and you really think anyone can answer that question at this point in WARs development ?
They should be as it is close to going gold="finished".
People should have a decent idea from the bet.
there's also a small difference in tactics, where the AM gets a very nice one that adds +35% healing done to others, but reducing heals on yourself. RP doesn't get anything like this. this tactic alone makes AM heals, pound for pound, quite a bit better than the RPs.
that's about it atm.
Ive read for Destruction side if you get 2 DoK's in a group and 1 is spec'd for heal with the other dps, their combined group heals will keep everyone alive all day as long as the DoK's have something to hit on.
Then you forgot the fact that nearly every class has a (in DAOC terms disease) spell/ability that decreases healing done on the target by 50+%.
Also personally I find DoK's and WP's very weak healers, their group heal is nice as its faster cast than the other healers group heal but the thing is if you don't hit anyone your "mana" pool will run out and in open RvR people will kite you and having no ranged snare theres nothing you can do to catch them and in keep fights everyone will target you ASAP as your a healer so you'd be healing yourself more than your group.
DoK's and WP's were really nice in the early tiers (1 and 2) but at level 40 I am not sure what their job is as they don't heal for even half as much as a "real" healer and don't damage for half as much as a real DPS so unless they got some group enhancing abilities really worth having them in the group I can't see any FG thats serious about PvP ever running with either of them.
P.S DoK's/WP's and DPS doesn't go well in the same sentence, even when specced in their dps line their damage is horrible (from a level 40 point of view, earlier on in the tiers it's fine).
I've read a lot of propaganda that is coming out that a DOK is a second rate healer. That we have no place in the zerg vs zerg combat that highly sought after objectives can sometimes lead into. That we only can play the role of secondary or backup RVR healer.
This is all wrong. 100% wrong.
I've been in beta a for about six months now, I've played every mastery. I know the DOK inside and out. Some of you probably remember me from before the dok was even released. I have played a healer in every MMO dating back to EQ1 and haven't left the archetype since, the DOK is the hardest, most intense class I've played to date. I've also never played a class so deadly and rewarding when played well and geared for this task through stacking willpower from Renown, and gear.
Dark Rites is the healing spec for the DOK, it increases your base heals as you spec up the path as well as unlocking some pretty crucial abilities for the healing dok. The DOK is by far the best group healer in the game, and when in a group with a lot of front line fighters can put out the highest raw healing numbers of any healer in the game by far. At rank 31 I put out 260,000 healing surpassing the second highest healer in the 15 min scenario by 200,000. The amount of healing aDOK can do when the group plays well and stays close is staggering.
Pre-20 its a fight, you might as well slot for full str and the dmg tactic and hang on for your life. Your heals are enough to keep people from dropping like rocks but don't expect many staggering life saving heals. Rend Soul is to unreliable currently to really be counted on, though its a great ability for soloing andPvE.
At 20 the Dark Rites DOK finally comes into his own, Khaine's Embrace is what makes this class truly stand out. At rank 31 with 560 willpower my group heal was healing all 6 targets for 900-1000. When tanks only have 5-6k health thats quite a nice amount, especially when you're chaining 3 or 4 of them together per essence pool. This is your bread and butter spell, your go to if you will. This is what we use instead of other healers single target 3 second cast, it heals for a respectable amount, heals everyone, and has a large radius.
At 26 you get Khaine's Vigor, your group hot. Anytime this is off cooldown it goes back up, its cheap, heals for a good amount, and can basically negate aoe all by itself. A very powerful spell that nets a lot of the Dark Rites Passive healing. Its very nice to have, and sorcs will love you for countering thier backlash dmg all with this one spell.
Finally Khaine's refreshment comes to play. A few phases ago this spell was borderline to strong, it was a 13 s cooldown, castable on the run, channel heal that hit all allies. It waws amazing to follow behind the tank wall as they charged the order zerg to counter all the aoe being tossed around. The new form requires the caster to be standing still so its taken a hit to its usefulness though I would argue any aoe heal that heals all nearby allies has its uses.
Soul Infusion (hot) and Restore Essence(heal+hot) are great to stack along with your gorup hot for focus targets, especially tanks. The passive healing is enough to keep them even or even begin the process of topping them off while yourestore your SE pool.
Finally Blood offering is your friend, this should be used almost everytime its off cooldown if you're not in direct confrontation with an enemy to keep the SE flowing. You can time it right so that you are only out of heal mode for about 3 or 4 seconds of every ten, and most of the time you leave your allies topped off and return them to full soon after filling up. Another great tool for SE management is Essence lash, currently every enemy it hits rewards SE. So if you hit 4 enemies you get a very large amount of SE in return. Makes for a great way to get off that last heal you need before channeling Blood Offering.
My playstyle is VERY different from a lot of other DOKs out there. Neither is right, nor wrong, but the DOK is very versatile and can fufill both of these rolls very well. Some have come on these boards and said that a DOK who stands in the back can't be as effective a healer as others which is 100% wrong. I don't stand in the back, I stand in the middle. I play a hybrid role of peeler/protector/ andgorup healer. I would argue my impact of the game is much higher then if I tried to fufill either only a healer or only a dmg dealer. I like to play the space between the Ranged classes and the melee classes. I snare any MDPS/TAnks that come my was protecting my squishier counterparts and if one of them is silly enough to stay on me then I heal tank them while wearing them down. All the while healing my group as well as myself with my group hot/group heal. The concept is great, and personally I love the class when played this way. Few classes are better suited to protect others then theDOK.
So in closing, if you have interest to play the DOK and concentrate on the healing aspect never feel discouraged that its not possible, its very efficient and is very much a viable spec, I promise you your group won't be complaining when those1k group heals start flowing =p
Any questions about the healing playstyle, or healing in general and few can answer better then myself and I'll be more then happy to respond in this thread. I'm not the best TortureDOK, nore the Sacrifice guru, but few have reached the raw healing numbers I have averaged over the past few phases.