Multi Guild Legion Attempt



Just a quick word of thanks to Teador (& Genius) for tonights all pile on fun in Darkness Falls. We might have been a little too hopeful that the bugger would go down on this initial attempt - but we'll do better next time :)

Thanks for organising it guys!

Did we learn anything for the next attempt? More clerics would seem a necessity, also - how did SoTL/LoE keep all the aggro on SoulFly? I wasn't heal chanting but he kept taking lumps out of me, even though I wasn't lead tank.

Also, perhaps we should clear the room of aggro first? Amirder was with the SoTL/LoE Legion force and he says that was one of the principal things he noted.

Not criticism though, it was a blast ... he dies next time :cool:


U guys had alot of people and i heard u pulled a few mobs into your legion force :( (mainly the badass lvl 99 one )

Soulfly was using healchant and using taunt styles..the rest of our force was using bleed styles and High to hit styles..gotta give soulfly credit where due he tanked legion well


Level 99 mob? Umm not sure which one you mean... unless that was the one I soloed with one hand tied behind my back. Paladin's - God's gift :)

Seriously, though, we did pull some aggro on the way in when somebody (hi Yussef! hehe) lag pulled the buggers, but I don't think there was anything harder than you're average 30 foot demon there.... ;)

- Pathfinder -

Should be fairly clear that you need to clear the other mobs before you take on legion ;) A large part of the force WILL be teleported to Behemoth, and when they come back they'll pop right in the middle of the Chtonic Knights etc, which can get fairly messy.


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
Should be fairly clear that you need to clear the other mobs before you take on legion ;) A large part of the force WILL be teleported to Behemoth, and when they come back they'll pop right in the middle of the Chtonic Knights etc, which can get fairly messy.

OR - when you get teleported to Behemoth you get instamezzed. Just when mezz is about to let go Behemoth wakes up and hits you for ~2.300 damage. Then you /release and laugh :)

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Arlone

OR - when you get teleported to Behemoth you get instamezzed. Just when mezz is about to let go Behemoth wakes up and hits you for ~2.300 damage. Then you /release and laugh :)

Actually you get rooted by the mobs in there ;) As I recall they were bluecon to us 50s, so most of us resisted some of the roots. However you will lose one or two persons to Behemoth per teleportation, not much to do about it :)


Some details on how you chaps did it would be much appreciated :)

By the way Pathy, saw you on the battlefield for the first time ever last night!! Woohoo you do take a break from posting here every now and again :p

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by Turamber
By the way Pathy, saw you on the battlefield for the first time ever last night!! Woohoo you do take a break from posting here every now and again :p

I have a job :) Normally have alot to do at home to at present, so I only come on for a few hours per night. This will all change when I retrun to uni :)

SoulFly Amarok

amethyst slash ;|
not enrange bubble :|>

guess ame is a taunt style tho ;)

j000 d000d

Thanks to see everyone is happy with the attempt, and that everyone got the chance to see and hit Legion :)

I didn't know about the people returning from the teleporter, we shouldve cleared the room first yes, we got like 4 adds with that during the fight.

Everything went smooth, we got him to ~50%, but then the trouble began, those adds from the people who were teleported came, we had to kill those, then our main tank Aramus died :( from there it just became and endless fight, he kept killing people and regenerating his health.

We've learned a lot from this tho, and nice try for a first attempt :)
Hope to see as much people next time, and we won't make the mistakes we made this time.


Yeah, had great fun :)
Thanks :clap:
Too bad Genius was ported away

Didn't even loose exp although got killed twice.

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