[MUF] leaving the bwtfcl



I have posted this on behalf of our leader [MUF]Loupz:

[MUF] have unfortunately pulled out of the Barrysworld League. We would all just like to thank the admins for providing some of the best servers we've played on. We would especially like to thank all the clans who we have played in this league. We've had some very good matches and made a lot of new european friends.

Good luck with the rest of the season,

Bye Bye from [MUF]


I would like to say a 511-5 win against [SLH] was the best game we ever played though. And I would like to thank [SLH] for leaving the server when they started to loose as it made is so much easier to cap ;)


Sorry to see you go, SLH vs MUF would have been a group C highlight. :(
Now come here and give meh a big hug yer softies :) (and keep that acid away)


Sorry to hear your going guyz.
As i was one of the guyz who couldnt get in to the server i apologise but we all have probs from time to time. We have had good games in the past and i am sure we will do in the future.
All the best and c u soon


gah Loupz why you leaving? Sad to see you go guys, back for season 2?

Rebel Alliance


Hmmmmm, I have been asked to be nice in any post i make, im sorry i cant so please these are MY views and MY views only.

I was happy we joined this league at first becuase it seemed to have potential and also supplied imo the best servers in the UK at this time. We where placed in pool C and began to play our matches, it soon became apparent that to win the pool we would have to beat SLH, so we challenged them.

First match - server booked for 7:30 msg regarding this sent to SLH. MUF gathered to gether as usual around 7pm for a team talk and to check the team we wante to turn up was there. Towards 7:30 we where informed that SLH only had 3 players. A few of us joined the server at 7:30 to mess about whilst the clan match arranger tried to figure what was going on. AT 7:48 we went back to irc to find out they still didnt have the agreed 8 players but would play with what they had ( have them making this comment in my irc logs) and to join the server. We did this and began the prematch of the first map at 7:59. SLH started to complain here that we had 8 to their 6 and we had to drop according to the rules, we told them thta it wasnt in the rules and the rules stated if a match is agreed 8v8 then you dont have to drop as the oppossing clan can field upto 8 players. With 1 minute of prematch left [SLH]MMD changed his name and added admin on the end and treid to order us to even the teams. We refused as, as far as we where concerned we where within the rules. With 5 seconds left on the prematch he restarted the map. This is now after 8pm and wouold run into the next booking. We decided this wasnt fair on us who had been online ready to go for over an hour and also wasnt fair on the clans who had the server booked after us so we left.

To decide the outcome of this match both clans went to the admins and we told to replay the match.

The second match, was for yesterday at 8pm all the BW servers where booked but SLH said we could use their server. On the day their server wasnt working (not their fault) so they arranged to use the TA server. We again joined at the pre-arranged time of 8pm with 8 players to SLH's 6. Again we refused to drop as, as far as we where concerned we where within the rules. The match started 8v6 and after we had captured all the CP's on CZ2 SLH said "ok MUF you win we are off" again the server logs show this. A few more comments where made towards us not worth mentioning here, the map finished 511-5, they had no one on the server at the end, they left where not disconnected.

I went on MUF's behalf looking for a default win as per the rules on 2 accounts

1. The first match was agreed for 7:30 and we where messed about till after 8pm when there wasnt enough time to play the match. SLH say just coz the server is booked for 7:30 doesnt mean its the match time and they agreed. Our match arranger has checked there ICQ history no such message was ever recieved. If they got the wrong time whos fault is it? Plus we wouldnt have been online for 7 if the match wasnt till 8.

2. The second match plain and simple they left the server, this rule is in black and white.

But did MUF get this desicion NO. reasons, the main reason was it wasnt played on a BW server therfore not an offical match. Ok this is fine apart from when one of the BW's admins i.e. an SLH member tells you its ok to be used, you dont question that as he is an admin. Again I pointed this out to the admin i spoke to and he said well they are wrong and will get a bollocking.

Bollockings are all well and good but MUF twice have been messed about by these people (ill be nice). People do have lives off line, fmailys to spend time with and MUF all pay for the best connection they can get for matches therefore they pay the telephone bill. So twice all this has been messed up by 1 clan SLH.

2 times matches have been arranged and they couldnt get the required number of people on the server at the required time.

For the amdins, we where totally within the rules and followed them to the letter no doubt SLH will think differently but hey f**k them :) as the admin i spoke to last night said. For MUF not to get this desicion I feel the admins must be corrupt.

If I was any of the pool C clans out there I wouldnt play them.

I really dont care what is replied to this I am just sorry that what seemed to be a good league turns out to be more corrupt then a points boxing desicion in Italy.

[This message has been edited by Chefamen (edited 17 July 2000).]


I could take issue with any number of the points above but I won't. It's spilt milk to me, I can't see how facetious replies are really going to help. What I would like to help with is spelling and punctuation, as Xs and I are spearheading a drive to bring a reasonable quality of writing to these forums. Any effort I can make to raise the tone over 'y0ur clan suX0r meh gonna k33k d3m h33d5 1n' I beleive to be worthwhile. You are certainly helping us along this path Chef, however I think a more thorough grounding in the use of the apostrophe would aid us yet further. If you need any tips, feel free to pop into #hatoisawenker, my grammatical drop-in session, whenever you feel ready.

I would like it to be known that all facts are either absolute truths or tautological linguistic fallacies, and consequently the above is lies.


Hato u could have flamed all you wanted to mate as i think you are the one person in SLH that i do have any time for :)


awwwwwwwww.... *hugs* to all [MUF]. Anyone for a shower? :) ROFL


You can join the MUF post-match shower anytime Hato ;) As for this whole unpleasent business I am remaining quiet; mainly cos Chef has said all that matters - hehe.

[This message has been edited by [MUF]MrTFC (edited 17 July 2000).]

Atomic Rammer

I think I speak for all of [A&I] in pool A when I say we've had a really great time in the league. Everything has run smoothly and we've had no trouble at all with other clans.

If you're getting pissed off come to pool A and we'll give ya's a hassle free beatin' ;)


Indeed Syd - the words "nail" "head" "hit" "the" "on" "the" spring to mind, answers on a postcard.


/join #a&i


/part #a&i

Atomic Rammer

answer , the is competition to XS the on the nail hit head


P.S. *yawn*


#ra #ra


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