Is there any interest in having a bit of a gathering tomorrow night on the servers? Perhaps the usual 8pm onwards session where people can come and go as they please.
I'm not proposing to do another [G] vs RoW this week because it is too difficult to organise the squads with the rcon the way it is - but it would be nice to have a bit of a session with all the regulars and just fill up the server.
I'm happy to be on hand to skip the dross maps - people can also suggest here what they'd like to play.
We will resume with the weekly clan bashing when the next patch comes out - any clans wishing to volunteer themselves for such sessions, feel free to contact me.
I'm not proposing to do another [G] vs RoW this week because it is too difficult to organise the squads with the rcon the way it is - but it would be nice to have a bit of a session with all the regulars and just fill up the server.
I'm happy to be on hand to skip the dross maps - people can also suggest here what they'd like to play.
We will resume with the weekly clan bashing when the next patch comes out - any clans wishing to volunteer themselves for such sessions, feel free to contact me.