realm on the same server...
Why can't people just play on another server then... save an account AND you can't talk to your realm mates anyway since you can't do realm to realm talk :)


Originally posted by Eleasias
Maybe you should read Nilj's post again?

What is there to read ? I allready understand he thinks it's ok to spy, though it's NOT legal according to GOA CoC.

People playing two realms on same server are possible spyes/cheaters and spying is against CoC, end of story.


I'm not a fan of buffbots but I guess they're something we have to live with.

It will be pretty hard to have two chars on the same server in different realms without spying, whether inadvertently or not - especially if you get them high lveel.

If you just stick to PvE and ignore the RvR you might avoid the problems.

My problem with Orcaine is I'm already Hib on Prydwen... and I don't wanna lose me champ to play Midgard...

Maybe I'll get round to starting a Kobold Insurrection if noone else does...


> I'm not a fan of buffbots but I guess they're something
> we have to live with.

You have no idea man. In Midgard, "toss the kobold" used to be our favourite pasttime. Now it's "find a healer". Of our high level healers, I'd say 80% is not playing their healers anymore. Means we are outmezzed, outressed and outbuffed. How we manage to stay on the top of the foodchain on Prydwen is a subject of continuous amazement to me.

Buffbots, in Midgard, are a necessity. Are they somehow unfair? Dabatable. I say, rewards should go to those best prepared. Having worked on levelling a sufficiently high seer on a separate account and managing it in addition to one's main char counts as being prepared.

Yes, I do have a buffbot.



I dont see any harm in having multiple accounts . Way rvr has gone lately its just one big scrap anyway , not much tactics and lets face it its easy enough to find out about people realm plans anyway, many people have r/l mates playing different realms im sure. If someone can afford it and have the time to let them. I would myself if there was any characters on Hib worth playing apart from hero or eldritch. I dont think spying is a problem.

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