Mod Upgrade : SOF2 - OSP 0.3d BETA



Hi all,

OSP has been upgraded to 0.3d on both our SOF2 Bookables and all BarryServers currently running SOF2 OSP. The rest of the BarryServers will get the update at 6am tomorrow (2003-05-01).

This mod requires a client download : (approx 335KB)

Changes :

- fix: minor mess up on my part so i've decided to make a new release to clear everything up, the client pk3 in the server pak wasnt the same as in the client zip
- fix: draw team overlay now limits to the correct amount of players
- fix: team overlay overlapping health in old hud
- fix: scoreboard info was way too long, might be causing the "duplicates" of player #0
on scoreboard
- fix: too many stats on scoreboard

- fix: dm and tdm gametypes crashes on load with new hud
- add: old style bar health in new hud, set osp_numericalHealth 1 for numerical values
- fix: team overlay drawing dead players
- chg: overlay and hud backgrounds were too transparent
- chg: team overlay can now be limited to a certain amount of players
- chg: new hud icons not drawn anymore in infiltration, with the old hud
- chg: data display was a bit too dark on the scoreboard
- fix: autorecord and autoscreenshot dont activate even when disabled
- fix: outfitting menu showing disabled weapons
- fix: description file out of date



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