News Multiculturalism


Dec 26, 2003
So now the PM has come out saying that its failed will it actually change anything? The left were quick to accuse him of being a right wing extremist which doesnt indicate a grown up discussion.

It was interesting timing with the EDF rally in Luton - I wouldnt even link the BBCs article on that march - it was the usual incredibly biased piece. It suggested a muslim guy who agreed with them was not really a muslim and others were described as 'reeking of booze' etc.

Nothing makes the left drop all pretensions towards liberty and free speech faster than the far right - they just seem incapable of giving them a fair hearing which is stupid because it could well backfire.

It still amazes me that the state pays for schools that are effectively monocultures then throws its hands up in suprise when some people dont feel part of mainstream society?


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Voluntary multiculturalism works just fine. It's the down your throat YOU MUST LOVE EVERYONE bullshit that's been going on for years that's failing.

And throd: you're full of it.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Of course multiculturalism doesn't work. We strive for equality, but my version of equality isn't necessarily the same as another person's. Some think that women should have less rights than men, some think that the family comes above all else and will therefore tend towards nepotism, some think that religious law should come before civil law.

While I respect the right of anyone to have such views, that doesn't mean I don't think they're idiots. Like-minded people tend to want to live amongst their own, the idea that you can have a situation where this country's ethnic minorities won't cluster together is pure left-wing cloud-cuckooism. Its resulted in people being too afraid to discuss immigration for fear of being labelled a racist. If multiculturalism is such a great idea then surely unrestricted immigration would be awesome, except for obvious reasons its a silly idea.

Government should stop pissing around trying to tell people how to live, and just do the things it's paid to do, like building decent roads, schools, making sure there's plenty of food, electricity, etc. Anything else is pure meddling.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Not sure but probably a good idea not to fund the IFE.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Government should stop pissing around trying to tell people how to live, and just do the things it's paid to do, like building decent roads, schools, making sure there's plenty of food, electricity, etc. Anything else is pure meddling.

Agree with this sentiment; should keep more interest in keeping the country running, not morals and such.

On the subject of multicultural..ity? The only working way for a country with several cultures is that you've got two sets of rules;

1: Rules set by the government, such as laws, how to act at certain situations, etc. General rules of conduct if you will. These shouldn't dictate opinions etc ofcourse.

and B: Peoples own opinions, which are in no way higher then others(in any situation, political or law) and in no way excempt of rules stated in 1.

Think you could apply some asimovian rule set there, something like;

1: No citizen can harm another citizen.
2: No citizen can go against the rules of the country, unless it contradicts with rule 1.
3: Every citizen can hold free opinions on matters and practise their own ways, as long as it doesn't contradict with rules 1 and 2.

It's no way perfect, bet others could come up with better rules, but just an example.


Dec 26, 2003
I think it depends on how you define a country - is it just a geographical place or does it represent a shared set of ideals?

If the latter then you have to promote those ideal's above those that anyone from elsewhere brings in. Not the piddly crap but fundamentals like the rule of law, justice, equal rights etc. etc.

If you dont then you will become a disparate collection of bits n pieces which has happened in the UK to some extent.


Balls of steel
Dec 22, 2003
Well some of the problem is that (for example) Jews and Muslims (the more extreme ones, anyway) both consider themselves parts of their religious nation (Islam or the Jewish Nation) before their legal citizenship. Now that's all fine and dandy for a personal view but it can come into conflict - sharia and all that bollocks. Jews being frankly rude with their Kosher laws and all the rest of it.

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