


will your new model show up on you pler setup screen?
if so could someone show or tell me how to get that from my player folder to acticate it ? ty


:) I think this is what you mean.

Put the skin in the correct folder be it male/female etc then enter the game, go to the MULTIPLAYER section of the menu, enter, then player setup. Then toggle through the skin you want. Also a better way to do it is to create an "autoexec.cfg" and type this line in it ."set skin male/grunt" where male/grunt is the skin of your choice. To find out about autoexecs i think these guys still have info on them hope this helps

[This message has been edited by godanotherform (edited 30 May 2000).]


Or if it's a new model, check the readme that came with it. Make a new folder in quake2/baseq2/players/ and call it whatever it says. If it is a model I would reckon you read it and it isn't there. Make a folder with the name of the model (i.e. carrot or superninjawarrior or whatever it may be) and unzip everything in there.

Voila, it's in the player setup screen.

Again, you can do it in your config a la
skin model/skin

where the model is the name of the folder and the skin is the name of one of the skins (doh)

If you want a cool model (lame plug warning) get the carrot from polycount. They said it was crap but that doesn't stop lots of people using it (yay) and I don't think it's that bad. They just don't have a sense of humour :p

[This message has been edited by [LP]Acid (edited 31 May 2000).]


hey guys thanx i discovered it or figured it out thanx for all the help !
atleast i got different skin, models thats a different story
thanx again


hey acid ive been trying to get a new model and am still having trouble getting one so what i did was went and downloaded "carrot"
and moved it player folder.
when i went to the multiplayer scrren it was still not there.
now it has to be somthing simple that im overlooking.if you think you could help id appreciate it ty


Yay! Another Carrot fan :)

Should I plug it again? hmm, hard to resist but I will for now.

Okay, I presume you've unzipped it to quake2/baseq2/players

What you should have done is created a new folder in players called carrot.

So unzip it to



Bah, shoulda went to bed but it was pulling me back (hence the edit). Here's me lamely plugging again...

Get Krazy Mr. Karrot from

[This message has been edited by [LP]Acid (edited 08 June 2000).]

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