mp mincer stuff for sale



posting this for a mate. dunno how much each item is worth really, so.. well.. if u want it, say what u think its worth, and I´ll talk to him, if ok, u got it. (and no, I cba to find out prices and how other ppl do this out here, as it aint my stuff :))

mp small shield:
25 str
11% matter
qui 13
dex 13
ablative proc

mp small shield:
5 slash
3% energy
16 con
20 dex

mp guarded rapier:
4 stealth
4 thrust
10 qui
7% thrust
dot proc

mp chain sleeves:
25 charisma
4 thrust
7% thrust
7% energy
ablative proc

mp chain leggings:
25 str
25 qui
13 con
7% thrust
ablative proc

mp chain helm:
7% crush
9& slash
52 hp
22 qui
ablative proc

mp chain gloves:
9% slash
7% crush
52 hp
22 charisma

mp chain boots:
4 instruments
25 con
25 dex
5% matter
ablative proc

mp chain hauberk:
3 thrust
25 dex
19 charisma
9% spirit
ablative proc

mp drum:
11% spirit
7% cold
3% matter
4 instruments

mp flute:
11% spirit
7% cold
3% matter
4 instruments

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