Movies - Rerollers


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Ok ok!

There must be a few more then just Vote for Love and Xnys that has recorded some material and released it.
Pretty please feed us with more movies! ;)

I don't care if it is about a low realm rank group that dies over and over again, it's still a movie :)



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
I don't care if it is about a low realm rank group that dies over and over again, it's still a movie :)

pretty sure we could provide a few hours of that atm hehe

although last night we beat a high rr hib grp with a rr12 in it and the only ppl left standing at end were me and lagga (both zerkers). 1st time thats happened to me and was a fun fight, we had to suic on a nearby tower to regrp with everyone else who died tho :)

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