Moo - ok not again - Demo Question



Right - slightly unusual request
I need to save a q3 demo as a video file - AVI/MPeG prefered. Is there a way to record/convert straight off? I have been told by an unknown source there is a console command to make q3 dump every frame of a demo to image files - is this so ? whats the command, how would i convert it to a video?



There was definatly such a command in the Q3test versions, but not sure about the full versions.

Not sure how the conversion to AVI/Mpeg would be done. Bear in mind that the screenshots being taken will probably be around a meg per frame so make sure you've got Q3 installed on your largest partition..


By far the easiest way is to enable TV Out (if u have such a thing) and record it on another machine using a video capture card.
You do loose some quality, but i really dont think that a meg a screen shot is going to do your system any good, the amount of droped frames would be mind boggling.

Many moons ago i did hear of a Q2 demo to avi convertor... used it once but lost it in a reformat. havnt seen it since.

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