Mobs for a level 40~45 group



Hello Lads,

I dont know if you guys feel the same, but I've kinda got bored banging on Pygmy (Tangler) Goblin's heads, and those Witherwoode tree's aren't much improvement...

So are there any other places where a group of 5 ~ 8 level 40 ~ 45's can go for XP? Drops would be nice, but arent a requirement...

I'd like to try and remove some of the bordom of leveling in Lyoness :sleeping:

And replace it with the fun of a new mob every few evenings and make XP'ing at least a bit more :clap:

And hunting in the fronteir is an option too :) (Btw for any hibs/mids that decide to gank us, at least show the respect of showing yourselfs b4 mezzing :D )


idd you are right...

but there arent many other options (at least not with a full group)

-danoins (soldiers?)
-dartmoor trip.. stonelords etc

you could do barrows with a few men :p

but idd lyonesse is boring :-/


I did pretty much all my xping 45-50 on either trees or gobbos.

Brown Drakes in the Penns are orange/red at 50 so you could try them, but I wouldn't really reccomend it.

Small groups in the barrows is also good xp doing Spect Wizzies/Advisors or Wights.

You could try the Ellyll ruin in the Penns thats always good for a grp wipeout, big pulls and long range nukers ;)

If you need some Cloth peices try Cyhraeths in Snow or Penns they grp and nuke :)


Wait a minute, didn't I ask for places where we could actually hunt instead of being whiped out? :D

Common, there has to be more then just gobo's and tree's! Dont make me spend my last levels there, I'd go nuts :rolleyes:

How about Llynn Barfog? I know Diamondback Toads are red / purple to a 42, whats the level range of the other purples there?
(except the named ones, I know they are mostly 60+)


well, last night about 30 people from Illuminati's, The Royal Guard (and argh, forgotten the other, sorry, i had names off :p) made an attempt on the epic mobs of Barfog. First attempted mouth, more or less wiped out and only took a third his hp off. To regain some morale we went and wiped out frenzy feeders/bearded gorgers/needletooth devourers for a while. Even with at least 20 people hitting every mob, i was hitting my exp cap (lvl 39 in a mostly low-40's group) on every kill (over 10mil a shot and fast too).
I know it's not exactly the easiest thing to arrange :p but it DID get me 10% in about 20minutes.

Btw, if anyone cares, we killed Fester (dropped AF98 friar robes and some silver :p and the robes were crap too) and the King of Barfog hills (dropped ZILCH, nada, niet)



Try Penns

Ravenclan Giants grp and lvl 50-51 (Weaps drops I think)
Ellyll Guard grp and lvl 49-51 (af98 pl8 drops as well con yellow-red at 50)
Ellyll Windchaser grp lvl 47-50 (nasty nukes so u have 2 get them 2 melee)
Cyhraeth grp lvl 50-51 (af49 cloth drops)

All fairly close togeter and not that many people after them. You will need a good mezer though.

As Landshark says feeders/bearded gorgers/needletooths are also not bad but from memory I think they're only single pulls/the odd 2 so no grp bonus which you need for good xp really.


Nooo don't send them into Pennine :p Now I can't play there anymore ;) But to be honest Pennine and Dartmoor are the places to be for 40+. Dartmoor has many named ones which always drop something (though I have my doubts about those random drops... because we always had cloth with brannoc (probably because he is a stonecaller named and chain from Kez / Kaq due to the fact they are demolisher / excavator stonegiants)

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