More crafting fun



I've finally brought up my secondaries to 999, so now I can not only make all the bows, but all the staves too.

Next patch, which will be here soon I hope, I'll also be able to make all the instruments and crossbows for anyone who might want those items. For information about pricing, orders or anything else, please contact me ingame.



For those of you that don't actually know what Lessa is going on about she is a master fletcher (999 skill) and has just now capped all of the subsiduary skills at 999 as well. So if you want a superb, high quality bow you know where to come :) In case you are wondering how good they are just read the stuff that Blood has been posting about damage cap and variance between crafted bows and the top end dropped bows.

I'm sure Lessa can provide you with much more information and price lists per try for any particular quality/dps *hint* :p

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