more event stuff ?

  • Thread starter old.dangleberryfinn
  • Start date


hi just thought id let u all know about a really mad thing that happend to me while playing, i was on as my ranger alt, lv 11 at time and i went to kill a lucraduane in valley between howth and ardagh, all of a sudden i see this mob runnin like a scout, it was a norseman type mob and it was called stranger, was con purp also and hostile, well i followed it north coz it was runnin up and down map, not just around the 1 spot like any other mob, well we got near ardagh and he stopped in sum bushes then turned back south, by time we get to howth i is bored chasing it and decides to lure it to a sentinal so i shoot arrow, and run to sentinal, lol it killed me 1st but still sentinal fought it and won after a long fight, also another crazy thing wen stranger was almost dead it called for help and at least 8 badger cubs rush to help it lol, was 1 crazy sight and i just thought id tell u incase any1 knows more or wants to :)


Well its green/blue to 46.. and drops about 1g lol thats all i know i killed it a few times it just sits in Mardagh now


I also saw that Stranger in Mardagh one morning. Someone was pulling it to guards for a laugh several times. I did that too and watched guards kick her ass. After that I saw another weird thing. A small lurikeen, can't now catch his name, but as I targetted it, it said it was a merchant. Nothing weird here yet, but this merchant was running around thru Mardagh towards Mbeo then just vanishing into thin air.

Weird things are starting to happen in the lands. Keep your eyes open. :D


There are several norse NPCs all called "stranger" roaming Hibernia at the moment. There's a neutral female one standing in Mardagh working as an armour merchant, selling scale.

There are a couple of male ones running around the Silvermine mountains, which you saw (although when I saw them there were two together and you only saw one apparently).

There were reportedly some in the Cliffs of Moher who were not just NPCs but were controlled by GMs, as they talked to people and asked directions to Tir Na Nog.

There are probably more out there, and there will probably be more added as the campaign unfolds. :)


tried to speak to the female one but as she tried to speak nothing came out. I heard from the Griffon Knights (the guild my minstrel's in on prywden) that there are some in alb. I think a certain class has to talk to them. maybe a bard as only a sorceror could speak to them in alb. maybe not the same thing though the female who stands around seems to look like a highlander. I'll try to speak to her with my bard, see if anything happens

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