MOBs for 35-40



Chaps, I am having troule lvling. What frontier mobs would be good for me to SOLO at lvl 35-40.

Please help can you give me there exact /location please, in which frontier zone only.



help if we knew what class you where :) but snowdonia arawnites are not bad xp and give quite good stuff (rare as it is)


Thanks for trying to help, Like I said. Please gimme a /LOCATION of the Mob or your efforts are for nothing.

I am just looking for all the MOB's that people are farming in the fronter zones at around lvl 35-42

Something that a Ranger or Tank could solo (yellow/orange) conned


Ranger you say? Hmm... Try hibbie frontiers?

Nobody exp's much in Alb frontiers anymore...


arawnites and snowdon grims for mid to high 30s - arawnites are found just outside the entrance of snowdonia fortress and snowdon grims just turn right from the entrance of the fortress and hug the border :)

for 40+ try hollow men - they drop good plate ... and cyclops should be yellow at 40 or so too i think - these are found in top right corner of snowdonia (around 55,15 or so iirc)

my advice tho would be to go get a group in Lyonesse doing pygmy goblins - no exp can beat pygmy exp :p


Originally posted by censimilia
Something that a Ranger or Tank could solo (yellow/orange) conned

*hint* *hint*

since when can a hib go to lyonesse, and do you really want to help hibs xping in your frontiers :) (or maybe she just wants to know where you albs are xping so she can have some easy kills :p)


Originally posted by Trapp|Uberleech
(or maybe she just wants to know where you albs are xping so she can have some easy kills :p)

She'll have hard time finding anyone in our frontiers :cool: Cause when you do /who snowdonia, /who pennine or /who hadrian, at best you get around 5 people :p


well the few times I have been there there have not been many but always more than 5 lmao believe me


ahh if u looking to hunt n00bs out in the frontiers go to Midgard cause noone lvls in Snowdonia :) only area is Pennine Mtns - occasional 40+ grp hunting ellylls/giants for drops ... but not a good idea if u dunno the area well - patrols, drakes and a shitload of other aggro mobs :p

Bleri McThrust

If you really want to try and kill albs in Snowdonia I would suggest setting up camp near Excalibur.

there you will have people killing Arawanites and Hollow Men.

You will also have the roaming guards just waiting to kill you :)


argh drakes

they cheat a party member agro'd 1 (not me noooo never me) so i slam'd it and ran ... n got about 3 feet before it caught up and twatted me ;)


I like those drakes :D
Just walking around, sight seeing, nothing too see and then you crest a hill and come face to face with a drake the size of the dragon and he kills you in 2 hits :D
If we had those around all our keeps we would never lose one :)


Hollowmen aren't found near Excalibur :p Since Excalibur is in Forest Sauvage :D (Yes, if you look a bit further, I did hear you could find them in peninne mnts, but thats not exactly 'near' Excalibur)

As for camping albs, really not many try to XP in the fronteirs... I myself did it a lot in the early days... And I'd even go there now, but no-one likes to XP there... Dunno why, not over camped (like lyoness) so you actually get Camp bonus (and if it runs out, you switch to another camp and get a whole new camp bonus again)... And loot is pretty sweet too (depending on the mob, ofcourse)

Probably afraid of a few snipers, SCARDY PANTS! :clap:

If I'm XP'ing in the frontiers (as I sometimes still do, not really often though) I'm always hoping for a (few) middies or hibbies to come along and make my XP day a bit more intresting... :clap: :clap: :clap:

Why not do it like this, we promise to XP more in the frontiers, if the hibbies / middies do the same :D Since I know quite a few XP area's for both hibbies / middies, so please go there more :D I dont snipe, and I do not run away...


Ah yes, how silly of me to think Mystic would make you have to XP in the froniters like we do in HIB. It might damage the cotton wool ball they have wrapped all you albs in.

heheh seriously thanks for the info,,,,,

Seems pretty much how I suspected. Always have trouble finding ALBs in the frontier zones.....

(this will be used to our advantage to in quick relic keep raids)

Ill focus in MID where I know some camp places already......

(I wish they hadnt fecked the game up with overpowered patrols, everyone seems to agree they are a real kill joy to the solo player)

Mystic really dont relalize how they compramise there gameplay with boring over powered NPC's in an Area that s meant for RVR not PVE. (or PV insta dead should I say)


Originally posted by censimilia
(this will be used to our advantage to in quickly failed relic keep raids)

Shouldn't that be the correct phrase? :p

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