


I know full well moderating is a thankless task, that invariably means you have more people trying to score points off you than ever thank you, but there are some things I would like to bring to light.

Since the start of these forums, there have been one hundred and sixty two thousand, eight hundred and sixty posts. Taking into account these forums were fairly sedate before you guys came along from the old GOA forums, that works out at us moderators having to wade through twenty three thousand, two hundred and sixty six posts a month. These forums alone are more active than every other forum on Barrysworld combined.

Instead of people swinging their handbags, and grappling with high horses when they see things they don't like, you have the option to do the following.

Report the post already!! I'm tired of this "Oooh, matron, finally a mod shows up! I've been staring at this post all day thinking how naughty/satanic/pornographic it is, and its making baby jesus cry, and the humanity!! THE HUMANITY!!!" Well, how about you actually report it and let us know? We have not only all these posts to read through, but also (Drum roll please) a life outside of these forums. And we're completely voluntary. It may take us some time to read the posts in question. We might not ever stumble across them.

PM us Maybe its not a thread that needs reporting, but maybe an ongoing issue, or a suggestion for change. Click the PM. Much as we'd sometimes like to suck your brains out with a straw and sift through the gellatonous mass for infomation, sometimes its just plain easier if you tell us. And less messy.

Everybody on these forums was given the opportunity to apply to be a mod. Out of all the active posters here, a ridiculously miniscule percentage applied. Maybe it was the lack of company car, and the fact the effigies of you will be burnt at the stake every week or so, but you can't have it both ways. Either you moderate, or you except the moderating. You can let us know privately when you disagree, and you can let us know once and we'll get the message. Arguing with us won't get you anywhere fast, debating with us might. I've decided to put on my spikey Thatcherite shoes on and get tougher on people giving us mods grief. What we do we do for the forums, and not for some power/status kick. I don't strut around in RL with a t-shirt saying "DAoC mod, lick my shoes!!". I do this because of a respect for Barrysworld and for these forums. Realistically, I should have handed over the baton because final year university degree = work of insanity, but these forums do need a lot of moderating simply because of the massive range of people who write here. We have parents with their kids, we have people of I should imagine 13 years and upwards, we have many different nationalities, we have the 1337 and the ones that want to bury the 1337 far out in the woods and deny their existance... Its a big cross over.

What I'm trying to say is I'd like to see this community actually help the mods more, rather than just whinge if something happens they don't agree with. And I'm going to become less tolerant of anti-mod behaviour - I'm putting away my niceness until Christmas time. The mods are here to help the community out, and its about time it felt more recipricated from some areas.

Damini xx


Please, when you lock a thread, take the 2 seconds to leave a note about why you are closing it? (lately some threads have seemed to be closed because someone got bored watching them, anyway leaving a message will send a much clearer signal)

And yes, i considered applying as mod, but then thought that i really didnt need any more work.

ps. damnini when i kicked you from #daoc.prydwen with the message "consider yourself moderated", it was a joke.. really it was!
pps. damn you probably didnt know it was me untill i posted it here :/ bummer


Heh, I knew it was a joke Blood. Must have been quite carthartic :)

And also, please note that threads can be closed by the people that start them, so its not always us closing the threads.


i have a problem with pointless moving of threads because a mod is bored. the idea that everything has to be strictly On-Topic reminds me of the VN boards :puke:

can each server's General Discussion just be left alone in terms of thread moving please? after all it is "general".


*sigh* Lonewolf, you really must work on your diplomacy and tact skills...

Novamir, I'm discussing this with you in PM so its rather futile you mentioning it here as well.


Yeah, it was the lack of a company car that prevented me from applying.

Moderators on BW have always been more tolerant than those on a lot of other boards. If they move/lock/delete threads, then it's up to them basically. This is not an anarchy, it's a community forum, so cries of protest are normally just individual whinging.

OH, and MODS... At 0.8 posts per day, I do not 'Talk Too Much!'. I require a title more suitable to my status... Talk amongst yourselves to sort it (except Damini, who's sense of 'Humour' is a bit scary).



where's the sticky thread about naughty pictars? can i post those again? *veg*

Uncle Sick(tm)

Well, I can't say that I have any problems whatsoever with the job our mods are doing - I won the 'who stares harder' duel with Dansk after all...;)

In the end it comes down to what Cadire said.
Just as these forums are not really representative of the whole DAoC community (after all there are hundreds and hundreds of players who are not posting here...), those single yells of "u mods aer teh sook" are not really representative for the rest of the posters here.

If I get modded (happened once or maybe twice?), I can stomach it. I've seriously never seen any forums as tolerant as BW... that's why I post here.

Comparing BW with VN is a tad ridiculous, isn't it?
*scratches Damini's car and runs off*

old.Gombur Glodson

Damini helped me whenever I asked for her
And she also saved me from the darkside

Three cheers for Houdini.


Originally posted by Damini
*sigh* Lonewolf, you really must work on your diplomacy and tact skills...

Novamir, I'm discussing this with you in PM so its rather futile you mentioning it here as well.

Yes ma'am

Think thats the essential problem with forums there is no tone or imagery to text, there is no way of knowing how someone is saying something u just have to interpret it as u see fit which is where arguments and disagreements appear

Some people just need to chill and stop taking life so seriously, we only here a short time I would rather be known as a jokey, affectionate, understanding mod than a all seeing hitler type model, besides this is a game forum not a die hard debating forum, sarcasm and jibes RULE

I moderated Wireplay forums for well over 2yrs for the game Counter-Strike and throughout that time came across far more damaging people in the community than the people here

As far as my experiences have gone this community is tame and sensible, lovely in fact

Not once in the year I have been on here have I seen anyone attempting to hack the forum anyone spamming every forum with one topic, someone creating several accounts with slightly varying names and then creating a thread and replying to themselves, extreme abuse has happened but not down right for no reason

All in all its a very good community, I think people whine not because there is a great need to but because thats what people will essentially do to people in authority

We do it to our teachers, our parents, our bosses at work, our politicians, our trainers everyone does it

Its the ability to ignore and sift through the moaning and whining that determines a good mod

And as always an apology if a mistake is made never goes wrong, all in all life is too short to start getting het up about a simple piece of text on a large green thing on the internet called a forum it has no detrimental effect on there or our lives all we are here to do is advise and show constraint where necessary

We are here by the people and for the people, and if they have a qualm its up to us to deal with it

So if we fuck up, shit man it happens we are only human like u we have no special powers or abilities to track problems down, we just get by the best we can

As long as ur happy then we are happy, and thats all that matters and all in all if u do have a problem PM us, I know that it will be dealt with swiftly

But to be honest proud to be moderating this community cause GOSH darn it ur a jolly good crowd bravo!

Peace I am outa here

Just my 2p


tbh, The mods have posted some of the funniest comments ive seen.


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