Mob ownership. (RANT)




OK, I would like to start by saying that Im slightly annoyed with a group I met in a dungeon (trying to avoid specifics)

Firstly from my POV:

My group were hunting in the dungeon near the entrance. We found the going too easy so decided to explore a bit deeper. We come across a group killing a mob, so we go past them a short distance, and we come accross some creatures, who we start to pull and kill.

Then we get the first group telling us to find our own hunting place, that we are killing their mobs. We missed their first set of messages cos we were too busy fighting. We then told them we were not leeching their kills, but they insisted that we leave, so we started off away from them, and unfortunately a short distance away ran into a group of aggro mobs, and the party was killed.

The other group had two healing types (shaman and healer) but refused to help (by ressing our healer (me) )

Now I have since learned what the other teams POV was:

They had found a nice camp spot, and they had a puller who would run a short distance away from their spot, and pull creatures to them, so the rest of the group was safe. One of the spots from which they pulled, was the spot that my group went to initially. They considered us invading their hunting grounds, and hence considered us as "kill stealers"/"leechers". As a result, when our group died they just laughed and told the healers not to res.

Now this is my gripe. Firstly, we did NOT know that we were killing creatures from where they were pulling them from. Ideally we try to keep away from other groups - except for mutual defence (ie one group can help other incase of them getting into trouble). Secondly, once we realised, we tried to move off, and died as a result.

As a healer, I almost NEVERY refuse a res request, I have even left groups (good xp groups) in order to res someone. It annoys me no end that these people would refuse to res someone because they think that they own the creatures and anyone else intruding deserves to die.

Anyway, as a result, I have added most of the group to my ignore list, and as most of them were from the same guild, I will need to think twice before ressing anyone from that guild. This will probably change once I calm down a bit, but for the time being thats the way its gonna be.


My take on the subject is - if they've shot at it/smacked it etc. i.e. have pulled it then it's theirs.

If it's standing around waiting to be killed it's noones. Seems like you got yourselves killed for someone elses greed. For them not to then ress you is sickening.

Oh well they're in midgard I'll go kill* them in the frontiers :)

*Ok - die to, you knew what I meant.


theres 2 different peoples outlooks on this subject

1/ those who dont give a fuck about whos campoing what and basicly have no respect for others territory .. they say stuff like plenty of mobs here so we staying or i dont see your names on this camp..

2/ those who respect camps and if a spot is already camped they move onto another camp . after all if they wanna camp same spot there will always be a similer spot close by .

the thing that happened to the original poster was unfortunate . and obviously u got ya wires crossed with other party . after all you aint pyschic . in my experience if im in a full group and another group come try muscle in on our camp "imo its a silent rule to respect others partys camps.." ussualy the assholes who try steal a camp stand in a bad spot cos they trying to steal mobs before you get them . when im in this situation i asked them to move because we were there 1st . if they dont we try fight em for mobs "not leeching" eventually cos the bad party are in bad spot they will die . this is when i tell our rezzer not to rez them cos they were acting like jerks . or if we do rez we only rez there rezzer so they got loads of downtime regen'n pow/end/hp .. hence camp is back in our control . if i want to goto a certain spot and its camped i always make sure my party moves on UNLESs there is plenty of mobs for everybody , and a lot of partys seem to stand in a safe area and let somebody pull and then run a short distance to safe area for killing the mob with no danger of adds aggroing .


Im curious though - what determines the "range" whithin which the mobs belong to a group camping them? If for example there is a group in one of the Crab rooms in spind, does that mean the room is off bounds to anyone else? What about the corridors leading to it? (when we are there we sometimes pull spiders/crabs) from the corridor leading to the room.

If they are in the main room shortly after the entrance, do they own all the thralls?

In the case I described, my group was new to that dungeon. We had only been near the entrance of the dungeon, and wanted to explore deeper. The group that was involved decided that we were there to poach "their" mobs (which btw I later found out included two very large spawn areas) and we moved off to avoid the aggro (player aggro that is), which resulted in our deaths.

Are people THAT greedy? These guys were pulling the next mob before they were even finishing the first. They were upset because there was a 10 second delay in getting their next kill.


All that is needed is a bit of common sense and a bit of consideration for others.

Too often, all that is lacking is a bit of common sense, and a bit of consideration for others.

I have found that a bandwagon jumped Realm, has a much higher proportion of those lacking common sense and consideration. Bandwagon jumpers seem to have selfishness as their main character attribute, and seem to get their gaming enjoyment off the backs of others, and by spoiling as many people's fun as possible. Sad, I know, but there are enough of them around.

If you want a (more) pleasant game life on a server, make a character on one of the 2 less popular Realms. Good rule of thumb. Those that are attracted to playing the less advantaged Realms, tend to be much nicer people to play alongside, I think you will find. You will still get a few idiots obviously, but the percentage difference is staggering, and that difference means far more playing pleasure for you. More playing pleasure means you are getting far more value for money out of the game.

When I made my first character, it was the character that was of main importance to me, and not the server or realm. A big mistake that I won't repeat again. For obvious reasons I was drawn to the Smite Cleric, so I ended up somewhere by default. That situation for me is now resolved by clicking delete and typing Y-E-S, thank goodness.

The pulling of mobs by pulling the next one before the current one is dead, is a technique that has been described in some places as a way of improving the drop rate. I don't know how successful it is, but I have never found a noticeable difference personally.

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