Mob coming to PvP-server?



Was playing around with an idea I had for a guild, the Contract Killers. An unaffiliated mob doing dirty jobs for the other guilds. Is someone in your own guild causing you a headache? Pay someone else to do the dirty work.

Anyway, played around a little and put some guild rules together. Currently involved with another guild on excalibur, so I don't know if I will take the time to follow through on this idea. Anyways thought it could be fun with some feedback from the PvP-guilds forming and all you other people if you think it is a good idea.

Either if the idea gets a very good response I might follow through on it. Or if someone else feels it is a good idea and wants to put it together you are more than welcome to take care of it, I'd gladly give away the documents to you.

A small webpage is put together on

Here are some guild rules I threw together:

There are times when one cannot take care of all matters alone. Perhaps you need someone within your own guild killed and you do not want it traced back to you. Or maybe you need to exact revenge upon someone in one of your partner guilds, or perhaps do you not have the strength to deal with your own troubles. Then no fear, if ye got the gold, we got the tools. No matter is too dirty for the contract killers, executions will be performed after your wishes.

The contract killers act as the underworld, they affiliate with no one and everyone. All guildmasters will receive a question from the contract killers if they wish to enter a partnership with us. Those who accept can enjoy the fruits of our services and will also receive our "protection". They are not to be attacked unless by order of a contract, and then only the contracted shall be taken care of. Those who decline to agree to the treaty are to be viewed as guildless and are subject to be practice targets for our training.

Blood hunts:
Should one of the guilds we have entered a treaty with break this treaty and kill one of our members, other than in selfdefence against us performing a contract, the attacked have the right to ask an officer to call for a bloodhunt on that guild, which will be done after diplomatic talks if no compensation is payed. A blood hunt means we kill everyone and everything from that guild including "greys" for one week or until the misbehaving guild compensates the attacked. Only the guildmaster or the caller of the blood hunt can call it off.

Failure to Pay:
If a contract is executed and the orderer then refuses to pay the fee, all information about who ordered the contract will be released to all involved parties. The orderers guildmaster will then be informed that one of their members are damaging our relations. He will also be informed that the orderer will no longer enjoy the fruits of our cooperation and will be killed on sight until twice the original fee has been payed.

Assassins attacking cooperating guilds without contract:
Assassins killing partners on own whim will be dealt with harshly. He will be declared unprotected by us and free to kill for one week or until he has compensated the attacked party. After three violations he will be declared guildless and considered a renegade.

Assassins leaving the guild will be considered renegades. Renegades will forever be hunted and killed on sight. He will never find protection within any guild, treaties with guilds he might join will not apply to him.

Squealers Fee:
Anyone leaving information on a targets whereabout leading to a successful killing have the right to 10% of the contract money.

Officer Duels:
Once a month will be arranged duels in which members can challenge officers for fight of power. One can yield power to the challenger if one has high respect for him. An officer failing to show up for the duels twice in a row will be relieved from command in favor for the highest level challenger.

Contract Sweets:
Killings can be customized to suit the taste of the orderer. One can have a message delivered before or after the killing. One can order to have the subject killed in the presence of his dear ones. The harder the task, the more one has to be prepared to pay.

Posting of Contracts:
Once a contract has been accepted, unless you attend to it at once, you should post it for all to see on the forums. There stating who the target is, how he is to be killed and your name so members can contact you if they take care of the killing. Do not mention the orderer of the contract in case other guilds are spying on the boards.

No Return:
Once we have been contracted, there is no turning back, no cancellation of deal. The wheels are in motion.




If you dont do it, then hell, someone has to :D

Generic Poster

I wanted to start an assassin guild, who would be true assassins aswell.

You would need a hardcore group of dedicated players though :/


hehe that was exactly my idea ;)

Well if i play on pvp ill contact you :clap:


been thinking along similar lines. but more as a mercenary band.
so good idea. I like it. esp due to the build in code of honour, foremost to your own but also to the contractor


Sounds like fun

Would the guild be pure assasin classes or would you include support classes?

Would large contracts (wipe out whole guilds/groups) be taken? Relates to the first question


Was considering the possibility of all kinds of classes as long as the characters were ruthless killers. <smiles evilly>

As to killing groups, I could see a possibility in that, if someone needed an exping place cleared and had a lot of money. But as for wiping out a whole guild, I do not think that it would be possible. Would be a very small guild in that case, and the payment would have to be ridiculous. Wouldn't want to take on cutting edge for a few gold pieces =)


i was thinking of a resser guild where your guild pays the resser guild a certain amount then the guild will be ressed by the resser guild for the next month then they have to repay


I like the idea of the resser guild. I would happily pay my monthly fee knowing that if I ended face down I wouldn't have to release ...

The Mercenary band sounds good too. Jen is nearly always skint, and I often wonder if I could sell him for a couple of hours as a personal guard or drop farmer - even bait for the right price ...
Never got round to trying it though.

The Contract Killers sounds really entertaining. Would be fun to have a guild full of level 1 alts that people contact to get the deed done. The mains could then stay unknown and fairly anonymous :) Or maybe have the option to register an alt, just to keep your real killer informed, but unlinked.
Oooh, a whole bucket of intrigue !!

I like House Thorion's attitude :)


Cool idea!!

I would want to be a part of both a rezzer guild as well as the bad contract killers - so I could sleep well at night and not being too evil! :D

Another idea is that these two guilds start an alliance with eachother.....the rezzers could even make money from the killers....contracts on many people and soon after a death comes a nice rezzer offering a deal of a lifetime!!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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