This can be only done by someone who needs money on mid/prydwen and has chars on excali...So you you give 2p to the guy at mid/prydwen, he gives you 2 plat on hib/alb-excali, then you can trade that 2 plat with someone from alb/prydwen who need money on hib/excali
well the problem is, you cannot directly transfer money from mid/prydwen to alb/prydwen....You need to find someone else on prydwen that needs money on excali to do this guy and the guy on the trading forums can never trade money with each other like that (its just impossible...)
hmm yes after thinking bout it, you can give the 3plat to a friend on alb/prydwen, so can the person do on mid/prydwen. Delete chars -> roll on alb/mid prydwen and get the money from the friend back...I doubt it tho if this is a safe way if you want to trade 22 plat..
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