More to DO......pls!



To be honest im getting sick of daoc once again, this is somthing like my 3rd time back to Daoc after a couple of months break.

Im bored what are my options in the game errrm lets see..

1 bash monsters in order to lvl to 50 where everyone will be a maximum of yellow which will be well fun but getting to 50 in itself is a boring task.

2.Craft. Which is also fun keeping guild members and noobies, what little there are happy.

then theres bgs which have been put there so you can take a break from monster bashing and have real fun bashing human counterparts. But in my experience only thid is really used the other bgs were/are normaly empty WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?

if people actually used all the bgs the game would be ten times as fun but as it is i have to bash monsters for a grueling 26 or so lvls which isnt fun at all.

Although it may appear to be dissing daoc i dont mean to. Im just simply pointing out that the game to me is simply monster bashing and power lvling to lvl 50.

i Wish they would had more events more things to do, if only ultima online 2 didnt get ditched im sure it woulda been the best rpg to date :( with lots to do.

Anyhow im sure more will be added to daoc in the future, only thing is i carnt play the game atm because of this crap lag issue i carnt even get to the loggin screen no more ;(.

Daoc is really fun at times but has the potential to be a true classic adding more things to do would help :) but just enabling me to play it would be nice.

p.s my english isnt too good and i may have lost the plot a bit but im bored of waiting to beable to play it. Bah back to cs i think :(


Tried the quests? their always fun for hours on. :p

And there's plenty of those to go around.


I'd also like BGs to be populated.

But hey, Mythic should implement things like theatres with NPC actors and a new show every week.
Maybe they should even have olympics but hmm... I think minstrels might win the 100m run.
What else, fishing? Good one, sell fish to NPCs :p
Let me see now... boating? Wee...
Lumberjacking and mining perhaps? If crafting is boring well eh... yeah...

Sounds like UO to me o_O

Give ideas of new things to do that are not boring and are not extremely complicated to implement. Also ones that are maybe not linked to crafting for example...

You seem to have forgotten post-50 RvR'ing, arraging keep raids or relic raids and generally trying to become an RP whore o_O
This should be more interesting than levelling already since you never have to do it again but can enjoy all aspects of RvR.


Funnily enough, I've always wanted to put on plays in DAoC... not possible really until duels come out, but it would be a laugh.


Always the same crap.

How much do you play per day / week? No offence but some people live in that game, no wonder you are bored of it in no time. That is not worth a rant, that is a logical result.

And if you do, try to look for some alternatives: Roleplay, organize special events, ...


Yeah, this is outrageous!!!1111

I went out the other day and brought a copy of War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. Stayed up for 3 days straight without sleep only eating pizzas and drinking coke, and I have read all 1,500 pages!!!! This sucks, I demand they add more chapters!!!!!!!!!!!!1111222223

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