Mods: Can you create a GOA-Whine filter please?



The last THREE pages on geenral forum are overflowing with GOA-Whine, and its really annoying.

Please Please Please help us normal folk with a life who don't wanna see this perma-GOA-Whine all day long page after page after agonising page!


sorry n3wbie, i couldnt find your wanna know why? read my post title :D


yay its my favourite stalker...

hows trix Shike? :D


bored to death tbh, I just wanna play dammit :)

(subs are down=I cant play)


Originally posted by Solid
The last THREE pages on geenral forum are overflowing with GOA-Whine, and its really annoying.

Please Please Please help us normal folk with a life who don't wanna see this perma-GOA-Whine all day long page after page after agonising page!

I really hope your account gets fucked over like so many others have, then see just how understanding you become....


Originally posted by Solid
The last THREE pages on geenral forum are overflowing with GOA-Whine, and its really annoying.

Please Please Please help us normal folk with a life who don't wanna see this perma-GOA-Whine all day long page after page after agonising page!

Please please can I have a filter to stop seeing Midgard class balance whines. Some of us normal folk have a life and prefer to play the game than be exposed to all these biased whines.



imo My whine is more substantiated than your whine.

I provide data and testing along with suggestions to make my 'whine' structured, you on the other hadn are crying cos you cannot log in to a game and obviously have nothing better to do in life than troll the boards whining that the most fulfilling thing in your life has been taken away from you for a temporary period.

Lemme guess were you one of the twats that forgot/failed to update their e-mail address on the GOA site? cos that would be your fault.

Or perhaps your an ebay trader who bought their account and didnt change the email address, again your fault.

Although there is the possibility of you just not receiving your email and everything is correct on your end, but golly gosh you just cannot wait.

Either way, discussions about Class balance holds infinitely more merit than 3 pages of perma-GOA-whine.


Originally posted by Solid
imo My whine is more substantiated than your whine.

I provide data and testing along with suggestions to make my 'whine' structured, you on the other hadn are crying cos you cannot log in to a game and obviously have nothing better to do in life than troll the boards whining that the most fulfilling thing in your life has been taken away from you for a temporary period.

Lemme guess were you one of the twats that forgot/failed to update their e-mail address on the GOA site? cos that would be your fault.

Or perhaps your an ebay trader who bought their account and didnt change the email address, again your fault.

Although there is the possibility of you just not receiving your email and everything is correct on your end, but golly gosh you just cannot wait.

Either way, discussions about Class balance holds infinitely more merit than 3 pages of perma-GOA-whine.

Actually you are very wrong. I've been in the game all week as I got my password early. It is not the case of waiting. I quite happily played NWN until I got my new password.

I've never bought/traded an account and I have lvlled 6 chars to 50. I'm not "one of those twats" as you put it.

I don't troll the boards, but like you I try to post considered opinion. If you read my posts you will see that I speak for class balance where possible (eg check your thane loving thread - I speak up for some spell boosts even though I'm a *shock horror* Alb).

This has to be the most ill-conceived post yet from you...I'm disappointed because I've come to expect a bit more thought in your postings.

Finally, I rarely flame GOA. In this case I wanted to send a screenshot to report cheating. Cheats are the single biggest threat to this game and I want to address this asap. Resolving cheats is more important than class balance, so I'm afraid you are wrong to suggest your postings are more important. If the cheats hold sway then you can forget about class balance, as there will be nobody except cheats playing the game.

If you took the time to read my threads you will see that I applauded Rightnow as very good; however, this week has been poor and I'm concerned. I certainly don't think my one and only GOA whine deserved the ill-judged response you posted. I see you have a brain from your many posts; don't let your standards slip.

Chill out. All I did was make a joke about your posts. Hence the :)


guess I missed the smiley on your post and went all defencive :D


Originally posted by Solid
guess I missed the smiley on your post and went all defencive :D

NP mate I understood.

If I thought you were a board troll rather than someone clearly with a record of sensible, intelligents posts you would have incurred a tongue-lashing in response instead :)

Keep up the good work.


aww to cute when to ppl kiss and make friends agin on BW forums, not to often that happends ;)


Originally posted by Grymlina
aww to cute when to ppl kiss and make friends agin on BW forums, not to often that happends ;)

I only kiss norse chicks, not men, especially ones with tassles in their moustaches :)


Originally posted by uma_thurman
I only kiss norse chicks, not men, especially ones with tassles in their moustaches :)
Is that after you've cornered them and tied them to a milegate? :(

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