Money and Relic gates: do we all have the same problem?



Currently in Broceliande, ALL six relic keeps have destroyed doors. Relic change hands daily, and we simply don't have the time to farm for money to keep up with this. All three realms are broke.

As soon as a realm loses a relic, said realm rushes the enemy relic fort to retake the relic before the doors are repaired. This has been going on for weeks now. (As an exemple, Hib owned five relics three days ago, currently has none, Midgard has four but Albion had their hands on four for one day too).

No realm can keep up, relic taking has become mundane...


On Excalibur, Hibernia has never lost a single relic.

<smiles smugly>


hibs excaliber have never taken one either :p

on a more serious note though relic doors are far to exspensive to repair. due to hib/excals inability to take a relic mid and alb have been having relic ping pong.

albs busted down all 3 doors of mid keep and a few days later mid smashed down all albs 3 relic gates.. thus due to the huge amount of cash needed for repair either realm has been able to fix more than one door . excaliber 0 doors for nearly 15 hrs . midgard had similer problem i think and still havent fixed there 2nd and 3rd door "posts on these forums confirm this" .

excaliber would still have only one door ifnot for a server reset and excaliber got all 3 doors auto repaired "thank you " . i dont know if mids doors reset also . but im sure there is only one way to find out .

but imo the cost for repairing relic doors needs to be drasticly lowered or the doors auto repair after a certain amount of time "24-48 hrs?" . as you stated there must be no fun in the relics swapping hands so reguler . only because non of the 3 realms can afford to fixthere dors obviously this shows th repair cost is to much .


Originally posted by ¥ØÐÄ
hibs excaliber have never taken one either :p

on a more serious note though relic doors are far to exspensive to repair. due to hib/excals inability to take a relic mid and alb have been having relic ping pong.

What about the fact that neither Albion nor Midgard have the skill/balls/whatever to have taken a single Hib relic? Both Albion and Midgard invade our realm dozens of times every day. We defend it. Even with all the invasions, neither realm can touch our relics. Even when we spend time visiting your realms, and taking a keep .. or two .. or three, you still can't get yourselves organised enough to come and try taking our relics. Neither Albion nor Midgard has to defend like we Hibs do, yet you lose your relics? Pffffft .. you're both weak realms, with unskilled, uncooperative players.

Fire extinguisher anyone? :p


Only 1/4 of the wood required today will be required after patch 1.48 but you'll only repair 1/2 the damage you do today.. so in the end you'll only need 1/2 the wood but double the time to repair gates!

Ow.. and I'll be carrying rams on my own coz the wood needed for siege equipment will be halved too.

Hope I gave you headaches :)


patch 1.48 is late, is it?

relic doors will spawn as lvl 8 doors then.



1.48 due within the next two weeks I believe...

if their testing is going well.. (Gorreing well? or is that too terrible a pun to acknowledge?)

One of the major fixes is you don't need to repair a door to 100% to close it...


Because people don't have to exp at 50 and DAoC has a lot of unrealistic money sinks (buying con, repairing doors, buying siege equipment etc.) you tend to find that people run out of cash pretty fast.

On Prydwen we broke down all three of Midgards relic keep doors only to have an unannounced server reset the morning after repair them all again. Considering that repairing relic keep doors can impact the entire realm we were pretty annoyed they got them back for free. If we do get in a situation where relics change hands very fast though I can see it being a problem. The new patch will help, but then again everyone is crying our for it and we still don't have it :rolleyes:


Damn, that doesn't sound very fun... the whole Broceliande thing, this needs fixing obviously.


Well i think the high cost is something good... If you attempt to take an enemy relic fails you have still hurt the enemys economy or you will have it easier next time you try...still i think they should lower the costs a bit so you can fix the doors but 1/4 is far to much. Albion/excal have a "foundation" in the main alliance where the guilds can give money to the alliance for the purpose of fixing the relic doors. Remember: if you have a good def. you can kill the enemy before they do any real damage and then you dont have to pay so much for the doors :p.

Btw hibs dont grow to sure of your own greatness. So far noone have made an serious attempt to take your relics since we dont see you as our main enemy. And because when we own mid relics we dont want yours to because then we would have to admit this have turned into another prydwen (ok mids dont own all relics on prydwen anymore but we still use it as an example...i hope you dont mind :p)

If you really want us to take your relics why dont u leave emain and go take one of our relics (and not just only keeps because noone really cares about them anymore, we just take them back and move to the REAL enemy...midgård). Common that you can do some damage to. Sofar i have only seen you do a few very failed attempts...surely you can do better than that?!


Originally posted by Keri

What about the fact that neither Albion nor Midgard have the skill/balls/whatever to have taken a single Hib relic? Both Albion and Midgard invade our realm dozens of times every day. We defend it. Even with all the invasions, neither realm can touch our relics. Even when we spend time visiting your realms, and taking a keep .. or two .. or three, you still can't get yourselves organised enough to come and try taking our relics. Neither Albion nor Midgard has to defend like we Hibs do, yet you lose your relics? Pffffft .. you're both weak realms, with unskilled, uncooperative players.

Fire extinguisher anyone? :p

its not case of having the skill/balls etc etc . its a case of getting past amg undetected .taking a defended relic imo is virtually impossible..

And with hibs/mids sucking upto each other and informing each other of raids from albs they see. it makes taking a hib relic virtually impossible to take .. im 100% confident that if the main rvr area was odins or hardians wall . hibernia would have no relics at all atm . and which ever realm had the majority of rvr would be the realm that rarely gets attacked .

also atm it seems to be the hibs zerging in emain .hence there is always hibs spotting armys.. and im sure mid/albs are biding there time .
belieave me one day you will lose both your relics !!


im 100% confident that if the main rvr area was odins or hardians wall . hibernia would have no relics at all atm

It really annoys me having to walk all the way through the Hibernian section of RvR just to get killed by a lvl 45+. I want instant death from a lvl 45+. So it's not all advantages for us. If you killed all the Hibs in emain, and speeded down to a relic keep instead of trying to take crim first, I'm sure hib wouldn't have many people there to defend. I think it's albs/mids not being bothered to run all the way up to hadrians/odins personally :p This is abit off the point of the post anyway.

Nearly at 400 woodworking <i think it's the lvl needed to repair doors> I hope it's not to much money. Aslaid has 250 gold at the moment and no doubt that will be gone soon :(.

At least I've got Sharpwiz to help me out with gold ;)


Originally posted by Keri

What about the fact that neither Albion nor Midgard have the skill/balls/whatever to have taken a single Hib relic? Both Albion and Midgard invade our realm dozens of times every day. We defend it. Even with all the invasions, neither realm can touch our relics. Even when we spend time visiting your realms, and taking a keep .. or two .. or three, you still can't get yourselves organised enough to come and try taking our relics. Neither Albion nor Midgard has to defend like we Hibs do, yet you lose your relics? Pffffft .. you're both weak realms, with unskilled, uncooperative players.

Fire extinguisher anyone? :p

U are extremely skilled in the art of talking bollocks...well done , must have taken u ohh 10 seconds.....


Reason hibs never lost a relic is realy simple.

When you lost all your keeps that 1 time you all went on strike and never came to rvr, you were all to busy sulking :p

also your to busy trying to suck up to mid . Though im sure this is your second attempt at another hib master race, as we all know the cross breeding of troll and elf made firbys, sadly it was faild experiment hope the kobold and lurk breeding program succeeds in you 2" tall smurf steath class atempt.


On Prydwen we broke down all three of Midgards relic keep doors only to have an unannounced server reset the morning after repair them all again. Considering that repairing relic keep doors can impact the entire realm we were pretty annoyed they got them back for free. If we do get in a situation where relics change hands very fast though I can see it being a problem. The new patch will help, but then again everyone is crying our for it and we still don't have it

Thats total bollocks

I used 500g of my own money (saved from crafting) and 300 of my friends money repairing those damn doors

others spent even more

If it was so "free" as you say, then I'd like my 500g back


Ok, could you please stop saying "We own you you never took a relic" or other nonsense please and stay on topic.

Broceliande is PG Heavy, there are numerous lvl 50 in ALL realms, ALL realms took relics someplace (Ok, albs were slow to succeed lol).

What happens is a relic raid is followed by a relic counter raid too fast for anybody to be able to repair the doors, which leads to easier relic raids, that's a circle.

Hib stance these last two days has been: ok we don't have any relics now, we'll be able to sleep at night. We're getting doors repaired while we're sure nobody will attack empty relic forts. Meanwhile, Alb and Mids play tennis with relics lol.


Its not easy sneaking in with a relic-army in Emain u know ;)


Originally posted by tilde
Its not easy sneaking in with a relic-army in Emain u know ;)

Let's go there one by one and then meet at stone in Briefine valley...:p :p :p :p :


Originally posted by Ozwin

U are extremely skilled in the art of talking bollocks...well done , must have taken u ohh 10 seconds.....

Hmmm .. you've certainly changed since your Eranu days.

<hands you a personalised fire extinguisher> :p


Nope just wiser .....

Oh and i object to being flamed asking a simple question 9 hours into 1 of 7 x 12 hour night shifts where my tolerance level is stretched, other than that still the same lovely pleasant me.. 8)


hehehe .. but you know how the search function works now, right? (sorry, it's late, but I just couldn't resist) :p


lets all clap at keri for being the only tosser to turn a sensible thread into a flame war. Good on ya.


I did? Hmmm .. I wonder where I did that? I guess Some parts of the thread are invisible to me. Either that, or someone forgot to put his sense of humour on this morning. :p If you read the thread again, I think it was me who got flamed, and I replied with a :p . Never knew a :p was considered a :flame: . I even handed out fire extinguishers in case of any :flame: .


Originally posted by Keri
If you read the thread again, I think it was me who got flamed, and I replied with a :p . Never knew a :p was considered a :flame: . I even handed out fire extinguishers in case of any :flame: .

lol, wft?! :)

- Pathfinder -

Mythic's rather feeble attempt to create a working economy resulted in this ;) There is nothing to spend money on endgame (No, dyes don't count, most of us don't change dyes everyday :p) other than TSing (which in itself is rather futile, at this stage anyway) or repairing/upgrading gates. If an economy is to work you can't have everyone running around with immense fortunes, hence this fake moneysink to regulate the economy.

On a server where all three realms are active, this would quickly bankrupt the players, something Mythic probably didn't give much thought to :) They did notice the problem eventually though, lowering the cost of repairing/upgrading gates, which in turn only postpones the inevitable.

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