more tardlocks please


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
more boring posts about the same thing plz



and no i dont or never will own a whorelock cos i refuse to roll one or a vamp or bainshee.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Please all mids roll and actively play Whorecocks, that way the nerf will come quicker.


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
I think ppl need to get a Day job or a GF... then they can Whine about that!
Migth Save a GiG or 2 on Freddys :p


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Hawkwind said:
Please all mids roll and actively play Whorecocks, that way the nerf will come quicker.

just roll a theurg/aminist and or Vamp/crush merc + BB, if you cant beat em join em.

I do agree that warlocks still need a tweaking, but not so much the insta damage they do now, maybe have a longer chamber cooling down period, or the more chambers up the lesser the damage, in terms of there sustained damage output.

its not the insta 1 hit damage that really annoys me anymore(group with a DI class negates most of the insta damage a wanklock does, RVR is all about grouping but thats another discussion), its the powerless, the uninteruptable (cost a normal caster 30 RA's), the unbreakable snare + shape change, the spread heal,Crack, near sight, LT, DD, PBAO and BOLT (WTF) all put together on one toon thats annoying. thank god 95% of wanklock players evolved from the 1 button BD entrepreneurs, or else we'd really be in trouble.

warlocks have many ways to disable a threat, and excel in many aspects, a warllocks biggest let down is the vast majority of people that play them.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
well since we r wajin about them ill add my grievience against them <yes even though i play mid aswell though i got hib/pyd chars too> is that the uninterutpables are stupid. I baststabbed a warlock the other day and took him to about 30% which he then proceeded to cast his lifetap then pbaoe twice killing me. There is asolutely no way to kill them unless u oneshot them as a stealther in thid. U cant run and restealth can u, and if u stay and fight ure nuked down in 2 hits, is a bit silly.

They need to up the cast timers imo. maybe 5 seconds for uninteruptable pbaoe.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 24, 2004
There is and have allways just been 1 major problem with warlocks.

They have longer range than anyone else.

Combo that with insta cast and you can never get near, specially when they hide in towers/keeps, which they do quite often.

Rest of their abilities can be countered easy. but hard when he can hit you from out of range everytime.

let them have the damage and insta cast, but nerf range to 1500 max.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
knighthood said:
well since we r wajin about them ill add my grievience against them <yes even though i play mid aswell though i got hib/pyd chars too> is that the uninterutpables are stupid. I baststabbed a warlock the other day and took him to about 30% which he then proceeded to cast his lifetap then pbaoe twice killing me. There is asolutely no way to kill them unless u oneshot them as a stealther in thid. U cant run and restealth can u, and if u stay and fight ure nuked down in 2 hits, is a bit silly.

They need to up the cast timers imo. maybe 5 seconds for uninteruptable pbaoe.

PA, runthrough, /face, rear style chain (i use snowshower) = dead whorelock.

Another way is to use the CD side-stun from stealth, then rearstyle chain.

Usually this works if your quick, but most locks have their fingers on the insta's, so sometimes this doesn't work.

Borgio Finstermoor

One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 7, 2004
knighthood said:
well since we r wajin about them ill add my grievience against them <yes even though i play mid aswell though i got hib/pyd chars too> is that the uninterutpables are stupid. I baststabbed a warlock the other day and took him to about 30% which he then proceeded to cast his lifetap then pbaoe twice killing me. There is asolutely no way to kill them unless u oneshot them as a stealther in thid. U cant run and restealth can u, and if u stay and fight ure nuked down in 2 hits, is a bit silly.

They need to up the cast timers imo. maybe 5 seconds for uninteruptable pbaoe.

No problems with them in thid myself, load up your main hand with DoT, off hand with Snare. use BackstabII to stun, thigh cut then its normally 1 garrotte to finish.

Not big but deffo clever



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Borgio Finstermoor said:
No problems with them in thid myself, load up your main hand with DoT, off hand with Snare. use BackstabII to stun, thigh cut then its normally 1 garrotte to finish.

Not big but deffo clever


Shuld work but most of em are buffed lol. Oh well maybe easier when im 24 :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Baldrian said:
There is and have allways just been 1 major problem with warlocks/Scouts.

They have longer range than anyone else.

Combo that with insta cast and you can never get near, specially when they hide in towers/keeps, which they do quite often.

Rest of their abilities can be countered easy. but hard when he can hit you from out of range everytime.

let them have the damage and insta cast, but nerf range to 1500 max.
..............................bla. bla. bla


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Warlocks are pussys compared to BD's, the BD in Thid is about as OP as it gets in DAOC, it takes 3 players to take one down and he'll probably kill 2 of you.

It's a mathamatical certainty, insta lifetap plus healing pet, NO player short of a insta drop stealth style can win.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 1, 2005
Job said:
Warlocks are pussys compared to BD's, the BD in Thid is about as OP as it gets in DAOC, it takes 3 players to take one down and he'll probably kill 2 of you.

It's a mathamatical certainty, insta lifetap plus healing pet, NO player short of a insta drop stealth style can win.

23 void / 6 light will do the trick. qc mezz ( ofc hope it sticks.. ) bolt bolt die.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 2, 2004
Job said:
Warlocks are pussys compared to BD's, the BD in Thid is about as OP as it gets in DAOC, it takes 3 players to take one down and he'll probably kill 2 of you.

It's a mathamatical certainty, insta lifetap plus healing pet, NO player short of a insta drop stealth style can win.

2-bolt BD's all the time with my void eld, often i can 1-bolt them if i crit, they are, after all, just mages :)


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
Kalidur said:
just roll a theurg/aminist and or Vamp/crush merc + BB, if you cant beat em join em.

I do agree that warlocks still need a tweaking, but not so much the insta damage they do now, maybe have a longer chamber cooling down period, or the more chambers up the lesser the damage, in terms of there sustained damage output.

its not the insta 1 hit damage that really annoys me anymore(group with a DI class negates most of the insta damage a wanklock does, RVR is all about grouping but thats another discussion), its the powerless, the uninteruptable (cost a normal caster 30 RA's), the unbreakable snare + shape change, the spread heal,Crack, near sight, LT, DD, PBAO and BOLT (WTF) all put together on one toon thats annoying. thank god 95% of wanklock players evolved from the 1 button BD entrepreneurs, or else we'd really be in trouble.

warlocks have many ways to disable a threat, and excel in many aspects, a warllocks biggest let down is the vast majority of people that play them.

The problem is that WL can insta (within 2 secs) kill any caster, stealther and light tank in the game. Higher RR WL can even do it when your fully buffed. No char should be able to jump or side step a turret/wall or other object and insta kill without fear of any damage being sustained. This is not good for the game. Its like playing in 'God Mode'. Their PBAOE alone is over powered as it is uninterruptable. Something every other PBAOE caster has to put alot of RA points in to to get for a short period. Totally agree with you that the utility they have is a joke.

I think the WL would have to be virtualy asleep for a theur to get him. With their range and up front dmg the theur should die every time. Unless WL is busy and you manage to get a few pets off. Does Air still rule in Thid?


Fledgling Freddie
May 12, 2004
Tallen said:
PA, runthrough, /face, rear style chain (i use snowshower) = dead whorelock

Using a Runthrough Shows game play at its best... lol

Bad warlock:- Stumble his bar and insta first sec he is hit... then lies down pushing up daisys..

Good warlock:- will Un-inter.. and pbaoe a Stealther and if he is lame anuff to try runthrough to be spanked cuz hes in the middle of it... then drop his LTap and DD just to finish where the pbaoe didnt.. Tho leaveing him unable to do a thing...

Its all about the front end dmg.. in thid you can drop your insta and get 2 casts out of a full bar.. then its a 5-6 cast.. even a AFK player could interupt..

there is a weakness in most chars... you just need to use your head when killing them..

Let try and talk about the char not whine about it!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 14, 2004
Umgrud said:
Let try and talk about the char not whine about it!

not much more really we can add to whats already been said about the beasts, we just gotta pukker up and put up with them till mythic fixes em, and demotes the person who designed the warlock to personaly answering all the whine posts regarding warlocks by hand written letters.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 19, 2004
bottler said:
What a retarded reply

what a stupid thread i mean i can chain wholelocks with my eldrich.....
mezz, stun , 268 (aint bad on tank) nuke = 2 hitted whorelock i mean people it does`nt take much to beat them, number one is get charges on ur armor dd charges, most will go for powerless cast and can be inteupted, i seen ur damage bottlus u do 376 damage to my SB wat are u complaining about ffs

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