Moving Excal+Prydwen to Mythic? Opinions?



I was just thinking today, that I half wished I had played on the US servers instead of EU, because of several GOA related... things, then I had a thought, what if it were possible to move all of Excal+Prydwen to Mythic's control. The prices are now the same, so there would be no change there. Anyway, heres a list of the pro's and con's that moving would bring (feel free to add ya own)

Pro's of moving:

-We would be on the latest patch, rather than lagging by up to a few months.
-Fixes would come in when they were needed, rather than being left for months until the next patch-bundle (eg, necro LOS)
-We would have access to more than 2 english speaking servers, and so be able to play all 3 realms....
-We would be allowed to actualy test the incoming patches, and test what changes this brings to your character (pendragon>>>gorre)
-Our oppinions would actualy matter (can vote on the herald voting poll)
-We would get specialist servers, and they wouldnt be flooded with german/french 1337-kids (ok, you would get yanky 1337-kids, but at least you can understand what they are saying)
-INGAME CS (deserves more than one mention)
-No more RightNow, aka SometimeMaybe
-Chance to be selected for closed beta of certain things, like the SI beta was, and the housing expansion is
-Working XML files...
-INGAME CS (getting stuck in landscape on a friday and not getting unstick till monday because RightNow takes 24 hours to process earns this a 3rd entry ;P )
-A telephone number you can call for technical problems

Con's of moving:

-No more invading the french/german servers, talking cokney rhyming slang at them
-We wouldn't have a flash homepage (actualy, this should be under pro's)
-No 3 month warning on incoming patches

Anyway, as I said, feel free to add your own Pro's/Con's, and your oppinions(opinions? opinnions?) of moving, if it actualy was possible. :)

[edit, fixed a bit of punctuation)



Groups of american players would start pl grps on our servers...dont know if you've played US before, there really annoying.


-We would get specialist servers, and they wouldnt be flooded with german/french 1337-kids (ok, you would get yanky 1337-kids, but at least you can understand what they are saying)

And this is a good thing ?


Ive been thinking the same thing

Im not sure, but im thinking about moving to the US servers in 6 months if im still playing.

Problem is, i have made loads of friends on exc/pry.

And my old time net friends play on the Euro servers.

I also am in FC and wouldnt like to leave them.


Tesla Monkor

What was it again?

Grass, other side of the fence or something.

Neither of the servers will move to the US version. Unless Mythic is willing to buy back the license GOA bought from them, which I don't see happening anytime soon.

Besides, moving the servers there would KILL them. Both. Pack up and leave, nothing left. Right now we have some concentration on two english servers. What do you think would happen if we move them to there? People wander off.

Many of the US servers are actively dying of under-population, so the last thing they want is MORE servers. ;)


Originally posted by Tesla Monkor
Many of the US servers are actively dying of under-population, so the last thing they want is MORE servers. ;)

They'll be back fast, they want HOUSES.

For whatever reason Ive mellowed out a bit and don't think goa are that bad tbh in fact they are probably quite good esp compared to other mmorpg's.

We can log in when we want with little hassle and problems, sure you may say thats what we pay for but keeping an online service up and running has its problems. I bet we don't even see some of them and they go unnoticed cause they strive to keep us live.

In my ripe old age as a old avalonian I am beginning to like this game more and more, call me crazy if you must (hang on a mo maybe I am).



Don't be a moron. 1.60 next week. Chronicals aren't GOA's fault, which imo is the only bone of content atm.


no more easter eggs, children insulting inconnu in camelot...

I'm hoping these are just the beginning :)

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