More trees :p



Don't you think there should be more treespots in lyonesse?

i mean....3*8 people are allowed to get this excellent (best and fastest anyway)xp, and 50 others are bored the hell out of their minds not getting into such a group cause they are full (wouldnt a treecamp like the pygmie ones be nice) :p

probably there are some other good xp spots, tried some, but still think trees are the way to go from 45-> 50

Got a cleric as main char, and even he has a hard time finding a treegroup these days :/ (dont even want to think what to do with my infil)

most of the time i get put on a list, i ask the guy who put me on the list to pm me when a spot comes open, never hear them again..dunno if i have bad luck, but when i'm in a group there are always people leaving within the hour to go eat and stuff...
strange it never happens to the groups i ask to join...

probably i'm not the only one with this prob...but just had to let it out for once...getting bored with daoc when you see people that started chars 1 month ago getting at same level as your main in no time...but...euh...maybe they have no life :p

anyway hope to get that damn 50 by the time my account expires...1 month for 5 levels...with a little help from some nice groupleaders, it should be possible :)


Well, my main is currently 43, so cant say much about Twee's...

But I hear a lot of 'complaining' (more whining ;)) from our high levels that its hard to get a tree group these days... Well, if you think thats hard, try getting a group at around 30 ;)

But there are SO many places with decent or even good XP... Twee's arent the only good place... Any 55+ mob that baf's should do just nicely...

Try a smaller group and do another (easier) mob... You'll be supprised... Or even do what someone else said, make a group of 2-4 people (4 really max) and do tangler pulls...

The problem isnt that there arent any other places to XP, its just, people are too one-minded...


Plenty of room in Dartmoor. Far more exciting xp than trees and chance of some decent drops too while your at it. Ill never xp another char from 45>50 at trees. Once is more than enuf. And if they werent so damn boring I woulda got 50 alot sooner.
And like the guy says - trees dont even get close to your xp cap @47/48+ anyway. Smaller grps and red cons is just as good xp.


get a group together (maybe with some of those 50people who are on the list) and go Dartmoor. Nice drops, nice xp, fun mobs to kill. I don't know why people 'have' to stay in lyonesse? Dartmoor rox :)


I know DM is good also...but in Lyo there is more chance to find a group...and DM is as camped as Lyo is

every guild goes there to drophunt :) (been there couple of times myself with DVE)

i said i tried different spots...but still think chain trees -are boring (all xp'ing is)- but give good xp...

but might try the small group thing next time...some tela's or tanglers could be good


bah my guild went on DM trip yesterday. (7 peeps from 36-42) we just staid around that stone gigant town near the entrance and we got great xp, 2 magma swords, 1 other grantie sword, 1 shield and some armor. And best of all.. IT WAS FUN. twees r waaay to boooring hehe. lvl fast is not everything u know=)

Jiggs realy can swing his stick if he wants hehe=)


Plenty of room in Darkness Falls. I would suggest to rvr a bit and in about 2 weeks lvl your char to 50 in Darkness Falls. Fun guarenteed.



When the game was created, some very smart people made calculations on how many classes at certain levels there would be on each server. With this information they made a certain amount of mobs and a certain rate of respawn at the different locations. I assume that these calculations where rather good and has fitted well, up untill now.
I think this is the first summer with DAoC and a lot of people has had vacation and therefore had time to speed level. All of a sudden we have way too many lvl 45 or something else.
Another effect: The amounts of new accounts has been less and less, too few people are leaving game and too few people are entering. This will contribute to the clumbing of certian level groups..for an example. an experienced gamer know how to get from levle 1-5 in a very,very short time.. so there will be almost no-one at these levels for very long.

Remember this is all in my mind, I can´t prove any of this, but would be glad if a GOA-man could confirm some of it.


IMO there aint enough places to solo . atm im lvl 43 and the ONLY decent place for exp i can find is in the echo room in barrows. ive trtaied various mobs all over alb .

cyclopc/teg rangers/araws/grims/scraggs/trees in our frontier .
yellow cons i can find in dm ,
danoins in lyon
loads of different mobs in barrows .

im lvl43 atm and struggle to find decent mobs for solo exp :( yea im a cleric and should get a grp easy but a lot of the time due to stuff at home i prefer to stay solo so i can go afk when i want .i aint been in a proper dm grp yet "not tried" tangler exp sux . im a bit low for twees. all the other mobs that are mainly for grps dont actualy give good exp . they just drop good loot . the only time exp seems to shift is when im grp with one other person and we pull oranges fast . or take our time killing reds just the two of us . but alb still lacks in mobs for solo imo at higher lvl :(

i would do whights or those mobs in tree room in barrows but to dangerous getting past that room across the bridge :(


why on earth would u wanna make 2 armsmen?:p

lvling ONE was boooring enough.. lvling 2 must be a pain hehe.

well accutaly i did lvl 2. one in beta and one in this:p


Shhh.. don't tell them about dartmoor!

The frontiers can be fun... at lvl 45 if you get a full group you can probably kill the bearded gorgers n stuff in barfog...

There's plenty of stuff out there.....


darkmoor? whats darkmoor?:p

Wonder if that big blue man drops anything=)

hes in the frontier somewhere.


Originally posted by Fingoniel
Shhh.. don't tell them about dartmoor!

The frontiers can be fun... at lvl 45 if you get a full group you can probably kill the bearded gorgers n stuff in barfog...

There's plenty of stuff out there.....

i tried beareded gorgers and the other similer mobs there . exp wasnt v good in a full grp . drops were few and far between . we camped there for well over 2 hrs and only 1 drop :( . tried diamond back toads also . again bad exp :(



Search for a level..
If you find things that BAF you'll get as much xp as trees...

I find I get more xp when I'm killing interesting things :) nevermind the numbers... if the group is good and not just a 'shh! be quiet and kill' group then the xp (and the time) flies by.

And that's what it's all about... having fun.

Also if it helps: compare how much xp you can make in 4 hrs doing non-tree stuff... with 2 hrs of trees + 2hrs in the list?

As for having to solo:
Join a guild, find a group in lyonesse and drag them to the frontier... make some friends and PM them... etc.

old.Tomask Writus

Hmm i think i dinged 50 in dartmoore its a great place if you get a dam good group.
Get yourself down to the Stonelords spawn and a good scout for pulling and your set good xp good drops and a little bit more fun than trees :p .


Originally posted by old.Second

Wonder if that big blue man drops anything=)

hes in the frontier somewhere.

No, he doesn't. :)


lol yea there are soo many other places to lvl ,,but really noone can be arsed ot go there guess trees is a more easy way to lvl ...bit repetitive though but hey what the hell doe sthe job right! :clap:

Herbal Remedy

once df is live and open lyon will be emtied if we have access the xp in there is just silly purple to lvl 50 mobs at 70 - 80 mill a kill 3 - 4 grouped = 4-5 twee pulls in one go withh little down time i presume its as good for the lower lvls as well (ps hulks rules)


chain stonelords :) or wait for DF

I hope the school holidays are over soon so i dont have to log on here and see 5 gratz on 50 threads every day!


I'm not saying this is the case with this post, but generally throughout albion people don't seem to try anything out, they seem to take peoples word for things, or they try other xp spots find they don't get as much xp PER kill and assume that it's crap xp, even though they can kill twice as much per hour.

When I was about level 27 (Minstrel) I'd try and get groups outside the catacombs, at around this point someone had spread a rumour that ponies were fantastic xp. So I'd join a group, thus giving them a mezzer, and they'd say let's go kill ponies! A full group of 8 killing single purple targets? They all seemed to think it was fantastic xp. Yet you can get 2 or 3 times that xp in the catacombs because things group and you've got a mezzer to make things easy.

Personally I leveled from 45-50 without visiting the trees. I dinged 50 killing wights in the Barrows. Might not have been as good xp as trees but we only needed 3-4 people, no mezzer, no cleric, I did 49.5-50 in one day at wights. Even blue/yellow mobs can give good xp. One Merc, one Paladin killing mainly blue fallen warriors in barrows gave pretty good xp, because you never have to sit down. And the other benefits? Well I have about 10 belts of Etheric Mist now, a full set of greathart chain, every caster staff the barrows offers, jewels, bracers, rings etc... :) (But don't message me I gave most of the stuff away :))


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