Most wanted class in Emain



Originally posted by fl3a
i would say swap cave and mend. the PBAE disease aka shammy fart is our only way out of melee combat (other than ichor, that costs 14 RA points).

Very close to agree'ing with u, 27cave is a minimum on any shaman especially when 1.62 is here (with end going conc based u'll become #1 target in rvr, gonna be soooooooo fun, but u'll need that pbaoe to survive it)

concerning RA's u'll 100% need ichor if u go shaman, not for escaping nme's that's just down right wasting it, but incase healer fail's to mezz or second NME group arrive's durring a fight and healer down/mezzed/blind/ns'd/newbie/interrupted, then ichor em, ae disease, and spam ae root, low lvl, for perma interrupt on caster's... :/


Would like to trade cash aswell Cadiva :)

Can't play till Wednesday, sort something out then? :)


About mending shaman - you're forgetting that secondary cc e.g. root lies in shaman cave spec and going out without option to root after mez time is over is being too optimistic about your abilities.

PS. Played both aug/mend and aug/cave shammie and like 43 aug/31 cave spec best - lots of fun to play and its very useful char :)
PPS. If you want to heal, roll mend healer :p


go for skald, damn funny solo and needed in group :)


Originally posted by Denisée
Buffbots normaly do the main buffing and ur right about one thing with the RM's. 10s pbt is a waste, but 6s is handy.

Plz tell that to my guild :>
imo 6 sec pbt is handy to get TG raid or something, but it's not all what it is blown up to be in rvr :>


perhaps a warrior :) They are always needed (especialy when zerkers get nerfed in 1.62)


I'd say a shaman would be great.
1 healer and 1 shaman beats 2 healers in the same grp, in my opinion.

mm, and besides even tho you pick a wanted class for rvr, I wont garantee you will have a good time everytime. Random groups may turn out to be a complete catastrophe, So I suggest you join a good rvr guild :)

Been here in this realm for almost year or so, and I dont see soo much shamans like I've seen healers, ( In rvr that is ) :)

So shaman isnt a bad choice!

Btw, Welcome to Midgard, I hope you will enjoy your stay ^-^



Originally posted by Runolaz
37Aug/35Mend/17Cave for a balanced Shaman spec.

dont tell ppl to specc this because it suck ilmather have it and dots does nothign so is healing 386hp with best heal isnt worth the 35 pts spent imo..
I say 37aug 39cave.

Healer you can go,
31mending 44pac no pom 5 but you get ae mezz and spread.
39mending 37aug aka heal alot for the win.
24mending 48pac i think still is a valid specc.

Skald well fun or not its a class whos always needed in a good group, and playing them is fun also i would think with so much toys, dds, mez and snare.

As for Runemasters im abit unsure if they actually do much for your grps anymore 6 sec pbt okay you are no gimp in a group but still your offen targetted after healers or first and very hard to survive fights have to do with your playing style "skill" to see if you make it.

As for Spiritmasters well they can be really funny to go around killing with sence tank groups are abit boring atm with end regen and bash bash bash and everything dead meens spiritmasters have to be timed with healers and they need to stick together and so on.

As for savage ok make one if you like tanks but their use in rvr ofc good but we seems to have alot of them at mtk atm, i would suggest you make something else.


Originally posted by old.SadonTheGrey
Would like to trade cash aswell Cadiva :)

Can't play till Wednesday, sort something out then? :)

Absolutely, have PMed your good self ;)

Oh yeah, and on the old shammie front, depends if you want to spam AEdot from inside or outside a keep or generally have fun all over.

My spec is mucho fun and as we don't have a high level healer out with us in my normal guild RvR group, it pays having a shaman who can heal.
As I said before, my group usually has 3 shammies and we do alright ;)


Originally posted by rg-zorena
dont tell ppl to specc this because it suck ilmather have it and dots does nothign so is healing 386hp with best heal isnt worth the 35 pts spent imo..
I say 37aug 39cave.

Lots of specs to choose from. Depends on what kind of shaman you want to be, and what kind of grp you run with. As Cadvia said it works for him, so the spec is viable. With your spec you have effectivly gimped your healing abilities, but that is ok IMHO if you run with Pac + Aug/Mend Healer all the time, but for someone starting from scratch I don't think that spec is the road to go.

If you want Cave in a balanced spec as I said you can go 37Aug/26Mend/29Cave, this is the spec I aim for. On the otherhand my freinds shaman that I have played a little is somthing like 46Cave/25Aug/13 Mend (don't remember the exact Aug/Mend spec) is immensly fun to play too.

We have a saying in Norway that says "smaken er som baken den er delt i to" and that means something like "the taste is like the bum, it's split in two" my english is not that good, but I think you get the drift :). The Shaman in IMHO one those chars that you have the most specs too choose from :)

Edit: Don't forget Ichor of the Deep


Supp RM is needed everywhere, and they are great fun to play =)


supportclasses = boring
mages = shit
tanks = ok

skalds = shit
thanes = shit
zerks = shit after 1.62
savages = shit, will get nerfed
warrior = ok

And dont even think about stealther they are all;



Imo theres nothing more fun to play than a healer, and even tho pac isnt what it used to be its still very useful. And as a healer (atleast a year ago, may have changed) you always get groups, and if you dont, making them as a healer is easier than with any other class.


Heh, thx Lillian.

I actually played here when the game was released, had a 28 RM called... Sadon :p Back in the day when most people were in 30's - early 40's. Got addicted to Alb/Pry tho after that :p

Thanks 4 all teh replies, time will tell what I roll ;)


hardly anyone on midgard uses pbae groups.. maybe sms get invite once in a while but its not worth it if the group doesnt play for pbae rvr.

pac/mend healer like jakobi suggested, a shaman which is always usefull, or maybe a skald. u know how noone would wanna rvr without speed :>


I'd say I think a healer is more fun to play then a shammie. A healer with high pac and mend. Should be mentioned tho that I've only played with my healer in bg3, but I enjoy it alot with all the ae mez and ae stuns.

Playing a low mend shammy aint not too fun, it sucks to play when the group needs you more to heal then to do offensive stuffs, and if you heal, it's very random and takes loads of power.


Healer all the way. It's a damn hard class to play, but easily the most fun I've tried in DAOC.

38pac/ 19Aug/33 Mend gives you a well balanced healer (first Celerity, 2nd run speed, first sets of low radius instas, good castable CC).

If you're planning to join an RvR rated guild though (ie, know you'll be running in a group with a healer that fills in your missing lines), there's some other good templates (the 44 Pac/ 31 mend one for a start).

39 Mend/ 37 Aug (healing god with decent resists and celerity)
48Pac/ 23mend/ 5 aug (Primary CC with average mend for some decentish heals).
High aug, rest mend (I forget the stats).

Personally, I'd recommend at least going to 30 mend for the first spread heal. It's an absolutely amazing spell and well worth the points/ sacrafices).


Originally posted by jakobi
Plz tell that to my guild :>
imo 6 sec pbt is handy to get TG raid or something, but it's not all what it is blown up to be in rvr :>

Too true, think i'd rather play my runie who can hurt things rather tahn give and extra bit of defense.

make a 47/26 runie imo :) Not the most needed but i always manage to get a group and they are amazing fun to play :D


Originally posted by hellraisermk2
Healer all the way. It's a damn hard class to play, but easily the most fun I've tried in DAOC..

Oi! Blooming get yourself logged in then we haven't seen your 'uber' healer for ages ;)

And Runolaz, you can make it up to me by urm... I'll have a think and let you know :p


:) I was logged in earlier today, and I'll be coming along into alb with you all tomorrow (unfortunately for you all)!

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